PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother We begin the 24 hour broadcast
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

We begin the 24 hour broadcast

Posted on do 07 jul 2011 19:51:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

The housemates are relaxing in the sitting room having successfully calmed Chingling down.

Darmanitan: And so the Swinub said: “Why must I always go last?”

all housemates except for Purugly and Watchog laugh loudly

Big Brother: Attention, this is Big Brother. Could one of the housemates please come to the diary room.

Chingling: Ooooh exciting, who wants to go?

Voltorb quickly rolls his way towards the Diary Room door and smashes into it

Voltorb: ...

Nidoqueen rushes over to Voltorb

Nidoqueen: Are you okay hun?

Voltorb: Yea, could you please get the door for me, I didn’t know it was pull only.

Nidoqueen: Sure

Nidoqueen opens the door to the diary room and Voltorb rolls in

Zigzagoon: Wow, that was embarrassing.

Diary Room

Voltorb: Good evening Big Brother.

Big Brother: Good evening Voltorb, how are you finding the house?

Voltorb: Fine except for the pull-only doors. How are you?

Big Brother: Big Brother is functioning within acceptable parameters and has a task to ask of you. Will you accept this?

Voltorb: I guess.

Big Brother: Since you were the first housemate to answer Big Brother’s call you will now be appointed house leader.

Voltorb: YES! I knew it was something like this. Fantastic!

Big Brother: For the next few days Big Brother will be asking you to make tough decisions about the fates of your housemates.

Voltorb: Oh... you mean I have to choose who will be evicted?

Big Brother: No, your first decision will be this. As you may have noticed the bedroom only contains enough storage space for seven suitcases. It is your choice which two housemates will be deprived of their belongings.

Meanwhile in the living area...

Chingling: I wonder what Big Brother are talking to Voltorb about... I hope things are okay.

Darmanitan: Maybe he’s gone?

Chingling: Why?

Medicham: No way.

Darmanitan: Why not? It happened on a previous series where a housemate answered Big Brother’s call only to be kicked out.

Politoed: Wasn’t that the Celebrity version where Sentret won?

Darmanitan: Exactly.

Politoed: Oh dear.

Zigzagoon: God that would be hilarious! The only footage available in his Best Of reel would be rolling into a door

Static appears on the flatscreen TV above the sitting area

Medicham: Guys the TV’s turning on

A video link to the Diary room is on screen

Big Brother: Voltorb, could you confirm your decision as leader of the Big Brother house?

Voltorb: Okay. The housemates who will not be provided with their luggage are Purugly and Zigzagoon.

Zigzagoon: WHAT!?

Big Brother: Thank you Voltorb, you may now leave the Diary Room.


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