Yes, the much-anticipated third installment to the Pokémon Stadium series is finally here, and it is the best one yet. Unlike the other you-see-what-you-get games, Pokémon Colosseum gives players the unique ability to go on an RPG adventure and snag evil Shadow Pokémon. In case you aren�t aware of these strange Pokémon, they were regular Pokémon who had their minds taken over by the power of a strange technology created by Team Cipher, the bad-guys of this game. To return the Shadow Pokémon to their original states, trainers must totally drain their shadow gauges and open the final doors to their hearts using an ancient, mystical shrine in the Relic Forest of Agate Village.
The gameplay of Pokémon Colosseum is pretty much like it is in the other Pokémon Stadium games, but instead of fighting all single-battles, trainers must always battle 2-on-2 with rival trainers in the story mode. Don�t let down your hopes- this is actually quite convenient, not to mention it makes battles shorter than before.
The Bad News-
Of course, there are a few let-downs of this game. First of all, in order to use Pokémon from R/S game cartridges in story mode, gamers must first complete the story mode to unlock this feature. However, not all is lost- gamers can still transfer current teams from their R/S games to use in free-colosseum battles at all times.
The second let-down is the fact that not all Pokémon from past-games can be achieved in this game. In fact, only about forty of the total 352 can be successfully pocketed. Good news is that, if you hope for the chance to capture the three legendary-dogs, you�re in luck. In the game, you will have two chances to snag Raikou, Entei, and Suicune from three Cipher Administrators. They are obviously very difficult to capture, so bring plenty of Ultra Balls along with you before confronting them.
Overall, I say this is a very good game. I, personally, like it so much that I have only had it for about 12 days, and have almost totally completed it. Below, I have listed the final ratings of this game.
Gameplay- 9.2 (Excellent)
Music- 6.5 (Pretty Good)
Graphics- 9.0 (Excellent)
Controls- 9.0 (Excellent)
Concept- 8.5 (Very Good)
Realistic Feel- 7.7 (Great)
Overall- 9.3 (Excellent)
A Massive Thanks to GoldenRhydon for this!
Page written by Psythor.
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