PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: A Tail with a Twist
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A Tail with a Twist

< Tree's A Crowd | Taming of the Shroomish >
Japanese Title
Seviper vs. Treecko! Strike Of Death!
English Title
A Tail with a Twist
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This episode is essential viewing because:
Jessie catches a Seviper.

As Brock prepares lunch, Ash decides it's time to let their pokemon out too, so that's what they all do. All the pokemon are happy until they see Treecko and are a bit nervous around him. Ash explains on how this is their new friend and they talk a bit which makes Treecko nervous and it jumps up high in the tree. Ash calls for Treecko and asks it to come down but instead he grabs a twig and puts it in his mouth. May asks why it's acting like that and Brock replies saying that the rebel in Treecko is still there but it will change after a while. They decide to eat and May thinks it's delicious. They then notice Torchic with an apple on its back and they comment that it's really energetic. May is happy since energetic pokemon are healthy pokemon but Max says it couldn't be really healthy if she trained it that little, which emberasses May. Ash then calls out for Treecko once more and tries to lure it with some poemon food but it doesn't work.

Treecko then hears the bushes rattling as a Seviper peeks out of the bushes. It notices Torchic and the apple and it wants the apple. As Torchic runs around happily it trips over Seviper's tail and the apple rolls and Torchic runs after it. When it gets the apple again it's happy but then it notices that Seviper is right in front of him and is afraid. Seviper grabs the apple and swallows it in one bite. Torchic becomes angry and starts to yell at Seviper but then Seviper is about to bite Torchic when a twig lands in between Torchic and Seviper. Treecko pounds Seviper and protects Torchic. Then both of them lean to each other and want to attack but Seviper dodges the attack and heads for Torchic.

Ash and co hear Torchic's scream and they go out to investigate it. They find Seviper who bumps Torchic on its tail. May tells it to stop as Ash checks it out on his pokedex. Brock comments that they have to stop them and so they sends out Taillow, Pikachu and Forretress. But Seviper releases a smokescreen and none of them can see where Seviper is. Treecko notices a tree above him and jumps in the tree and notices how Seviper wraps Torchic with its tail. Treecko smacks Seviper with its tail and Torchic is set free and is being caught by Treecko who gives it back to Ash and co. Torchic runs to May quickly who huggles it.

But then Seviper launches for Treecko and it smacks it against a nearby tree. Seviper is about to launge at Treecko again as Ash tells Taillow to use quick attack. It bumps into Seviper and hits it before it smacks Treecko. Brock tells Forretress to use pin missile to hit Seviper and it flees when it's hit by the missiles. They quickly hurry to Treecko who is holding his arm tightly and is in pain. Ash asks if it's okay and it tries to get up but it collapses. May comments that it shouldn't be like this as it just tried to protect Torchic. They rush down the road to the pokemon centre.

In the meanwhile, Team Rocket is staring at Ash and co and are impressed by the Seviper and Jessie wants to have it since she loves snake pokemon. She comments that she only has her stupid Wobbuffet, which pops out. She yells at it to stay in the pokeball as Ash and co arrive in the pokemon centre. In the meanwhile, Beautifly and Zigzagoon are in a field but are being scared away by the Seviper and it eats the apples. Team Rocket who is floating above, looks at Seviper and are impressed with the fear it causes with the other pokemon. Team Rocket are then hoping Seviper will fall into their trap and Seviper notices the basket with fruit and the pile of grass next to it. Seviper crawls towards it and looks around like it suspects something as Team Rocket becomes more excited. But then Seviper launches its tail and grabs the basket and slithers off. Team Rocket is angry and they go to the ground and yell at Seviper for only taking the basket and not falling in their trap. But they then realise they are on thier trap and fall in the hole. But they have another plan and they seek for Seviper again. When they find Seviper, Jessie tells Meowth and James to throw a net and it works. They try to pull the net but it won't budge. Seviper bites the net and hits James and Meowth and slithers away, which wants Jessie to have Seviper even more.

In the meanwhile, Joy is taking care of Treecko as Ash tells Treecko hold on. Team Rocket in the meantime, eat some rice balls and discuss on how to capture Seviper. They notice there is only 1 riceball left and they argue over it. The riceball jumps in the air and falls in the water which makes James and Meowth sad. But Jessie gets another one and is about to put it in her mouth when Seviper grabs it with its tail and eats it. Jessie becomes angry and sends out Wobbuffet which heads for Seviper but they end up staring at each other. Nothing happens and James comments that Wobbuffet can only attack when Seviper does. Jessie returns Wobbuffet and throws Meowth into the battle which is thrown back at them immediately. Then another rice ball falls out of Jessie's pocket and starts to roll. Jessie tries to grab it but as soon as Seviper bites for it, it also cuts a piece of Jessie's hair. James and Meowth know Jessie will become angry and Jessie's eyes turn red and she starts on a rampage. She swipes Seviper and kicks its several times and yells at it as she realises it has already fainted. James comments she can catch it now and so she does and ends up being very happy in the end with her new pokemon.

Back at the pokemon centre, Joy tells Ash Treecko will be fine. May asks if she is related to Petalburg City's Joy and she says she is. They talk for a while as Chansey approaches and tells Joy that Treecko has escaped to challenge Seviper again. Ash and co head outside where Max finds Treecko's bandage. Brock comments that Treecko must have gone down the road and they go into the woods in search of Treecko. In the meanwhile, Treecko is at the waterfall and standing at the top of the waterfall and looks below at a rock. It sets its twig in the ground and jumps down. In the meanwhile Ash and co are still in search of Treecko and Brock comments that it could be everywhere. Max then notices a waterfall that's nearby.

They notice how Treecko falls down to the rock and tries to smash the rock with its tail but he fails. Max wonders what he's doing and Brock comments that it's probably training it's pound attack for its re-match with Seviper and that he has succeeded when the rock breaks. May comments that she admires his determination. Treecko tries to break the rock several times but Ash is worried that it will get hurt badly. Then Treecko spins rapidly and smashes its tail against the rock, shattering it. It was a slam attack. Ash and co go out to Treecko and congratulate it on his accomplishment.

But then a robotic hand comes out and grabs Pikachu. It seems to be Team Rocket who put Pikachu in a box. Pikachu tries to shock the cage but Meowth comments that it's shock proof. Ash yells at them and demands to give him back his Pikachu. Ash sends out Taillow and James sends out Cacnea who hugs James. James orders a pin missile which Taillow avoids. Team Rocket are glad with their new pokemon and are impressed with their strength but Jessie comments that Cacnea isn't the only new pokemon and she sends out Seviper!

Treecko steps forward and has awaited this opportunity. Ash tells Treecko to focus and to use his new technique and that he will be ready to help Treeck if necessary. Treecko smiles and then looks at Seviper. Jessie tells it to use poison tail and it unleashes it's glowing tail. Treecko avoids it and pounds Seviper. Jessie tells it to use poison tail again and Treecko avoids it again and slams Seviper back to Team Rocket, making it unable to battle.

The cage falls and Pikachu is set free and reunited with Ash. Treecko puts his twig back in his mouth and Meowth translates that now that he defeated Seviper his task is forfilled. Jessie becomes angry at Seviper for loosing but Pikachu uses its thunderbolt to blast Team Rocket off once again. Ash then congratulates Treecko on doing a great job and Treecko shakes its tail with Ash and it seems like Treecko started to respect Ash more now. They then head off to Rustboro City.

This episode guide has been written by shinymay.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Tree's A Crowd | Taming of the Shroomish >

Captain Jigglypuff op za 01 mrt 2008 00:04:44 UTC.
My favorite quote from this episode: Jessie: Not my hair! My flowing long hair is my trademark!! James: Poor Seviper! Meowth: It knows not what it's done! (Jessie scratches Seviper.) Meowth: (clinging to James) Eek! She just used Fury Swipes! James: Emphasis on the fury! (Jessie kicks Seviper.) James: (horrified) Oh, no! Not her Ultra Mega Kick! (Jessie continues to beat the Fang Snake up.) Jessie: (to Seviper) You riceball-stealing, Long hair-chomping-- James: Wait, wait, wait! Meowth: Easy on the merchandise. Catch it! Jessie: Catch it? Oh yes, of course. Catch it. That's just what I was just about to do!

< Tree's A Crowd | Taming of the Shroomish >