PKMN.NET :: UK to get all Pokémon seasons on DVD? :: Nieuws
UK to get all Pokémon seasons on DVD? :: Nieuws
Gemeld door Typhlosion op do 21 aug 2008 13:58:17 UTC
Laatst bijgewerkt op zo 24 aug 2008 20:28:10 UTC door Typhlosion
Sectie: Jirachi - Wish Maker

Network, which we already knew was releasing Rise of Darkrai, says they will.

Dit nieuwsbericht is meer dan 45 dagen oud. Het zal waarschijnlijk niet meer bijgewerkt worden en nieuwe informatie is mogelijk al beschikbaar

Network - the company responsible for releasing The Rise of Darkrai in the UK next month - says that they will also "release all TV seasons of the Japanese animation starting with the first season, Pokémon, Volume One and the most recent 10th season Pokémon Diamond and Pearl"!

We are currently not aware of any release dates or whether this will also apply outside the UK, but we'll let you know once we have heard!

Thanks to, through PKMN.NET member wind_waker

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op zo 24 aug 2008 21:30:25 UTC.
Sounds interesting but... Will we get Jhoto?
Angelic Lapras King op zo 24 aug 2008 23:37:52 UTC.
The US are only up to the Orange Islands in their boxset rereleases, plus I think the UK sales would be a factor too. ;)
op ma 25 aug 2008 14:11:58 UTC.
I can't wait i've been buying US DVD's for a while but P&P is really expensive so i can't wait until UK season dvds come out POKEMON UK IS BACK
APK op di 26 aug 2008 10:06:35 UTC.
The US also have Master Quest and Advanced boxsets. Anyway, it would be great if the UK finally got all the Seasons. I had to buy a region-free player just to watch the Master Quest that I bought from the US;)
I want Celebi op di 26 aug 2008 19:32:28 UTC.
Oh yeah!!! Time to catch some illnesses!!!
DiamondDawn op vr 29 aug 2008 18:27:57 UTC.
Aaah...finally. This is pretty good for the UK Fanbase!!
harryheart op zo 31 aug 2008 16:22:41 UTC.
I cant wait Although I do have Advanced and Advanced BAttle that plays in all regions I'll be purchasing all the others
PinkyMagenta op ma 01 sep 2008 18:44:48 UTC.
Yes! I'm in the UK, I really wanted all of the episodes on DVD! I have the first movie and all of the chronicles.
Jorah op di 02 sep 2008 20:48:09 UTC.
YAY! ALL of them!? No more importing! I've already got Indigo league 1, 2 and 3 and both Master Quest and Advanced.
Mew100 op za 06 sep 2008 16:27:05 UTC.
I sure hope so, America donsent deserve to keep everything to themselves.
APK op ma 08 sep 2008 10:36:20 UTC.
So does anyone know any possible release dates for any of the seasons on dvd?
harryheart op ma 08 sep 2008 15:51:24 UTC.
It dosnt seem as if any dates have been released yet. But hopefully we will find out soon
dandoc2 op wo 10 sep 2008 15:52:30 UTC.
I just need both the johto series - i havent even bothered watching my orange islands dvds as i have master quest and dont want to skip 2 seasons So any guesses when the dvds will be released or is it all talk
harryheart op do 11 sep 2008 15:37:09 UTC.
We dont actually know proper dates. But I'm sure we'll find out soon, or may know but dont want to reveal it yet
dandoc2 op do 18 sep 2008 16:32:05 UTC.
Any updates on the release dates?