PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Grass Hysteria!
Episode Guides |
Grass Hysteria!

< The Bicker The Better! | Hokey Pokeballs! >
Advanced Challenge
Japanese Title
King of the Forbidden Forest! Venasaur!
English Title
Grass Hysteria!
This episode is essential viewing because:
May catches a Bulbasaur.

Ash and co are in the middle of a dark forest as Max checks his pokenav, which can't detect a spot since it's out of area. Even Brock's compas has gone wild and the place doesn't even occur in the guidebook. May becomes really worried as the bushes starts to rustle and an angry Skarmory flies out of the bushes and roars. They start to run but at just this point Skitty jumps out of its pokeball and quickly May jumps on top of Skitty to cover it so the Skarmory grabs May by her pack and lifts her off into the sky and heads off, leaving Ash and co behind. They immediately start to chase after the Skarmory and it continues to fly and heads over a large wooden wall. Ash and co arrive at the wall and are stopped by two men wearing hooded outfits. They tell Ash and co that no one is allowed beyond this point. The two men want to know what Ash and co are doing here and they explain that May was kidnapped by Skarmory when she wanted to protect her Skitty and it flew right into the area beyond the fence. The two men seem worried now and wonder if they should open the fence to the Forbidden Forest. After some time they decide to consult the elder first. Ash and co are confused, but follow them as told.

Inside the forbidden forest, Skarmory arrives at the top of a mountain and drops May and Skitty. May makes sure Skitty is fine and returns it. She then notices a Bulbasaur on a nearby rock, who is trying to pick a flower with its vines. It picks up the flower but then it slips but May catches it right in time. She tells the Bulbasaur to be careful and it smiles. It then realizes that a strange being is in front of it and backs off wearily. May introduces herself and the Bulbasaur inspects her with its vine. May giggles telling it to stop tickling her. Bulbasaur seems to trust May now when a group of angry Weepinbell, Sunflora and Gloom drop by and look at May angrily as May is confused.

Ash and co are taken to a small village where they talk to an old man who seems to be the elder and explain the entire situation. The elder explains that the Forbidden Forest has been untouched by men and it would be a disaster to allow Ash and co enter it since all the grass pokemon in there have never seen a hum before. Ash and co freak out by the fact that they have to find another way to get May back as the old man tells them they have to leave and with that, the elder and his followers walk away.

Team Rocket in the meanwhile are spying on Ash and co from a nearby tree. James is happy about the grass type pokemon the old man talked about and Team Rocket decides it would be some good pokemon to give the boss so they decide to capture them!

May in the meanwhile is becoming frightened by the grass pokemon as Gloom releases a stun spore as Weepinbell and Sunflora release a vine whip and razor leaf at May. May quickly avoids the attacks and wonders what she has done wrong as Bulbasaur leaps in the way. It tires to get them to stop but Weepinbell pulls it back with vine whip. Then many grass pokemon surround May and fire their attacks. May quickly throws out Torchic's pokeball who embers the attacks and May runs off. Bulbasaur intends on following her but Sunflora stops it.

Ash and co are still in the village as they think of a way to save May. Ash decides to screw the elder's decision and go save May anyways. Max and Brock don't think it's wise, but Ash says they can't just leave her. Inside one of the huts, the two guys from the wooden gate begin to argue when they suddenly notice the Poochyenas bark. They look out of the window and notice Ash and co gone. The group rushes out yelling as Ash bangs against the wooden wall. Max notices them coming and the three notice some vines and they start to climb up the wall. Max and Brock's vines break and they fall on the ground. Ash calls for them but they tell him to go. The group makes it to the gate as Ash has entered the forest.

As the grass pokemon search for May, she hides behind some bushes. She wonders what to do when the air suddenly begins to fill with stun spore. May covers her mouth and tells Torchic to do the same. They decide to run and then come face to face with some grass pokemon. May tries to explain to them what happened, but a Gloom gets angry and prepares to attack. Suddenly, Ash drops by and jump in front of May, startling the grass Pokemon. But the pokemon are still angry but Ash lets Pikachu use thunderbolt which makes a path between the pokemon. Ash and may rush by as Ash explains everything to her. They get stopped by several grass pokemon but then they reach a cliff in the end. As they look down, many grass Pokemon surround them. May explains that they don't want to hurt them but it seems hopeless as all the grass pokemon are ready to attack.

Ash and May prepare themselves as a load roar echoes through the forest. It appears to be a Venusaur and it heads for Ash and May and inspects them with its vines. Ash wonders what it's doing and May says that's how they inspect things. Bulbasaur tells Venusaur that they are friends and it nods. It then lifts Torchic up with its vines and shakes its head. Ash realizes that as a grass type, Venusaur doesn't like fire types. May understands and recalls it to its pokeball. May then explains to Venusaur that she didn't mean to intrude and it starts to explain this to the other pokemon. Team Rocket is also listening and Meowth translates it. They think about how to capture all of them and they come up with a plan!

May and Ash are taken to a beautiful stream where the grass Pokemon relax. Bulbasaur approaches and gives May a flower. She thanks it and introduces it to Ash. Ash says he has a Bulbasaur and tells everybody that he's currently having at Oak's lab. Bulbasaur seems not to care and grabs May with its vines and drags her with him as Venusaur watches them leave. Bulbasaur leads them to the edge of a cliff where they see the forest and a city in the distance. Bulbasaur seems to be confused when Ash and May talk about the city and they begin to explain it. May then adds in that Pokemon and humans live side by side beyond the forest. She lifts Bulbasaur into her arms and explains that she is a Pokemon Coordinator which intrigues Bulbasaur.

Back at the wall, the entrance opens while the elder explains some things. His followers say that they have to find their friends quick and get out as soon as possible. The elder then adds in that it is easy to get lost in the forest. Brock understands and Max wonders how Ash is doing so far.

Ash and May in the meantime continue to look at the view as they hear some screaming. It appears to be some grass pokemon who are chased by Team Rocket and their mecha who throws all the pokemon in a bag on its back. Ash and May try to find out why the pokemon are running and they freak out when Team Rocket heads straight at them. But the mecha stops right in front of them and Team Rocket appears out of the mecha to do their motto. Ash tells Pikachu to shock them bu the Mecha's brests open and reveals a mirror which reflects the attack and they chase after Ash and co.

The Poochyena are busily sniffing out Ash and co as Brock and the group follows. Max holds a rope that extends out the wall so they know how to find their way back. They suddenly hear Bulbasaur's scream and they try to find out where it came from. It turns out the mecha managed to snag Bulbasaur and it squirms to get free as May and Ash call out for it. Then Venusaur appears and slams its vines against the mecha's face and slams it away, releasing Bulbasaur. May catches it and it smiles. Team Rocket then also wants Venusaur and they reach out for the pokemon but Venusaur makes the robot spin. When it stops, its back is to Venusaur and the Pokemon uses its vines to grip the net. Meowth shifts the mecha into overdrive and Venusaur starts to get pulled away. Ash and May tell it to keep pulling and it plants its feet firmly in the ground causing the mecha to tip slightly. Meowth activates a second switch and the mecha zooms forward causing Venusaur to let go and fly back hitting the ground hard. Bulbasaur runs up to Venusaur but Team Rocket captures Bulbasaur. May quickly goes after Bulbasaur and they both end up in the bag along with the other pokemon, who seem to be ok and they think of a plan.

Outside Ash helps Venusaur to its feet. The mecha prepares to attack again but it is suddenly starting to bounce back. Ash and the rockets wonder what is going on, and it seems like the grass Pokemon have all begun to tackle the net from the inside causing the robot to bounce around. Ash yells for May to have Bulbasaur use razor leaf, and she commands it. Bulbasaur happily launches the attack filling the net with leaves until it explodes. The Pokemon land safely and May starts to lead them off. Team Rocket tries one more time to grab them, but the elder shows up and has his Poochyenas use shadow balls. The attacks hit the hand causing it to explode. May makes it to the elder and thanks him. Team Rocket still refuses to give in and prepares to catch Venusaur. Ash has Pikachu use thunderbolt but the attack reflects again. As this goes on, Venusaur charges up a solar beam and Team Rocket blasts off once again!

Later, Ash and co say their goodbyes to everybody. The four then leave through the wall and May looks back to say goodbye to Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur looks sad but Max tells May she has to leave before the wall closes. She nods and steps out. As the wall starts to close, Bulbasaur watches sadly and after Venusaur looks at Bulbasaur, Bulbasaur rushes to May and jumps in her arms. She asks if it would like to join her and it smiles. They look back at their friends and as the door closes, May hugs her new pokemon Bulbasaur!

This episode guide has been written by shinymay.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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