PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother A Sit Down With Zigzagoon
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

A Sit Down With Zigzagoon

Posted on za 09 jul 2011 19:05:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Audina interviews Zigzagoon

Audina: Ladies and Gentleman ZIGZAGOON!

Crowd cheers

Audina: So, 48 hours in the Big Brother house. How did you find it?

Zigzagoon: Hell, I hated it so much.

Audina: What did you hate so much about it?

Zigzagoon: I need a good 12-14 hours of sleep with regular naps in between in order to survive. Those wake-up calls were lethal.

Audina: I see… any positives from your experience?

Zigzagoon: I guess I’ve learnt to appreciate my trainer more, they really get me.

Audina: Great, and finally who do you want win?

Zigzagoon: None, they’re all idiots.

Audina: Awww c’mon.

Zigzagoon: I guess Medicham if I had to be pushed.

Audina: Interesting, and why is that?

Zigzagoon: He’s the only one who shared my opinions on napping.

Audina: Fantastic, ZIGZAGOON EVERYONE!!!

Crowd cheers


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