PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: You Never Can Taillow
Episode Guides |
You Never Can Taillow

< There's No Place Like Hoenn | In the Knicker of Time >
Japanese Title
A Lot of Taillow, A lot of Danger! Capture in Petalburg Forest!
English Title
You Never Can Taillow
This episode is essential viewing because:
Brock returns, and joins the group. Ash catches a Taillow.

Max is looking through the woods with his binoculars in search of a pokemon. He so badly wants to catch one but Ash says he has to be patient and that pokemon aren’t just everywhere. In the meanwhile May complains about being hungry. May and Max start to pull on Ash’s arms and started to fight about May wanting to eat and Max who wants to see pokemon. Ash comes with the solution of eating something first and then search for pokemon after lunch. They all agree on that.

They start having lunch which makes them all happy, until nobody grabs some food out of their backpack. Which makes them realise that none of them have got food with them. Then Ash says that it’s too bad that Brock didn’t came along with them, which makes May and Max wonder who that is. Ash tells that Brock was a good friend of him and that he was a wonderful cook.

In the meanwhile Team Rocket spies on the trio which eating some sandwiches. Meowth is dying to catch Pikachu but Jessie and James first want to finish there sandwiches which makes Meowth furious.

Max is also getting really hungry and looks in his bag and takes out a chocolate candy bar. They decide to split it into three pieces until a flash grabs the candy bar and flies off. They follow it immediately. Max is happy to see a pokemon and May anxiously wants that candy bar back. Ash wonders what kind of pokemon that is and Max comments that it’s a Taillow. Ash decided to check out the pokedex to find more information about it.

They finally reach a tree where the Taillow decided to land and eats the chocolate bar. May thinks they’re not going to have any food as Ash tries to comfort her. Pikachu then calls for Ash and points at all the apple trees around them. Ash tells Pikachu to shock the fruit from the trees. Pikachu uses thunderbolt which blast off a lot of apples from the trees and also releases an entire flock of Taillow which were hiding in the trees.

The Taillow are angry at Ash and co and charges at them. Ash protects them by letting Pikachu use thunderbolt which shocks all of them. But they do not give up. Ash orders for another thunderbolt which makes them really angry.

Then Team Rockets pops out of the bushes and Jessie comments that Taillow are fantastic! They want the Taillow on their side so they can catch Pikachu very easily.

Pikachu fires another thunderbolt at the Taillow but they just don’t want to give up. May then comments that the Taillow that ate their chocolate is probably the leader. Then the same Taillow flies right at Pikachu and tackles it. Pikachu then strikes another thunderbolt but it doesn’t have any affect on the Taillow. The entire flock then charges at Ash and co until Brock appears and throws out Forretress which makes a huge explosion and scaring away the Taillow.

They then head to the side of the river, outside the forest where Brock says it will be safe. Brock then sees that Pikachu is hurt and sprays some potion on it which makes Pikachu scream. Brock then tells that everything was fine at home and that he’ll travel with Ash again. Ash then introduces Brock to May and Max and Ash tells that Brock was a gymleader like their dad. Brock comments that they supposedly want to be a gymleader too but May is not sure about that and Max gets sad since it doesn’t even have his own pokemon yet. Brock tells him that it will happen before he knows it which cheers Max up.

May then anxiously wants to know if Brock is actually a really good cook which Brock says he is. Brock then suggests to lunch and wants to give them a sandwich until he finds out they are gone. Brock suggests to make some soup which makes everybody happy.

Team Rocket in the meanwhile, tries to get the Taillow by using some food as bait. They charge at Team Rocket and the food falls on the floor which gets eaten by the Taillow immediately. When the food is up, Meowth translates that the Taillow want more food. Jessie says that’s fine but they have to do something for them first.

Brock is preparing the soup in the meanwhile, which makes May and Ash drool. Then taillow suddenly come flying by. Ash says that it wants to battle and the battle begins between Pikachu and Taillow.

Pikachu jumps on a rock in the river as Taillow comes charging at Pikachu. Ash orders Pikachu to use quick attack and Pikachu jumps on every rock and tries to hit Taillow in the air but misses.

Max comments that the quick attack should have been a hit but May tells him that Taillow has an advantage by flying through the air. Ash orders for a thunderbolt which shocks Taillow and makes it fall down to the water but before it could hit the water it flies back into the air and tackles Pikachu but it misses. It flies back to Pikachu and grabs its tail with its beak and flies together with Pikachu in the air. Pikachu shocks it but Taillow keeps flying.

Max wonders why it didn’t have any affect. Brock comments that it did have affect and May says that it just won’t give up.

Taillow then lets Pikachu go and throws it into the water. Taillow then flies back to Pikachu as Ash orders for Thunder. Pikachu charges up and runs through the water to Taillow and they collide into each other. There’s a huge blast and the water sprouts into the air. Both Pikachu and Taillow are tired but Taillow still wants to battle. Brock says that the only way to end this is that Ash has to catch it. Ash then grabs a pokeball and throws it at Taillow. It gets sucked into the pokeball and Taillow got caught.

Ash then releases the Taillow which seems to be completely exhausted. Brock sprays some potion on it and it feels better already. Ash asks if it really wants to join him on his journey and taillow is really happy about that. Ash cleans his beak which was still covered in chocolate. Max is happy to see the Taillow joining them but May is a bit scared.

Then the other flock of Taillow comes flying by and Ash is afraid that they all want a battle. Brock comments that it’s a possibility but Taillow flies into the air and talks to the other Taillow until Team Rocket drops by.

Jessie tells the Taillow that the more they fight the more sandwiches they get. Brock then asks if they mean the 4 sandwiches and Team Rocket says they do mean those sandwiches. Brock gets completely pissed off because of that and everybody wants those sandwiches but Team Rocket tells them they already ate them. Meowth tells the Taillow to attack Pikachu but May sends out Torchic. Torchic runs at the Taillow and team Rocket with it’s eyes closed and without an order from May. It runs into a rock and May recalls it, feeling completely embarrassed about the whole thing.

When Pikachu and Taillow want to battle the other Taillow a ring starts to sound which means ‘Soup is ready!’ They are all happy that lunch is ready and Brock invites the other Taillow to eat some too. Team Rocket comments that they are using the same dirty tricks as they used but they still want Pikachu which should be easy according to them since Pikachu didn’t eat yet. But Pikachu blasts them away as Ash comments that Pikachu already ate some of Brock’s pokemon food.

May and Max then compliment Brock about his great cooking skills as the flock of Taillow fly into the sky. Ash’s Taillow says goodbye as May, Max and Ash prepare themselves for the dishes.

This episode guide has been written by shinymay.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< There's No Place Like Hoenn | In the Knicker of Time >


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< There's No Place Like Hoenn | In the Knicker of Time >