PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Politoed's Guilt
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

Politoed's Guilt

Posted on ma 11 jul 2011 09:58:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Politoed, Nidoqueen, Purugly and Chingling are eating brunch in the new kitchen, they are discussing the upcoming eviction.

Politoed: I have a really bad feeling about this eviction, I think my neck’s on the line.

Chingling: Oh no, why?

Politoed: I’ve not exactly been the nicest housemate in the last few days. I mean I have a thing about tidiness which I tried to hide the first few days but… it’s really begun to come out and I do not like that I give other ‘mon grief about it.

Nidoqueen: We all have our foibles Politoed, I mean I’m slightly overbearing.

Politoed: I’m serious. I also was very cruel to Voltorb towards the end… he was rather scared of me towards the end because I kept jumping at him.

Purugly: And we are all thankful for you being so cruel, as you chose to put it. We would have just been a pile of smouldering embers had you not kept him so well in check.

Politoed: Yeah well, I wasn’t careful enough. I mean… I should have stopped him yesterday.

Politoed starts to wring her hands

Politoed: If you had been hurt beyond the scope of Super Potions I would have never forgiven myself.

Nidoqueen: But it didn’t, and I’ll be hearing no more of it, y’all hear me.

Politoed: Thanks boss lady.

Chingling: Ooooh can we call you that? It’s cool ^_^

Nidoqueen: If you’d like.

Chingling: YAY!

Purugly: This doesn’t mean you’ll be calling me Ms. P now does it?


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