PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Heres Looking At You, Elekid
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Heres Looking At You, Elekid

< A Crowning Achievement | You're A Star, Larvitar! >
Master Quest
Japanese Title
Casey & Elekid
English Title
Heres Looking At You, Elekid
This episode is essential viewing because:
The gang meet Casey again. James trades his Victreebel for a Weepinbel, which evolves and leaves him. Casey gets an Elekid.

AshCo have stopped for lunch. Larvitar is enjoying some pokémon food, but when Misty asks about it, it just acts scared again. Misty is disappointed, but Brock assures her that it may eventually like her. Suddenly, there is a rustle in the bushes and AshCo all wait anxiously to see what it is. Pokémon! No time to question my moves…

It turns out to be an elekid. Ash looks it up in the pokédex and Elekid promptly steals Larvitar’s food. Misty yells at it to give the food back, but it just gulps it down in one bite. Larvitar is upset, so Pikachu yells as well. They both prepare to attack each other, but in the attempt to stop a potential fight, Ash gets in the way and gets shocked. Pikachu apologizes, but Elekid doesn’t appear to show any remorse, as it gives a cocky grin and turns its attention to Larvitar. Larvitar looks frightened, but Elekid just pats it on the back rather hard. While it’s doing so, a net comes down and snatches them both. It turns out to be, of course, JessieCo. Ash tries to use Bayleef to cut the net, but it won’t work. Meowth explains that the net is steel and James sends out Wheezing to escape under the cover of a smokescreen.

James goes up to the net to closer inspect their most recent success, but Elekid shocks him, making a hole in the bottom of the balloon and causing it and Larvitar to fall out of it. Jessie yells at him for letting them escape.

Larvitar looks sadly at the unfamiliar surroundings, but Elekid assures it that it will take care of Larvitar.

AshCo are worried about Larvitar getting all of its old fears back after being abducted by JessieCo. There is yet another rustling in the bushes, this time caused by a meganium. Ash comments on how cool it is to actually see one and looks it up in his pokédex. Casey then comes looking for Meganium and sees AshCo. She brags a little about it and then notices Ash’s bayleef. She asks why she hasn’t evolved and Ash says that he doesn’t mind that she’s still a bayleef. Casey then points out all the reasons why Meganium is superior but Ash still sticks with his belief that Bayleef is as good as is. Casey decides to move on and says that she finally found and elekid that she wants to catch. She daydreams about it and her cheering for the Electabuzz together. Misty deducts that she is still a diehard Electabuzz fan and she gets back to her hyper self. Ash mentions seeing Elekid and Casey demands to know the details. Ash says that JessieCo snatched it and she gets all ticked off at them and promises to get revenge.

Elekid notices that Larvitar is hungry, so it drags Larvitar to a nearby apple tree. It charges up for an attack, making Larvitar nervous. It knocks down two apples and hands one to Larvitar, but stops it from taking a small bite and shows it “the proper way” by taking a huge bite and gulping it down. Larvitar follows suit, happy that it has made a friend.

Jessie is determined to get Larvitar and Elekid back, but James still doesn’t get it. Meowth explains that Giovanni will love them. He imagines Giovanni using Elekid’s power to do various things like shaving and using the blow dryer on his hair. Larvitar could make the best servant Giovanni ever had. James still isn’t sure, but Jessie yells at both him and Meowth for not looking for the two pokémon. She spots them.

JessieCo then fly overhead and use a net to grab them again. Elekid then uses another electrical attack, but it doesn’t work, as this one is electricity proof. Larvitar screeches loud enough for AshCo to hear. They notice JessieCo’s balloon flying overhead and Casey notices that Elekid is in the net, too. Ash calms Larvitar down by calling out to it and Casey uses this opportunity to cut the net with Meganium’s razor leaf. Jessie asks why it worked and James explains that he couldn’t use the steel net this time because it was vulnerable to Elekid’s attacks. Brock uses Forretress’s rapid spin to blast JessieCo off again and AshCo look for the net. They come upon it, hanging over the edge of a cliff with Larvitar and Elekid gone. Misty suggests that perhaps Larvitar and Elekid fell over the edge, so a worried Ash decides to try and find them.

JessieCo land on top of an oddly familiar salesman who yells at them for landing on him, but then shows off his magicarp. He asks James if he’s ever seen a healthier one and James says that he hasn’t, but then recognizes him as the con artist that got him several times before. He yells at the salesman who attempts to run away, but James holds him to the ground and demands a refund. The salesman says that he can’t give money back unless James returns the magicarp, but unfortunately James kicked the magicarp over the edge of a raft soon after he found it to be useless. The salesman offers to repay James, however, by trading him a Weepinbell with a sweet scent that will draw any pokémon in the area instantly to him. Jessie and Meowth get exited about it, but James is shocked that they actually believe him.

While the con artist is taking a drink from his canteen, JessieCo debate which pokémon to trade. Jessie and James suggest that they trade Meowth, but obviously Meowth doesn’t like that idea. Jessie suggests Wheezing, but James points out how useful smokescreen is. Meowth suggests Wobbuffet, but Jessie says while although it’s annoying, its counter attack can be quite useful. James suggests Arbok, but Jessie hits him and says that she’s too attached to it to let it go. So it looks like Victreebell is the only option left. James refuses at first, but Jessie, Meowth, and Wobbuffet outvote him. James breaks down in tears.

They make the trade and the con artist runs off. James tries to make him stop, but to no avail. Who’s that pokémon?! It’s Hypno!!

James is still crying, but Jessie tells him to release Weepinbell. He does so and Jessie and Meowth admire its eyes. James remembers how he admired Victreebell’s eyes and used Wheezing to catch it. Jessie tells him to get over it and to order Weepinbell to use sweet scent. James does so.

Elekid becomes enticed and walks toward it, even with Larvitar trying to stop it. Meganium and Pikachu also walk in the direction that the scent is coming from, so AshCo follow them. JessieCo notice them, but don’t seem to mind. Larvitar and Elekid fall into a pitfall, breaking the spell and Ash and Casey look rather shocked. The run up to help, but just fall into another pitfall. JessieCo start to run off, but Casey orders Meganium to use vine whip to help AshCo escape from the hole. JessieCo orders Arbok into battle. Casey responds by sending in Meganium. Meowth tells James to send in Weepinbell. James does so and immediately begs it not to attack him. Meowth points out that this isn’t Victreebell and James gets all depressed again. Ash sends in Phanpy. Casey orders Meganium to use razor leaf, but Arbok dodges and headbutts it. Phanpy tackles Weepinbell and James orders a razor leaf, but Phanpy knocks all the leaves away with its nose. Ash then orders a rollout, which Weepinbell successfully counters with vine whip. It then evolves and tries to eat Jessie. Jessie drops the net that was holding Elekid and Larvitar, so Brock uses Forretress’ rapid spin to cut the net and Larvitar and Elekid escape. Jessie gets really angry with Vicreebell and orders Arbok to send it blasting off. James starts to miss it as well. Casey and Meganim blast JessieCo off with razor leaf and solar beam.

The salesman seems to be having the same trouble with James’ former Victreebell as James did, so he kicks it over the horizon. The two Victeebells collide midair and instantly fall in love. The walk off leaf/ hand in leaf/ hand.

Ash thanks Elekid for protecting Larvitar, but Casey buts in and challenges it to a battle. Elekid tries to use an electrical attack, but Meganium easily dodges and uses razor leaf. Elekid successfully counters with thunder punch, so Casey orders a tackle attack then solar beam. Larvitar looks worried, as Elekid collapses. Casey throws a pokéball and captures it. Larvitar feels sorry for it, but Casey says that she will take it to a pokémon center right away and train it to become a winner. Larvitar is happy to hear this. I’m on a master quest! Pokémon!

Casey only has four badges so far, but she feels sure that she’ll go all the way to the top. She asks Ash if he’s going to the Silver Confrence. He says yes, so she offers to cheer him on with the Electabuzz song. He says that it isn’t necessary, but she insists. The episode ends with Casey singing the Electabuzz song.

This episode guide has been written by KasumiMizuno.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< A Crowning Achievement | You're A Star, Larvitar! >


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