PKMN.NET :: Join Avenue - Florist :: Black 2 and White 2 Join Avenue
Black 2 and White 2 Join Avenue: Join Avenue - Florist | I prefer Lurpak myself..

The Florist!
If I were to make my dream come true on this avenue...
I would want to help everyone relax with beautiful flowers.

The Florist is such a fancy term, we prefer the names "Garden Centre" or even "Job from Hell", although it does help when somebody whose current status is comparable to being so deep in the closet that he's stumbled across Narnia happens to work there. You can ignore that, by the way. The Florist specialises in Mulch, which currently has little use other than to sell to a Maniac in Mistralton City for [p]1000 each which is a significant gain on what you can buy the item at, and to buy berries which have multiple and various uses.

Black 2
White 2
1 Pecha Berry x4 [p]600
Cheri Berry x4 [p]600
Stable Mulch [p]400 Growth Mulch [p]400 Gooey Mulch [p]400 Damp Mulch [p]400
2 Aspear Berry x4 [p]600 Oran Berry x4
3 Stable Mulch x2 [p]400 Growth Mulch x2 [p]400 Gooey Mulch x2 [p]400 Damp Mulch x2 [p]400
Persim Berry x4 [p]600 Sitrus Berry x4 [p]600
Lum Berry x4 [p]800
4 Chilan Berry x4 [p]2000 Razz Berry x4 [p]2000 Haban Berry x4 [p]800 Bluk Berry x4 [p]800
Leppa Berry [p]1500
5 Kasib Berry x4 [p]2000 Colbur Berry x4[p]2000 Payapa Berry x4[p]2000 Babiri Berry x4 [p]2000
6 Mulch Set x4 [p]400
Coba Berry x4 [p]2000 Tanga Berry x4 [p]2000 Chople Berry x4 [p]2000 Charti Berry x4 [p]2000
7 Yache Berry x4 [p]2000 Kebia Berry x4 [p]2000 Passho Berry x4 [p]2000 Shuca Berry x4 [p]2000
8 Petaya Berry x4 [p]2000 Ganlon Berry x4 [p]2000 Liechi Berry x4 [p]2000 Salac Berry x4 [p]2000
Occa Berry x4 [p]2000 Wacan Berry x4 [p]2000 Apicot Berry x4 [p]2000 Rindo Berry x4 [p]2000
9 Tamato Berry x4 [p]600 Qualot Berry x4
10 Hondew Berry x4 [p]600 Pomeg Berry x4
Grepa Berry x4 [p]600 Kelpsy Berry x4

For a description of what each item does, please visit our Item Glossary page!

Page written by f3raligatr.

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BrokenSNES on Wed 18 Sep 2013 12:17:39 UTC.
How do you get join avenue in black or white? I thought it was B2/W2 exclusive.