PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: On a Wingull and a Prayer!
Episode Guides |
On a Wingull and a Prayer!

< Stairway to Devon! | Sharpedo Attack! >
Japanese Title
Old Man Briney and Piko the Wingull!
English Title
On a Wingull and a Prayer!
Entering a new town on their way to Dewford Town, May looks at the map, saying Dewford is across the ocean, so they should stock up here before they go. Max is excited and hopes there is a restaurant nearby, and May says there is. They arrive at the restaurant to find it shut down. May doesn't get it, as the map says it should be open. Max yells at her as she defends herself saying that the map is only a day old. But when she checks it again she notices it's already 10 years old. Ash and co scream in agony.

Arriving at the harbor, Ash collapses in hunger. Brock does too and they begin to complain while May angrily stares at her map. Max runs up, saying there is no ferry in the entire harbour. They all look out over the ocean to see no boat anywhere. Ash becomes depressed, as he is very hungry and has no way of getting to Dewford now. May laughs, saying she isn't the only one who made a mistake, which angers Ash. He yells at her then continues to sulk. Max asks what he plans to do about his match now, and Brock comments that there has to be a boat here somewhere, otherwise they should just eat and drink something till the next boat leaves. May offers to find one and walks off, leaving Ash and co behind.

May walks along the harbor noticing it is abandoned. Windows are busted and boats are half sunk. She looks out to sea and thinks about Ash yelling at her, which ticks her off. Even though he was mad he shouldn't have reacted like that. She suddenly notices an old man fishing off the dock. She gets excited that there is actually life here. She rushes to him and asks if there is a boat around here. The man says there hasn't been a ferry service for a while, and he is the only one left in the harbor. He gets up and introduces himself as Mr. Briney just as a Wingull flies down. Mr. Briney welcomes it back and calls it Peeko. May wonders what it is and scans it with her Pokedex. She then comments on what a great Pokemon it is, and Mr. Briney laughs, saying it is the greatest one of all. May bends down and holds out her hand to Peeko, but it gets scared and hides behind Mr. Briney. He laughs, telling her that Peeko is shy around strangers. She motions it again and it nervously hops up to her. She begins to pet it softly and Mr. Briney laughs again, saying that Peeko really seems to like her. May pulls out some Pokemon food and offers it to Peeko, who eats it happily. Mr. Briney then asks May what she's doing here but she explains that she and her friends are trying to get to Dewford but that there isn't a board around here.

From a small distance, Team Rocket spies on May. Jessie comments that if May is here then Pikachu can't be too far off either. Meowth suggests they follow her to find it and then snatch it. They all agree and cheer.

Mr. Briney tells May that he has a small boat and could give them a ride to Dewford. May gets very happy and thanks him. Mr. Briney smiles and begins to explain to her how it was when the town was flourishing and when he was the best sailor around, and he would sail the seas for days. May thanks him again and runs off to find Ash and co.

Team Rocket are still sitting on the rocks. James comments that Peeko must be a strong pokemon and th eothers agree. Jessie comments that it would also be a good addition to their team. But she then takes out her Wurmple saying that nothing could overcome that one and starts to cuddle it as James and Meowth start to make plans to catch Peeko.

Mr. Briney continues to fish when a Team Aqua agent spies on him. May leads Ash and co towards Mr. Briney's boat house. They ask her why she is in such a hurry and she explains that she found the best sailor ever to take them to Dewford. She tells them how nice, strong, and cool he is as they approach his house.

May greets him, but to her surprise he screams at her. He tells her he can't give them a ride and that he doesn't know them and they should go away. May doesn't understand, but never gets to as he slams the door in their faces. Ash and Max thank her for getting them the "greatest sailor ever", but she is too stunned to care. She looks down at the jar of Pokemon food she was planning to give him sadly as she doesn't know what went wrong.

Mr. Briney closes the curtains as he watches them go. He then turns and tells the Team Aqua member that he did as told. He then asks him what he wants with him, and the Aqua member says that he needs a boat to take him somewhere, and he will do as ordered or he'll never get Peeko back. Mr. Briney looks down to see Peeko in a small bird cage. He calls for his Peecko as he approaches it but the grunt releases his Crawdaunt and it seems that it's the same grunt from the day before at the Devon Corp Building.

Ash and co are now back on the harbor, sitting on the floor and are a bit depressed by the entire happening. Suddenly, Officer Jenny pulls up and she steps off her motorcycle and explains to Ash and co that the Devon Corp Aqua grunt escaped and the police have yet to find him. And that there have been signs that the grunt is located here in search of a boat. Ash and co say they'll look out for him and Jenny drives off on her motorcycle as she leaves Brock behind with hearts floating above his head. They're all very confused now and Ash wonders if Mr. Briney was that mean to her before too. She says he was very nice before, which makes Max and Brock wonder. They begin to think why the Aqua member would be in an abandoned city and then they realize that only one person here has a boat and that is mr. Briney so most likely the grunt could be there!

In Mr. Briney's boat hangar, the Aqua member inspects the boat. He tells Mr. Briney to get in, but he refuses. The Aqua member then signals Crawdaunt and it threatens to crush Peeko in its claw. Mr. Briney begins to listen when he hears Ash banging on his door. The aqua member laughs and signals Crawdaunt to take care of them. Max points to the hangar and they head toward it. Crawdaunt leaps from the hangar in front of Ash and co while still holding Peeko in his claws. May calls out for Peeko and Ash tells Pikachu that they have to get it back. The Team Aqua member steps out and Ash and co instantly recognize him as the man from yesterday. Ash tells Pikachu to attack Crawdaunt and both Pokemon leap at each other. Then all of a sudden, bombs fall from the sky, blowing them back. Ash and co look up to see Team Rocket in their balloon. They say their motto and Ash asks why they are here. They explain that they plan on taking Pikachu, Peeko, and maybe even Crawdaunt. The aqua member laughs, calling them pathetic. Meowth turns on a vacuum which begins to pull Pikachu in. Crawdaunt places a claw in the ground to support itself, but the cage handle holding Peeko snaps and it is sucked into the vacuum. Mr. Briney calls for it and Brock releases Lotad. He tells it to use water gun, and Team Rocket freaks out, but the water gun barely even leaves its mouth. Team Rocket begins to laugh, when it suddenly starts a huge water gun, striking the balloon, and sending Pikachu and Peeko falling. Mr. Briney runs to get his Pokemon, but Crawdaunt grabs it first. The aqua member then tells it to get rid of Team Rocket, and it uses bubble, popping the balloon and sending them blasting off. The aqua member and Crawdaunt then leap into the boat and take off. Ash and co wonder how they'll catch him now, but Mr. Briney says he knows how.

He leads them into the hangar and pulls a latch and the water in the hangar drains, revealing a Wingull shaped boat. Ash and co are shocked by this and they get in the boat. The engines start up and it speeds after the grunt's boat as Briney starts to tell a story about how he met Peeko and that he inspired this boat and that he has to get it back.

The aqua member is proud at how great of an escape he made when Crawdaunt notices the Wingull boat speeding toward them. Mr. Briney demands Peeko back on a loudspeaker, but the aqua grunt refuses. Mr. Briney notices they are approaching some big rock formations on the monitor, and explains that they need to catch up with the boast before then. Ash and Pikachu get on top of the boat, but before Pikachu can attack, Crawdaunt sends two crab hammers straight for them. Mr. Briney manages to dodge it, but Crawdaunt follows up with bubble. A giant wave strikes the boat, sending Ash and co flying. When they look back at the other boat, only Peeko remains in it. Ash and co look ahead to see the boat is heading straight for a giant rock. Ash has Pikachu shock it, which breaks the top part of the rock off, but not enough to stop Peeko's boat. Mr. Briney steers the Peeko boat to the side and cuts off the other boat just enough to make it fly safely over the top of the rock! Mr. Briney then dives into the water and retrieves Peeko. Suddenly, a giant Team Aqua submarine rises from the ocean. Ash and co watch the aqua grunt jump into it and followed by Crawdaunt and it then sinks, leaving everyone in shock.

That night at the harbor, May feeds Peeko who is very hungry. Soon, Max and her stomachs growl, making Mr. Briney laugh. He says Peeko must be eating better then them. May explains about the closed restaurant incident and Mr. Briney tells them that he'll give them a feast since he knows the owner of the closed restaurant! They all thank him and the next day, everyone boards the Peeko boat and they speed off towards Dewford City!

This episode guide has been written by shinymay.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Stairway to Devon! | Sharpedo Attack! >


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< Stairway to Devon! | Sharpedo Attack! >