PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Having a Wailord of a Time
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Having a Wailord of a Time

< Now That's Flower Power! | Win, Lose or Drew! >
Japanese Title
The First Great Pokémon Panic!
English Title
Having a Wailord of a Time
The contest of May isn’t far away anymore, so May is going to prepare for that, she says she doesn’t want to lose of Drew, the person she met in the previous episode, she remembers the battle she had with Drew. May then asks Brock if he could keep an eye on Torchic and she goes training with Beautifly. A bit later, Ash, Brock and Max are sitting around a table and are eating a bit, Max says it’s not fair of May she left Torchic and Max wonders if May still likes Torchic, Brock then says that May loves Torchic, Ash adds that Torchic was May her first Pokemon, so it was extra special for her, Brock says because of that May and Torchic are partners. Max doesn’t understand it and Ash says that Max isn’t a trainer yet, Brock adds that Max will learn about that later when he becomes a trainer. Ash tells about his first Pokemon, Pikachu and how hard it was to handle in the beginning, Brock says that the first Pokemon is always hard to go along with in the beginning, but after a while the Pokemon will trust it’s trainer and everything will be fine. Max asks Brock if he remembers his first Pokemon, and Brock remembers back on the day it happened, he was in his bed when his father came in with Onix, they went outside and with Brock and his father on Onix, they were watching the sun, since it was Brock his birthday, his father gave him Onix. Brock saays that that was his favorite birthday, Ash says that Brock must have got a cool father. Max then wonders what his first Pokemon would be, he could get Treecko, Torchic or Mudkip but then he also thinks that his father might give him a Slakoth, and Max doesn’t like that idea. Nurse Joy walks in and Brock walks to her and falls in love again, Joy sees the 3 starter Pokemon of Ash and others, and she says they look very good, Ash thanks her. Brock gets in love again but Joy says she has to go as she had to prepare the 3 starter Pokemon because a new Pokemon trainers gets to choose one. Brock wants to go with Joy, and then she says everyone may come.

Meanwhile May is training with Beautifly and she lets it do Silver Wind, the attacks works but May says that the attack needs to get longer when they are at the Pokemon contest, so she orders Beautifly to do Silver Wind again, but it stops and May notices a stranded Wailord on the beach. Back at the Pokemon Center Joy heals the 3 starters and Ash and otjers notice the amount of machines around here and says it looks like a lab, Joy says they haven’t got a lab around here so the trainers get their starter Pokemon here. Joy says the Pokemon are healed and she asks Ash and others if they could train them a bit, she asks Max if he wants to take the starters out of their Pokeballs, and he loves to do that, he sends out Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko and now there are 6 starters, 2 of each of them.

Suddenly Joy gets an incoming message on the video-phone and May gets on the screen and tells something bad has happened, she has found a Wailord and she thinks it’s stuck. Ash wants to get some information about Wailord, so he checks his Pokedex, it says Wailord is the largest Pokemon discovered. Joy then asks Ash and others if they could take care of the starters for a while as she goes to May and the Wailord, and Brock goes with Joy as he still has a crush on her. Ash can’t believe he is going with her and hopes he never gets like Brock, Max then looks a the 3 starters of Joy and he can’t believe he is taking care of Pokemon now and that he feels like a real trainer. Team Rocket is outside and they have heard everything with their installations, Jessie says they should catch the Wailord, Meowth says that the boss would really like that, because the boss is big he should get a big Pokemon too, they start with their plan and they can’t wait for the big promotion.

Back at the Pokemon Center, the Torchic of Joy runs outside and Ash and Max and the other starters run after it, the Torchic of Joy then pecks Ash his Torchic, Pikachu then want to attack with Thunderbolt, but then the Torchic begins to cry and Pikachu stops, but then Torchic attacks Pikachu and runs off, but Ash his Treecko gets in front of Torchic and blocks it, Max then holds Torchic and Ash asks Max if he doesn’t let the Torchic go, but then Torchic manages to break free and runs off again, Ash sends out Corphish and attacks but it misses the Torchic, Torchic then scratches Corphish and gets angry. Torchic is now running outside and Ash and Max and the others follow it, Corphish jumps to Torchic and they bump into eachother. Max says that Joy could get really angry if she sees the Torchic is wounded, so they need to watch out, Torchic then attacks Corphish and runs off again.

Meanwhile Joy and Brock have arrived at the place where May and the Wailord are, and Joy says the Wailord will be fine, it just needs to rest a bit. Back at Ash and Max, Corphish attacks Torchic and Torchic attacks Corphish, then Torchic begins to glow and evolves into Combusken! Ash checks his Pokedex and he doesn’t like what just happened here, as he thinks of what will happen when the trainer sees a Mudkip, Treecko and a Combusken. Max gets an idea, they can use May her Torchic and just trade it with the Combusken, Max will tell May her Torchic evolved into Combusken, but in his thoughts May would notice it right away and asks what happened. Ash says they should just tell the trainer not to choose Torchic.

Later May and others are back too and Max gives May a cup of tee and asks her if she wants anything more, May then asks Max why he is acting so friendly, and he says that’s what someone would do for a sister. In the main room, the new trainer is about to choose one of the 3 starters, with May her Torchic, suddenly we see the Combusken locked up and it tries to escape, and Joy asks what that sound was, Ash says it was probably nothing. The girl says she wants Mudkip, and Ash says that is a very good choice, but then the girl wants Treecko, and Ash again says that’s also a good choice, but the the girl decides she wants Torchic, but Ash says that isn’t a very good idea, as Torchic never listen and always run off.

Meanwhile May drinks her tee and she asks where Torchic is, and Max says it’s outside, May says she will go find Torchic then, but Max blocks her and gets into panic, May says Max is acting really weird and she asks him angry if something happened to her Torchic. Back at the main room, Ash says the girl should pick Mudkip or Treecko, but then May walks in and takes her Torchic, Combusken then breaks out and Ash and others feel responsible and they tell that Joy her Torchic accidentaly evolved into a Combusken so they replaced they used May her Torchic. Then they see Wailord in the air, hanging in a net, we then see that it’s Team Rocket that has captured the Wailord, Ash and others run outside and notice it too. Team Rocket then do their motto and Joy says the Wailord is sick and weak and says they have to give it back, but Team Rocket says they can’t. Pikachu is about to attack, but suddenly Combusken comes out and attacks the balloon of Team Rocket and cuts the ropes and Wailord falls into the water, Team Rocket gets blown into the air but they fall back and Pikachu does Thunderbolt, Team Rocket gets shocked and Meowth says he forgot to equip the balloon with and electric resistant machine, and the get blown into the air for real now.

Later in the Pokemon Center the father of the girl thanks Ash for such a great show and Joy asks the girl which starter she wants, Treecko or Mudkip, the trainer wants Treecko, but then the father of the girl and the Treecko are looking at eachother and start to cry, the father says he never felt something like this before, he sees Treecko as a real partner, he then asks Joy if he could get this Treecko and Joy says it’s ok, the girl then picks Mudkip and they both have a Pokemon now. Ash tells Combusken that he is sorry for letting it evolve, and that he didn’t get picked because of that, Joy then says she will use Combusken to protect the Pokemon Center, and Combusken likes that. Later outside Max looks at the water from a rock and shouts that soon he will find his first Pokemon too, somewhere, and the episode ends as we see the Wailord in the water...

This episode guide has been written by Pokejello.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Now That's Flower Power! | Win, Lose or Drew! >

RainyStorm op ma 05 jun 2023 21:57:24 UTC.
I'm a little confused by this episode. Isn't the girl too young to be getting her first pokemon? She doesn't seem to be the same age as May, more like Max.

< Now That's Flower Power! | Win, Lose or Drew! >