PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Day 8 Diary Room - Medicham
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Day 8 Diary Room - Medicham

Posted on do 14 jul 2011 16:43:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Medicham is in the Diary Room

Big Brother: Medicham you have five minutes remaining to choose who will accompany you to your prize dinner.

Medicham: I know man, just let me think.

Big Brother: Big Brother wonders why you are finding the task of picking a housemate to accompany you so hard.

Medicham: I just can’t deal with the stress man!

Big Brother: What is it about this decision that you find so stressful?

Medicham: C’mon man! Who I don’t pick will feel like totally resentful towards the person that I do pick. There can be no tension in this house… I wish I hadn’t won the damned competition now. We were getting on so well until the Insomnia task…

Medicham begins to rock back and forth

Medicham: I can’t take this man.


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