PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Exploud and Clear
Episode Guides |
Exploud and Clear

< Gulpin It Down! | Go Go Ludicolo! >
Advanced Challenge
Japanese Title
Critical Situation! Exploud VS Grovyle!
English Title
Exploud and Clear
On their way to Petalburg City, Ash and co are eating with all their pokemon in the middle of the forest. They all enjoy eating Brock's prepared food. Max asks Ash if he’s ready to battle his father and Ash tells him he’s ready but Max points out to his pokemon who have eaten themselves sick and says he can’t be aready. Max then comments that Treecko isn’t there and Ash wonders where it is. Pikachu then points up to a tree and in the top of the tree, we see Treecko.

Ash climbs up in the tree and asks it to come down but it only turns away from Ash as May comments it is probably in a bad mood. Then Corpish appears and rushes into the tree and kicks Ash out of it. Corpish tries to talk with Treecko too but his attempt fails and he falls out of the tree, landing on Ash. Ash thanks Corpish for talking to Treecko and Max comments that Treecko might be down from his loss against Gulpin. They then hear a roar and everybody checks out where it came from. They then notice a Loudred, who destroys and hits everything in its way, including all the pokemon, the backpacks and it makes a terrible noise. As Loudred runs away as he rampages everything in his path, Treecko looks at it as it runs off. Then a trainer is right in front of Loudred and tells it to stop but Loudred just hits the boy and runs off. But the boy doesn’t give up and follows Loudred. It closes in on Loudred and jumps right on it. Loudred seems to be calm and is happy to see his trainer as Ash and co are happy to see that the Loudred has calmed down.

As Loudred is asleep, Ash says he’s going to Petalburg City to challenge the gymleader. Then the boy introduces himself as Gai and Ash and co introduce themselves too. Gai explains that Loudred has had some really rage moments all of a sudden and Ash looks at Treecko and says pokemon can have difficult personalities sometimes. Max then gets annoyed by a comment that was made by May and Max gets hit by May on the head. She becomes slightly emberassed and tells them how annoying Max can be at some points. They talk about battles, which catches Treecko’s interest and it jumps out of the tree and wants to battle the Loudred and its trainer.

As the battle is about to begin, Treecko spits out his twig as both pokemon are ready to battle. Brock explains the rules and the battle begins. Ash tells Treecko to use quick attack and it hits Loudred but it doesn’t hurt it that much. But Loudred encounters it by using stomp and holds Treecko onto the ground with its foot. Ash then tells it to use bullet seed and Treecko tries to turn its head and fires some bullet seeds at Loudred. It tries to hold back but then Loudred holds his foot in the air and Treecko manages to get away from Loudred. But then Loudred uses supersonic which really hurts Treecko. Loudred then jumps in the air and when landing it causes a earthquake which heads straight for Treecko. Treecko jumps in the air and then slams Loudred against a nearby tree. But Loudred gets up, while having injuries all over its bodies and it glares at Treecko. Then both Treecko and Loudred glow at the same time and they evolve. Loudred evolves into Exploud and Treecko evolves into Grovyle. May and Ash check their pokedexes as Grovyle uses its leaf blade to cute a new twig from the tree and puts it in his mouth.

The battle continues and Ash tells Grovyle to use leaf blade on Exploud. Gai tells Exploud to attack as Grovyle closes in on Exploud. He tells Exploud to hurry and it starts to suck air and releases a hyper voice attack which hurts Grovyle badly. Exploud then goes on a rampage and fires his attacks on trees and throws rocks. Gai tells it to stop but it doesn’t listen to him. Ash then tells Grovyle to use bullet seed but it doesn’t seem to have any effect on Exploud as it keeps running. In then jumps in the air again and does an earthquake attack which scares everybody. Exploud runs away as his trainer calls for him to come back. Ash tells Grovyle to stop Exploud and it goes after it but only gets hit by Exploud several times and ends up lying on the ground as it runs off. Gai follows his Exploud and so do Ash and co.

In the meantime, Team Rocket is feeling miserable as always and Meowth even adds that it’s Jessie’s fault that they don’t have any food. Jessie becomes enraged and runs in search of food. She stops herself when reaching a cliff and notices a waterfall and suggests to get some water. When James and Meowth come they notice something drinking the water and Meowth explains its an Exploud, the evolution of Loudred and James and jessie are scared when they remember the last Loudred they saw. Jesse and James have no interest and walk off but Meowth stops them explaining that it could be very important to the boss and tells Jessie and James his imagination of how the boss would use Exploud. This makes Jesse and James excited and they plan to capture Exploud.

Ash and co in the meantime are in search of Exploud as they call for him. Exploud’s trainer starts to loose hope but Ash tells it to keep hope. Gai notices Grovyle and comments it’s good when an evolved pokemon listens to its trainer. Ash then suggests that Grovyle should rest in his pokeball for a while but Grovyle refuses and jumps high up in the tree and searches for Exploud. Gai then wishes Exploud would listen to him and Max asks if he has had it since it was a Whismur and Gai says it has and starts to tell the story about how he could control Whismur and how happy he was with its evolution. But that lately it had sudden outbursts that were uncontrollable.

In the meanwhile, Exploud is relaxing in front of the waterfall as Team Rocket spies on it. They show their Carvanha plug gun and fire several plugs right at Exploud. The plugs pop right in his head pipes. Team Rocket are happy that they succeeded and fire a net at Exploud, waking it up. Exploud becomes enraged and fires the plugs out of its head pipes and destroys the net, freaking Team Rocket out! Exploud blasts Team Rocket off once again and unleashes a loud roar, that it heard by Grovyle. Grovyle leaves Ash and co behind and finds Exploud at the waterfall as Ash and co follow Grovyle.

At the waterfall, Exploud and Grovyle face each other once again. Clouds cover the sun and as soon as the sun breaks through the clouds, Grovyle jumps forward and the battle begins! But Exploud jumps in the air as Grovyle closes in and tries to do a stomp attack but he misses. Grovyle immediately slams Exploud with his head leaf. Exploud gets hit but immediately fights back with a hyper voice attack which hits Grovyle but Grovyle doesn’t give up and fights back. Grovyle jumps up in the air and releases a stream of bullet seeds at Exploud, causing some damage. Ash and co then arrive at the scene and they notice that a battle has already taken place. Gai immediately goes to Exploud to see if it’s okay and Exploud gets up, still ready to battle. Gai is happy and they decide to continue the battle. Ash orders for a leaf blade attack which is a direct hit. Ash orders for another one but this one is stopped by Exploud, who holds the leaf between its two hands. Grovyle is having trouble dealing with the pain but it slams Exploud with its head leaf again and slams it away. Exploud is thrown back and Gai tells it to listen to him but it just walks away and continues the fight.

Team Rocket in the meanwhile is watching the battle as James holds a new Sharpedo cannon as they plan to capture both Pikachu and Exploud. Gai then notices that James is holding the plug gun and when it fires the plugs at Exploud, it jumps right in front of Exploud and gets hit by all the wooden plugs. But the plugs can fly and they head straight back at Exploud and Gai. Ash tells Pikachu to use thunderbolt who destroys the plugs. Jessie is angry and at the minute they want to do their motto, they are interrupted by Ash telling Pikachu to blast Team Rocket off with its thunderbolt. Exploud fires a hyper voice attack at Team Rocket and they blast off once again!

Gai asks Exploud if everything is okay but it still seems to be in the same mood as before which saddens Gai as everybody looks at both Exploud and Gai. Gai puts his head down in dispair but then Exploud pulls out his hand and smiles. Gai accepts his hand and they hug and everybody is happy at this sight. Ash then tells Gai they have to end the battle and Gai agrees. Exploud lounges forward and both Grovyle and Exploud continue to fight.

This episode guide has been written by shinymay.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Gulpin It Down! | Go Go Ludicolo! >


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< Gulpin It Down! | Go Go Ludicolo! >