PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother First Night Garden Talk
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

First Night Garden Talk

Posted on do 07 jul 2011 22:57:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Politoed, Nidoqueen and Medicham are sitting in the garden talking about the evening's events.

Politoed: It’s strange to think that we have only been in this house for 3-4 hours, it already feels a lot longer. I mean, I have only just met you two and yet I already feel close to you. That isn’t too weird to say is it?

Nidoqueen: A little, but I know what you mean; we could be in here for two weeks without our normal friends or family… or even television. I guess it is only natural for us to bond quickly.

Medicham: Dude, I think the real question in all this is how much longer can Purugly stay in that bathroom with that music being constantly looped. I mean man she must about to go postal in there.

Politoed: Actually, I think the real talking point Is Watchog. I don’t mean to sound bitchy or anything but have either of you actually seen him move?

Medicham: I can’t say that I have. I stared into his eyes and he didn’t blink once, it’s like he’s looking deep into my soul man. Gave me the creeps.

Politoed: At least most of the others seem almost normal. Apart from Purugly I can’t see one person I’m not going to be able to be at least civil with.

Nidoqueen: You never know hun. I have met many an unhinged Voltorb in my time and this guy appears to be exception.

Medicham: Did you hear that?

Nidoqueen: What?

Medicham: The music’s stopped!

Politoed: Wow, she must have finally vacated the bathroom.

Medicham runs off


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