PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: A Double Dilemma
Episode Guides |
A Double Dilemma

< Go Go Ludicolo! | Love, Petalburg Style! >
Advanced Challenge
Japanese Title
Papa is Idol!? False Gym Leader!!
English Title
A Double Dilemma
The gang settles down in the Pokemon Center at Petalburg City, resting for the upcoming battle against Norman. While they were there, May and Max mentions about seeing Norman again (which they also note that he's their father). Nearby a woman bursts out towards the gang asking if they mentioned Norman. May says that she did, in fact she's Norman's daughter. For some reason the woman gets so excited she bursts out of the Pokemon Center. The gang step outside to see what's up with that woman, then she comes back, followed by a large crowd! The crowd gathers around May and Max, one person of the crowd being a news reporter tries to get an interview with May. For a while May isn't sure what to say, but she starts off saying that she's been out on a Pokemon journey, winning contests and all (and shows off her two ribbons). Ash tries to butt in, saying he's traveling with her and has four badges, but the crowd just shoves him out of the way. Max however is a little embarrassed at all this.

Meanwhile in another part of town, Jesse, James, and Meowth are out looking for some way to get some money to buy food. They stumble upon a building with a big poster of Norman and his wife, then they soon realized that pictures of them are just about everywhere! Then they come up with a plan to exploit Norman's popularity by posing as Norman and his family! So the Rockets (including Wobbuffet) dress up as Norman, his wife, May, and Max! They chill around at a fountain for a while before people start to notice them. But one man (who happens to be the guy who knows his stuff) inspects "Norman and his family". He gets rather suspiscious about "May" and "Max" but " Norman" covers that up, and the crowd believes them.

Back at the Pokemon Center area, the crowd wants May to show off her Pokemon's moves that she uses in the contest. Having no other choice, May sends out Beautifly to use Silver Wind. Ash and Brock, some ways from the crowd, decide to just prepare for the fight with Norman. Just then two kids start to scold at Ash, saying that he can't fight Norman, at least until Ash shows them if he can beat them. Taking the challenge, Ash and the kids go to an open field where they battle. One of the kids goes up and battles Ash first, sending out a Golduck. Ash sends out Grovyle to handle it. Golduck first tries to Ice Punch Grovyle, but the lizard Pokemon dodges and strikes back with Fury Cutter. Golduck tries to get the edge by using Hydro Pump, but Grovyle finishes the duck with a Leaf Blade attack. Just as Ash was done, the other kid steps up to challenge him, but then even more step up! Ash gets a little worried.

Jesse, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet (still posing as Norman's family) start selling off autographs, pins, and other gifts with pictures of Norman and his wife on them.

May shows her next trick, Skitty juggling a few balls with only its tail. Everyone is amazed, but Max still feels embarrased about all this sudden fame.

Back with Ash, most of his Pokemon are already tired out from so much battling. But more kids keep coming up, sending Pokemon after Pokemon. Pikachu gives them all a Thunder and KOs every one of them. Just when the trainers looked like they were done, even more kept coming.

The Rockets are soon done with their scheme to earn some quick cash, and when the crowd comes back to see them missing. Some of them went off, but the crowd sees the Rockets run and they start to run after them, trying to cut them off. They make a quick turn for an alley and try to escape, but the crowd still goes hot on their trail!

Ash and his Pokemon on the other hand are tired out from so many trainers wanting to battle him. May and Skitty is tired out as well, but then one of the kids from before rushes to the crowd and says that there's a trainer out there who's beating all the others and eventually wants a shot at Norman. The crowd goes wild over that thought and they want to know where this trainer is so May can fight him (since they all believe she's some super-trainer). They all carry May and Max to find this trainer. At the park Ash is, both of them notice a large crowd coming up. Then they all stop infront of them, Ash asks May what's going on and May explains they were going to take her to see this powerful trainer. Ash asks the crowd where this trainer was and they all point at him. They rally on for May to battle Ash, even the news reporter is already coming up with a headline. May gets a little big-headed with the crowd and decides to take Ash on.

The crowd circles around Ash and May as they battle. May sends out Torchic, Ash tries to send out Corphish but it was tired out from the battles before. However Ash still has one Pokemon ready, Taillow! Ash sends Taillow out and tells Taillow to Peck the Torchic. Taillow flies up and pecks Torchic, but the crowd boos at Ash, it's enough to make him flinch. Ash tells Taillow to use Wing Attack, but the crowd boos at him again. May takes advantage of this and tells Torchic to use Ember. Torchic fires off the embers, and they hit both Ash an Taillow. The crowd cheers May on and May tells Torchic to keep using Ember. Torchic uses so much that it creates a giant fireball that torches Ash. Ash falls and the woman from before announces that May is the winner.

After the battle, one person from the crowd following Team Rocket find May and Max. He starts to ask about if May is May, since he just saw a "May" a while ago. May's crowd believe that May is real (talk about confusing!). They all decide to find the other "May", the reporter coming up with another headline saying "May triumphs over a fake!".

The Rockets are still on the run, coming up to another park. On the other side is May and the crowd (as well as Ash and Brock). They all stop in the middle and then there's some confusion. Who's the real and fake? The woman tells the crowd the "Norman" and them are fake, but the man (who believed the Rocket's disguise) tells them that May and Max are the fake, and both of them argue over who's real and who's not. But the real May and Max check out the fake ones, and they know something's fishy. They both argue and insult each other to the point where May tells Torchic to burn the fakes, which burns off the costumes and reveals it's Team Rocket! With that revealed, the Rockets release Cacnea and Seviper to take on May. Cacnea covers the Rockets with a spray of Pin Missile, giving Seviper time to release a Smoe Screen. Jesse tells Seviper to grab Pikachu and then the Rockets escape to their balloon. But when the smoke clears and the Rockets find out what they caught, it was really Torchic! Ash sends Pikachu out to get the Rockets as they escape. Pikachu climbs up on a tree and then does a Quick Attack to knock off all the loot the Rocket's took as well as Torchic. May catches Torchi while the man and the woman catch the loot. Pikachu then jumps out and finishes the Rockets with a Thunderbolt, blasting them off.

Ash catches Pikachu and suddenly the crowd goes wild over them. The reporter starts to ask them questions and Ash tries to answer, but the woman stops him, saying that they weren't talking to him, they were talking to Pikachu! Ash gets dissapointed at it.

Later in the day, the gang heads off to Norman's gym, the crowd wishing for May to come back some day.

This episode guide has been written by Latios.glitch.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Go Go Ludicolo! | Love, Petalburg Style! >


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