PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Making Plans
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

Making Plans

Posted on ma 18 jul 2011 16:02:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Chimecho is having an afternoon nap; Medicham and Politoed are in the garden talking about tomorrow.

Politoed: Tomorrow…

Medicham: Yea man.

Politoed: I’m glad this is almost over.

Medicham: Yea man, I mean I’ve had fun but I miss my kin.

Politoed: Who have you got waiting for you on the outside?

Medicham: I got me three brothers. They’re like all professional like an been lookin’ out for me since I was but an egg. An’ you?

Politoed: Just my trainer. No family to speak of. No boyfriend. No girlfriend. All my mates are strewn around the world because I made them in university.

Medicham: How comes your trainer allowed you to go to university, ain’t they a battler?

Politoed: Not a serious one no, she’s so so young. It was her dad that suggested I get sent to school and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Medicham: I never held much faith in schoolin’ I got me nature smarts man. I can like find my way through forests using them twinkling night lights up above. Ain’t nothing like a good camping trip.

Politoed: Maybe… you could show me the wonders of the outdoors eh Medicham? I’ve never been camping before.

Medicham: Sure, I don’t see why not.


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