PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Editing Issues
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

Editing Issues

Posted on wo 13 jul 2011 21:56:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Most of the housemates are asleep in the bedroom; Purugly and Politoed are talking in the garden.

Purugly: Right, Medicham just ventured to bed so you have to tell me what you meant.

Politoed: Hm?

Purugly: You know what I am asking Politoed.

Politoed: Why I was so sure it was me?

Purugly: Yes, why did you think you would be evicted before either me or Darmanitan?

Politoed: I’m snippy.

Purugly: Snippy?

Politoed: You know, snippy. I can be mean to others, quick to anger when just poked in the wrong way…

Purugly: That’s the same with everyone in the house… with the exception of Chingling. I’m sorry, Chimecho.

Politoed: Yes but… I’m a pretty regular gal. It is true that I like things to be neat but apart from that I am not the most interesting housemate. However, once a day I snap… and then the producers will be showing that to the public to make me look horrible. I bet they haven’t showed anything that makes me look positive or remotely normal.

Purugly: Well…

Politoed: No, I’m the one that terrorised Voltorb and shouts at others because I always do the washing up. I do these things… and there is that voice in my head saying “Calm yourself Politoed. Use your inside voice Politoed.”

Purugly: Politoed let me just say one thing. I can easily speak for everyone in this house and say that we all love you just the way you are. If it wasn’t for you the house would look like a bomb site.

Politoed: Nidoqueen would have probably stepped up there.

Purugly: True… but you are always playing with Chimecho.

Chimecho hovers out

Purugly: Chimecho, your timing is impeccable.

Chimecho: Hey guys, you should sleeeeeep.

Purugly: Chimecho, what do you think of Politoed?

Chimecho: Huh?

Purugly: She thinks she’s next for the chop.

Chimecho: Noooooooooooo

Chimecho flies over and hugs Politoed

Chimecho: Mean Big Brother cannot take you from me. Who else would play tea set with me!?

Politoed: Chimecho…

Politoed hugs Chimecho back

Politoed: I love you too.


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