PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother What a Night
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

What a Night

Posted on do 14 jul 2011 21:08:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Purugly and Medicham have just returned from their meal; Nidoqueen has gone to bed with a headache; Chimecho and Politoed are playing Voltorb Flip at the kitchen table.

Purugly: We’re baaaaack.

Chimecho hovers over clutching General Jigglypuff; Politoed follows

Politoed: So? How was it?

Chimecho: Was it enchanting?

Medicham: Man it was so fancy I felt right outta place.

Purugly: It was absolutely delightful. The food was exquisite and the ambience… I have not had a meal like this for a long while.

Purugly turns to Medicham

Purugly: Thanks for the date Medicham; I had a truly joyous experience.

Purugly briefly hugs Medicham and then heads to bed

Politoed: Sounds fun.

Medicham: Purugly knew her stuff; she kept telling me to use different forks. Man it was totally confusing.

Chimecho: It sounded magical ^_^

Medicham: Where is Nidoqueen?

Politoed: Oh, she uh went to bed. She wasn’t feeling too well.

Medicham: Was she upset?

Politoed:… no. No. Of course she understood.

Medicham: Good. I’m gonna turn in myself. Night guys.

Medicham heads to bed

Chimecho: Why’d you not tell Medicham that Nidoqueen was jealous?

Politoed: She’ll let him know tomorrow anyway, might as well have let him have a trouble free evening.


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