PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Day 11 Diary Room - Medicham
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Day 11 Diary Room - Medicham

Posted on zo 17 jul 2011 21:33:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Medicham has come to the Diary Room

Medicham: Hey Big Bro.

Big Brother: Good evening Medicham. How are you doing?

Medicham: Totally cannot believe I am still here man. I thought I’d have checked out ages ago. It must mean that I am, like, super popular.

Big Brother: Big Brother agrees that is a plausible conclusion to be made.

Medicham: Dude it is like the ONLY conclusion to be made! I am like way popular! I am like gonna have my own line of ‘Medicham says:’ style T-shirts with my amazing philosophies.

Big Brother: Big Brother would like to know what philosophies would entail.

Medicham: C’mon man I’m not gonna like give away all my trade secrets and have you sell them on for profit.

Big Brother: Big Brother would never do that Medicham.

Medicham: Yea sure like I believe the MAN!


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