PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Nidoqueen's Eavesdropping
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

Nidoqueen's Eavesdropping

Posted on vr 15 jul 2011 20:42:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

The shock of Purugly’s eviction has still to properly set in. Politoed and Nidoqueen are in the kitchen.

Politoed: So this is it, the final four.

Nidoqueen: I guess we made it.

Politoed and Nidoqueen half-heartedly clink their coffee cups.

Politoed: This is hard.

Nidoqueen: I know. I think we just lost the first housemate that I actually liked - even cared for.

Politoed: Same, she came in and made a dreadful first impression… but she left as possibly the best of us.

Nidoqueen quietly chuckles and takes a sip from her tea

Politoed: I mean, remember what a nightmare she was on the first few days… then overnight… poof she’s softened and I have no idea why.

Nidoqueen: I do…

Politoed: Oh?

Nidoqueen: On the evening of Day Two I woke up in the middle of the night needing something to drink and I overheard her talking to Watchog. She poured her heart out to that mute Pokémon and… it was tragic. She was just unable to understand how to interact with us.

Politoed: Wow, I guess we had an even bigger impact on her than I had first thought.

Nidoqueen: She was so vulnerable.

Politoed: She put up such a front but in the end it was hard not to warm to her.

Politoed raises her mug

Politoed: To Purugly.

They clink their mugs

Nidoqueen: To Purugly.


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