PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Making Up
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

Making Up

Posted on vr 15 jul 2011 12:13:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

After dislodging themselves from the bathroom Chimecho, Medicham, Nidoqueen and Purugly are sat in the bedroom talking about this morning’s falling out.

Chimecho: Sorry about that ^^;

Medicham: I’m just glad to be outta there man.

Chimecho: Well we need to talk about…

Politoed strolls into the bedroom

Politoed: *interupts* Hey guys, where have you all been to?

Nidoqueen: Chimecho lured us into the bathroom to talk about this morning.

Politoed: Wow, wasn’t it cramped in there?

Purugly: Yes, extremely.

Politoed: Oh… well… at least you got out?

Purugly: Barely.

Politoed: Well, since Chimecho took the initiative I’m not going to steal her thunder.

Politoed gives Chimecho a quick ‘good idea’ hug

Politoed: I’ll put a pot of coffee for when y’all are done.

Politoed leaves the bedroom

Chimecho: Right, now let’s…

Nidoqueen: *interrupts* Chimecho, can I?

Chimecho: Oh… sure.

Nidoqueen: Purugly, I’m sorry I got so jealous. The moment you told me the reason… well I felt awful for how I shouted at you this morning. And Medicham, I’m sorry that I put you in this position… especially since I know how tension tends to get to you.

Purugly: It’s okay Nidoqueen, I would have been jealous too.

Purugly hugs and immediately collapses on the floor

Chimecho: *gasps*

Purugly: I… don’t… feel… good….

Nidoqueen: PURUGLY! Quick Medicham tell Big Brother we need Antidote, quick!


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