PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother It's Launch Night
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It's Launch Night

Posted on do 07 jul 2011 19:00:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Join Audina for some pre-launch commentary!

Hello, hello, HELLO!!! Welcome to first season of Pokémon Big Brother and boy do we have a fantastic show for you tonight. I tell you my antennae are positively twitching in anticipation! That’s right people not being content with supplying amazing entertainment with the epic series Pokémole they are spoiling you even more with this PKMN.NET’s latest show!

But before we take a look at this season’s victims I think that it’s time we look at the house:

Look at that space! Why there must be enough room to swing a Wailord... wait... nope the producers are telling me that I am exaggerating and to not get so excited.... WOO!

Anyway, we can’t stand around here chin-wagging all evening. It’s time to open those Pokéballs!!!


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