PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Memory Lane
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

Memory Lane

Posted on vr 15 jul 2011 18:31:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Nidoqueen is still in the garden, pretty shaken by Purugly’s eviction with Medicham sitting with her; the rest of the house are in the bedroom helping Purugly to pack her things.

Politoed: Right, is there anything else you need to pack?

Purugly: No, I think I have everything. Make-up, pillow, accessories, photo album…

Chimecho: Photo album?

Purugly: Yes, of my glory days on the pageant circuit.

Politoed: How comes you’ve never shown us?

Purugly: Because, that was the old me. I think this house has changed me for the better.

Chimecho: Can we see now… pleeeease!

Purugly opens up the photo album, Politoed and Chimecho gather round

Chimecho: Wow! You were a champion?

Purugly: Before I evolved I was the highest earning Pokémon on the Beauty Pageant Circuit.

Purugly turns the page

Chimecho: Wow! Is that TV’s Sentret?

Purugly: Yes, he acted as a compere in Miss Sinnoh.

Politoed: I remember watching that when it was on the TV. Wait… you were THAT Glameow!?

Purugly: Yes I was.

Politoed: Wow, you took a risk with your talent.

Chimecho: What was it?

Purugly: Rubber duck juggling.


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