PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother A Slight Case of Poison Point
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

A Slight Case of Poison Point

Posted on vr 15 jul 2011 13:25:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

All the housemates, except for Purugly, are sitting at the kitchen table.

Nidoqueen: How long has she been away now?

Politoed checks the clock

Politoed: Little over an hour now.

Nidoqueen drops her head on the table; Politoed gets up to get more coffee

Politoed: Hun she’s going to be okay. The nurses got here really quick and it doesn’t take Antidote that long to work. She’ll be back soon.

Politoed refills her coffee cup as well as those of Medicham and Nidoqueen

Chimecho: Can I have a drink too please?

Politoed: Oh sorry, I forgot. Pinap Juice again?

Chimecho: Sure ^_^

Politoed gets Chimecho some juice and then sits back down

Medicham: Did you just hear something?

The Diary Room door opens and out steps Purugly looking normal

Nidoqueen: Thank Arceus!

Purugly: Afternoon.

Chimecho: You okay Purugly?

Purugly walks to the kitchen table and sits down

Purugly: Yes, I am fully recovered. That’s the marvels of modern medicine at work. I will need to apply more Antidote in an hour to make sure all of the poison has been removed but… apart from that I am recovered.

Nidoqueen: Purugly…

Purugly: *interrupts* Please, no apologies. It was my own stupidity, I forgot about you Poison Point in an emotional moment. Just pour me some Moo-Moo Milk and we’ll call everything even eh?

Nidoqueen: Sure.


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