PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Sweet Baby James
Episode Guides |
Sweet Baby James

< Fear Factor Phony | A Chip Off The Old Brock! >
Kanto Battle Frontier
Japanese Title
Manene Appears! House of Relaxation!
English Title
Sweet Baby James
This episode is essential viewing because:
James captures a Manene. James leaves behind his Chimecho.

Munchlax has fallen ill and May, along with Ash, Brock, and Max are very worried. It won't even eat! There isn't a Pokemon Center in reach and when all seems hopeless a little old lady comes over. Upon knowing the Pokemon is sick she calls an old man over, with Mime. Jr. They say they can help Munchlax and will take the group to their house. Mime Jr. imitates the man as he talks while Ash uses his Pokedex to get information on it. May is temporarily sidetracked by its cuteness, but remembers Munchlax's condition quickly.

Meanwhile James is having similar problems. His Chimecho is also sick, but there is no Pokemon Center nearby. After desperately surveying the area for one, he sees a castle. He runs to it, with Jessie and Meowth yelling for him to stop behind him. He calls out to the old people that live in the house and askes them to help his Chimecho. The couple recognizes James and then sees Jessie and Meowth. They ask if Jessie is James' fiancée. Instantly horrified at the thought, James claims Jessie is his secretary and Meowth his manager. Before the two can protest James drags them off to explain.

He tells them that this is one of his family's summer "cottages." He says that when he was a child, and being raised in a weathly family as he was, he was constantly working hard studying, having instrument lessons, and being corrected on manners, but when he came here he could have fun and play with the Pokemon; act like a child. He askes them to play along with him. He doesn't want them to be disappointed in him being in league with Team Rocket. Jessie and Meowth agree to do so.

Soon after they place Chimecho down to rest, Ash and company come in. As Ash almost reveals them as Team Rocket, James rushes over and shuts the door, so he's alone with them. James explains to them the situation and May tells him that they are taking care of Munchlax. When the old couple opens the door the group pretends to all be good friends.

However Jessie and Meowth can't seem to stay good. They wander off and James finds them raiding the kitchen and stuffing their faces. The old lady comes in and James tries to cover up, but she says they should have told her they were hungry like it was no problem. She then suggest they should go to the Pokemon House.

The Pokemon House is a greenhouse full of Pokemon that the couple nursed back to health. At the sight of Pokemon Jessie tries to steal an Oddish, but James catches her. Then later in the night Jessie and Meowth can't stand it any longer. As everyone sleeps they steal Munchlax, Mime Jr., and all the Pokemon in the greenhouse. James awakes, along with Ash, because of the light of the flashlights in the greenhouse. Ash and the gang run down to the greenhouse and demand them to stop. As Jessie begins to recite the motto James joins in, but soon stops midway to yell at Jessie and Meowth. James grabs the bag and after some tug-of-war, it rips, releasing the Pokemon.

A battle then begins. Jessie tries to get the Pokemon back and sends out Seviper and Ash sends out Phanphy. James sends out Cacnea, who is ready to fight Ash, but James orders it to attack Seviper! He tells it to use Sand Storm and a whirl of sand envelops Jessie, Meowth, and Seviper. Seviper breaks out and Cacnea uses Needle Arm. James then tells Ash to finish them off and Phanphy uses Hidden Power while Cacnea uses Pin Missile. Jessie, Meowth, and Seviper blast off.

The old man and lady come to see what's going on and Ash and friends step in with the excuse that they were playing with Pokemon.

The next day May thanks the couple for helping Munchlax and with a wish of good luck on Ash's Battle Arena match by the old lady they part ways.

Meanwhile, Jessie and Meowth wait in a Meowth ballon for James to join them. However, James is with his Chimecho and the old couple. Chimecho is still very ill and has a long way to recover, but James can't stay that much longer. Hesitantly and after remembering his time with Chimecho and saying how he loved Chimecho he decides to leave the Pokemon in the care of the couple. They agree to do so and as James gets out Chimecho's Pokeball he drops an empty Pokeball. Mime Jr. runs over to it and is caught by its own free will. The old man explains that Mime Jr. senses James's sadness and wants to cheer him up.

James then explains to them all about Team Rocket and as Jessie, Meowth, and he float away in their balloon, the old couple ponders about how he got involved, but are glad he has friends.

This episode guide has been written by Petal in the Breeze.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Fear Factor Phony | A Chip Off The Old Brock! >


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