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Aggron Nicknames

Aggron is the Iron Armor Pokémon, so the name 'Gauntlet' is somewhat fitting. Gauntlet is also the name of an armoured troop from Cloud Raiders, which is an ideal tank with surprisingly high offensive and defensive capabilities - much like Aggron.
zo 14 aug 2016 11:19:14 UTC by 6_Winged_Wyvern
Johto Name Rater says...
It's not Charlotte...
Rated: vr 12 jul 2019 20:32:11 UTC
Mine is female, made of metal, uses head smash, and badass, what more do I have to say?
wo 27 apr 2016 02:58:30 UTC by Splitcell
The Name Rater says...
"Sorry for wasting your time"?
Rated: wo 14 dec 2016 21:37:04 UTC
Based on its typing. Steel and Rock are both closely related to minerals, Flint is a form of mineral used by early humans to develop tools and weapons.
za 16 apr 2016 18:46:53 UTC by Farley from the lab
The Name Rater says...
Also used with kindling, such as a printout of this week's horrible names.
Rated: wo 29 jun 2016 01:17:04 UTC
It was one of my most powerful pokemon, so i named him that.
za 16 apr 2016 12:10:14 UTC by Chromulus
The Name Rater says...
Incredibly unoriginal.
Rated: wo 29 jun 2016 01:13:24 UTC
Because Magneto is a character from X-Men and since Aggron is half steel type I thought it was fitting because Magneto controls metal
do 07 apr 2016 14:57:52 UTC by TvWaffles
The Name Rater says...
Ah yes, this name is really telling. Really telling about how terrible the rest of your nicknames will be.
Rated: vr 27 mei 2016 14:03:41 UTC
Aes means metal, and crude. This stuck out more for Aggron than other metal times, as the Aron family of Pokemon specifically eat metal and ores, and aren't polite chaps. Aes sounds slow but strong, like an Aggron.
zo 20 mrt 2016 17:19:15 UTC by Tzav
The Name Rater says...
I'm imagining this name being pronounced "ass", which is exactly what it is.
Rated: zo 15 mei 2016 16:25:01 UTC
Cold Steel
With an icy stare and tempered metal body, Aggron's supreme defense stops foes in their tracks. Nothing halts a physical attack like a wall of cold steel.
za 05 mrt 2016 22:00:33 UTC by flipflop754
The Name Rater says...
I'm a bigger fan of Zoolander references. Can we change it to Blue Steel?
Rated: ma 25 apr 2016 15:12:49 UTC
It means steel in Japanese and sounds awesome
vr 26 feb 2016 23:12:04 UTC by thechochotrain
The Name Rater says...
That's where you're wrong.
Rated: do 14 apr 2016 16:15:22 UTC
This is for a mega aggron, and the name is from a show called Full Metal Alchemist... Which I have yet to watch, but search it up because the similarity is clearly there, also Alphonse Elric is his full name
ma 16 feb 2015 09:01:05 UTC by thebattlebear
The Name Rater says...
You don't even really know what you're naming the Pokemon after? This is the same lack of impulse control that gave you the idea to submit this in the first place, wasn't it?
Rated: vr 18 mrt 2016 21:15:14 UTC
Beacuse Its mega evolution looks like optimus prime
di 16 sep 2014 21:04:12 UTC by Skill4Pokemon
The Name Rater says...
You're definitely high.
Rated: do 25 feb 2016 20:51:11 UTC
Just though of it while looking for an Aron and I thought it sounded nice for a female Aggron.
wo 27 aug 2014 22:31:20 UTC by belli
The Name Rater says...
Olga is never a nice name.
Rated: zo 21 feb 2016 20:28:20 UTC
Aggron: strong defense and attack. Final Fantasy X Auron: High health and strong attack. Even the names sound alike!
zo 01 dec 2013 19:30:19 UTC by Filana
The Name Rater says...
You best leave your Aggron with me for a drinking session if you're going down the Auron route.
Rated: zo 20 apr 2014 09:51:47 UTC
It is Steel/Rock. Aggron is a pokemon I really enjoy. Its head is steel or something.
zo 21 jul 2013 17:58:38 UTC by Salamence Lord
The Name Rater says...
I guess you never stayed away at all in school if you can't really tell..
Rated: za 28 dec 2013 13:19:49 UTC
I really leik corned beef so here is a special message 4 u!! :D Plz read it!! Why do they Call it "Corned" Beef? The term “Corned” comes from putting meat in a large crock and covering it with large rock-salt kernels of salt that were referred to as “corns of salt” This preserved the meat. The term Corned has been in the Oxford English Dictionary as early as 888 AD. Irish Were the First Exporters of Corned Beef Irish were the biggest exporters of Corned Beef till 1825. The English were serving corned beef but also the Irish. In this day and age corned beef and cabbage is not very Irish, but corned beef is. The area of Cork, Ireland was a great producer of Corned Beef in the 1600’s until 1825. It was their chief export and sent all over the world, mostly in cans. The British army sustained on cans of Cork’s corned beef during the Napoleonic wars. Before Corned Beef there was Salted Beef The practice of salting meat goes back probably to ancient times in cold areas when they found that meat didn't spoil if it made contact with enough salt. What a convenience for nomads or soldiers, who were constantly traveling on horse or foot. Origin of the Word "Corned" The term Corned is modified from an Old Germanic (P.Gmc) Word Kurnam which meant small seed of anything. Since a kernel of rock salt look like a wheat or oat kernel size it became known as a corn of salt. Even the word Kernel comes from this word Kurnam. or Kurnilo which meant the root of the seed. The First Mention of “Corned Beef” goes back to an English Book by Richard Burton in 1621, Anatomy of Melancholy...Beef ..corned young of an ox. Corned Beef and Cabbage is basically an American tradition or Irish? Some Irish people feel that corned beef and cabbage is about as Irish as spaghetti and meatballs while others say it has been a festive dish tradition for centuries. The First Arguement... Brid Mahon's Land of Milk and Honey: The Story of Traditional Irish Food and Drink contains these notes about corned beef: "[in the 19th century] Corned beef was a festive dish." (p. 8) "While Irish beef has always been noted for its flavor, corned beef was equally relished. Boiled and served with green cabbage and floury potatoes, it was considered an epicurean dish, to be eaten at Hallowe'en, at Christmas, on St. Patrick's Day, at weddings and at wakes, a traidtion that was carried to the New World by the emigrants of the 18th and 19th centuries. To this day, corned beef and cabbage are served on St. Patrick's Day and at Thanksgiving in parts of North America. Bacon, corned beef, sausages and pudding are all mentioned in The Vision of Mac Conlinne, the 12th-century tale that also describes the condiments served with meats." (p. 57)
zo 12 mei 2013 04:00:57 UTC by Purple Pickle
The Name Rater says...
Holy Arceus, what the flip is wrong with you?!
Rated: do 18 jul 2013 12:34:22 UTC
In Majoras Mask, a boss that looks like Aggron is Goht. Goht is decribed as a "masked mechanical monster". I figured it was appropriate.
zo 17 mrt 2013 15:57:20 UTC by Potato
The Name Rater says...
No matter how much I try to pronounce it, I always say "Goat". Aggron is no goat..!
Rated: do 16 mei 2013 19:13:44 UTC
Cups it sounds cool
di 05 mrt 2013 17:02:26 UTC by Kakari
The Name Rater says...
Rated: ma 06 mei 2013 17:01:01 UTC
Named after the titan whom holds the earth up in Greek Mythology. Also fitting for Groudon.
zo 10 feb 2013 06:28:47 UTC by onyxlink
The Name Rater says...
Didn't this literally just get given to a Torterra..? I hate this more than I hated it on Torterra, and believe me, I hated it on Torterra.
Rated: za 20 apr 2013 21:14:43 UTC
Aggron reminds me of pansar with his armours all around the body.You could change the s with z if it would sound better.I don't really know,it's your choice
zo 20 jan 2013 15:45:03 UTC by Blimey13
The Name Rater says...
It's my choice? Fantastic, I choose to burn it.
Rated: vr 22 mrt 2013 12:44:33 UTC
The first member of Team Aglet! They are AGgron, LEafeon, and Thundurus! They sort of spell out Aglet! Shine bright like an aglet...
wo 02 jan 2013 02:26:48 UTC by big sir
The Name Rater says...
Triple the Pokémon, but only one name? Fantastic, I can call you all trite and I do my job in a third of the time!!
Rated: do 14 mrt 2013 17:45:52 UTC
It's made of Iron and has huge claws.
wo 19 dec 2012 22:28:04 UTC by Iron Rhyno
The Name Rater says...
By that logic we can call you "Thickarse" then.
Rated: wo 13 mrt 2013 23:08:00 UTC
This is the chemical makeup of steel, and that is what the Agron family is made of... Chemistry is an amazing thing.
vr 14 dec 2012 04:26:05 UTC by acujicky
The Name Rater says...
Chemistry; you'll never have it with the opposite sex.
Rated: ma 04 mrt 2013 21:44:26 UTC
Ned Stark
Because why not
wo 21 nov 2012 06:52:48 UTC by Jkoontz
The Name Rater says...
Something to do with "Good nicknames only"..
Rated: za 02 feb 2013 22:53:09 UTC
My Aggron is one of the strongest pokemon in my party. I thought Titanium would be good for him because he has very high defense and he can beat all of my friends pokemon with just him. He is that badass.
do 04 okt 2012 00:20:10 UTC by cwpplayer1
The Name Rater says...
"He is just that badass" only makes me think you secretly dress it up and have tea parties with it.
Rated: zo 11 nov 2012 15:16:41 UTC
Was messing around with Google Translate and found the Polish word for steel "stal" and the German word for bash "hauen" and thought they sounded okay together.
zo 23 sep 2012 17:56:22 UTC by Okjoek
The Name Rater says...
Ah, yes, the most romantic language in the world; German. Not that you'd want to go for something lovey-dovey with Aggron, but at least something that doesn't make you flinch or ignite an urge to chant "Two World Wars and one World Cup"..
Rated: di 06 nov 2012 12:35:15 UTC
I mixed the words “Fear” (for obvious reasons, as Aggron should be feared) and “Ferrum” (which is Iron for the periodic table of elements ‘Fe’. Seeing as Aggron is the Iron Armored pokemon)
do 06 sep 2012 18:38:32 UTC by PKMN Trainer Zach
The Name Rater says...
It becomes "Fear Rum". How fantastic, how awful.
Rated: di 16 okt 2012 17:21:15 UTC
He Chomps Bad Name Raters
do 24 mei 2012 20:36:27 UTC by Catstorm
The Name Rater says...
He must be terribly hungry then.
Rated: di 28 aug 2012 22:16:08 UTC
It's funny that Aggron can know surf. It weighs over 750 pounds, half steel and half rock type, and yet manages to float on water with no problem. But this nickname might float or sink because the boat Titanic actual had "brittle" steel, yet Aggron has tough iron that can withstand an hit from an iceberg. It's a good tough name, but anyone else can try to make a better name than this.
ma 05 mrt 2012 07:30:44 UTC by YaRoCheSsa
The Name Rater says...
It's funny that you think I could even look past your nickname without laughing and passing it off as 'trite'.
Rated: wo 08 aug 2012 16:07:13 UTC
This is a reference to Metal Gear Solid 3. Shagohod is pretty much the same thing as Metal Gear, but Russian. Though Aggron is probably not Russian, it IS however a metal behemoth of existence that crushes through things as if they were tissue paper. They go hand in hand. Ekans, Arbok, and Seviper better watch out, because no snake is safe against this thing.
ma 10 okt 2011 03:16:32 UTC by CauseAndCatastrophe
The Name Rater says...
Sorry, you lost me at "reference". Since then I've been thinking of sheep jumping over fences and onto your head..
Rated: zo 22 apr 2012 20:36:18 UTC
I wuvs Aggron, don't you wuvs Aggron?
do 22 sep 2011 13:51:03 UTC by Aggron is awesome
The Name Rater says...
Clearly not.
Rated: wo 07 mrt 2012 18:12:48 UTC
Female aggron, a rock/metal pokémon. Name: Pallasovka, a meteorite of a type that is known to have pure rock and metals forming it. Now you do the funny and evil criticism.
zo 18 sep 2011 00:25:49 UTC by MagikDark
The Name Rater says...
Getting quite demanding aren't we? Can't I just go on strike?
Rated: zo 04 mrt 2012 13:32:56 UTC

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