PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Me, Myself and Time!
Episode Guides |
Me, Myself and Time!

< Whiscash and Ash! | A Fan with a Plan! >
Advanced Challenge
Japanese Title
Baltoy and the Ruins in the Mist!
English Title
Me, Myself and Time!
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Ash and co are continuing there way to Fortree city. But trouble is lurking, as there is a lot of fog. Team Rocket is also stranded in the fog. Ash is slightly ahead of May, Max and Brock and Ash falls down. He gets up and as the fog slightly clears, it reveals a woman sitting under a tree wearing a red cloak and black glasses. May notices that Ash isn’t with them.

Ash ignores the woman and carries on walking. Lucky Ash nearly walks off a cliff, but he sees a Poke'mon so he stops. He checks it on his Poke'dex and it is revealed as a Baltoy. Ash tells Pikachu to use thunderbolt on it, to try and stop it before it spins off the cliff. Because of Baltoy’s type, it has no effect. Pikachu uses quick attack, but is stopped by a little girl. The girl thinks that Ash was hurting Baltoy, but as usual, Ash explains that he was just trying to help the Poke'mon so it doesn’t spin off the cliff. The girl apologises.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket falls down a cliff.

The girl introduces herself as Callista. Callista explains about how her dream job is to be an archaeologist, but her parents will only let her be a doctor. Her parents had confiscated all of her discoveries, but she still had one book. Callista then received a phone call telling her to go up the mountains. The book she had was Nova issue 15. Callista starts to sing a song from the book, after she sings part of the song, Ash sings more though. Callista wonders how Ash knows the song, and he says that he saw a woman singing it. What Ash and Callista don’t know is that Team Rocket is watching them. Ash takes Callista to the woman.

Team Rocket have big hopes, so they run to the woman. They do their motto and then battle. Jessie sends out Seviper and James sends out Cacnea. The woman sends out Xatu. Xatu counters a Pin Missile by Cacnea, and teleports right next to Team Rocket. Ash and Callista arrives and Callista’s Baltoy uses rapid spin, Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt and Xatu uses Shadow Ball, it sends Team Rocket blasting off.

Callista asks the woman about the treasure, and the woman leads them. Ash, Callista and the woman walk into a hole in a tree and fall down. They fall into a room with green carpet and writing on the walls. Ash asks where the treasure is, and they find out that it is underneath a pile of rocks. Ash tries to lift up the rock, but he can’t, they’re too heavy. Unfortunately, the woman’s Baltoy is stuck underneath the rocks. Ash is determined to get it out, so Xatu uses reflect to protect Ash, Callista and the woman. Callista’s Baltoy uses confusion to move all of the rocks, the woman now runs up to collect her Baltoy and she returns it to its Poke’ball. The woman then says that her parents didn’t want her to be an archaeologist, but a Doctor. Ash recognises it as the same as Callista. The woman shows them the book she has, Nova issue 15. The Nova 15 looks years old, but Callista says that it was only released recently!

Suddenly, Team Rocket appears with a robot. Team Rocket tries to get the treasure and Xatu tries to stop them, but it doesn’t work. Meowth thinks that it is ruing the design. Ash realises that the robot isn’t electric proof, and Meowth tells him! So Pikachu uses thunderbolt. Baltoy uses rapid spin and Xatu uses Shadow Ball, which sends Team Rocket blasting off again!

The woman tells Callista to get her Baltoy to uses rapid spin on the centre of the disc. As it does, the area starts to glow an orange colour and the woman hops into the orange area. The woman takes off her red cloak and glasses and reveals herself as Callista. She is from the future. Time is the great treasure! The young Callista runs up to the light and touches the older Callista. The old Callista cannot stay due to the fact that two people that are the same cannot stay in the same era for any time longer than the old Callista has, so suddenly, the older Callista leaves.

Ash returns to May, Max and Brock, and they all wave goodbye to Callista. Ash thinks about his battle in Fortree city, as the episode ends.

This episode guide has been written by Water Master.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Whiscash and Ash! | A Fan with a Plan! >

op za 12 mei 2007 13:46:09 UTC.
i liked it

< Whiscash and Ash! | A Fan with a Plan! >