PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Evolution Q&A
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

Evolution Q&A

Posted on ma 11 jul 2011 17:14:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Chingling is applying her brass polish in the bedroom in preparation for tonight. Medicham and Purugly are also preparing themselves.

Chingling: Guys, I have a question.

Purugly: If you want to borrow my concealer all you need to do is ask.

Chingling: No thanks I’m fine with my polish.

Purugly: Then what is it?

Chingling: Well… what does evolving feel like?

Medicham: Wassat?

Chingling: Well… I’m the only base level Pokémon remaining in the house and… it’s something I’ve always wondered.

Medicham: Well… erm.

Chingling: I’ve seen it happen and it looks all glittery and tingley which made me think it felt like when your foot falls asleep… but that sounds weird. Then I thought it made you feel all hot because of the glow but I don’t like the sound of that either… it all sounds frightening.

Medicham: Well…

Purugly: Chingling, your evolution will be unique. It’s different for every Pokémon species.

Chingling: What was it like for you?

Purugly: It made me sad, I felt like I was being pulled in different directions by unseen hands. Then again I know from an old Lopunny friend that for them it felt joyous.

Medicham: Mine was righteous!

Chingling: I wonder what mine will be like…


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