PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Hassle in the Castle
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Hassle in the Castle

< Carrying On! | Two Hits and a Miss >
Johto League Champions
English Title
Hassle in the Castle
French Title
M�lo au ch�teau
This episode is essential viewing because:
Brock's Zubat evolves into Golbat.

Ash & Co. are still on their way to Ecruteak City, when the sky darkens and a storm brews. Seeking shelter, they come across a castle at the top of a cliff. Arriving at the castle, they knock, hoping someone will let them in, but it seems no-one is in. As it leans against the door, Pikachu accidentally pushes it open. Realising that the doors are unlocked, they enter. As they walk along a corridor, they hear someone scream. They hear it again and run towards the sound, thinking someone may be injured. As they get closer, Brock begins to think it may be a torture chamber. They arrive at the room the sound is coming from and throw the doors open to find Pokémon treating people. One of the people in the room, a woman, notices them and asks if they have an appointment. They explain that they entered the building to shelter from the storm. Brock tries to chat her up, which she ignores. She introduces herself as Dr. Anna. A member of staff then enters the room, telling the Doctor that they are ready to start a Zubat scan.

After scanning the patient, she tells him that he is fine and advises him to get a Machoke massage. Brock watches in amazement. He explains to Ash that the Doctor used Zubat's Supersonic as an ultrasound scan to give her patient a check-up. The Doctor tells them that they don't just use Zubat; they use the special abilities of a number of Pokémon in diagnosing and treating medical problems; Machoke for chiropractics, Spinarak's web as a bandage and Mareep's electricity as low voltage muscle stimulators. Misty wonders why she works in the castle instead of at a hospital, so Dr. Anna explains that the owner of the castle was once her patient, and when she moved away she let the Doctor set up her own clinic there. The Doctor is then called away again, but Brock stops her from going, saying that there is something they have in common as he calls out his Zubat. Dr. Anna's Zubat; Mimi, flies up to Brock's Pokémon and they begin flying around together. Watching them, Brock points out that they look like a perfect team, just like he and Dr. Anna could be. He offers to help he with her rounds using Zubat as thanks for letting them shelter from the storm, and doesn't give her time to refuse. As they walk off together, Ash realises how hungry he is.

Also in the castle, Team Rocket are sneaking about when they begin to hear an odd noise. Scared, they turn around and shine a torch in the direction the sound was coming from, only to find Wobbuffet out of it's Pokeball, following them. Jessie recalls it. Meowth then smells something. Following the scent, they find the kitchen. As they start stealing the food, Ash and Misty enter the kitchen as a member of staff shows them where to find some food. Entering the room, they notice the Trio.

As they wander around on her rounds, Dr. Anna questions Brock about his dream of becoming a Pokémon Breeder. He tells her that he was planning on being one, but would much rather help her and use his Pokémon to treat people with her. As they walk further, Team Rocket run by. Dr. Anna asks them if they have an appointment, so they stop, turn around and recite their motto. Meowth tells Jessie and James to grab the food and run. Ash and Misty arrive, telling the Trio to return the food. Meowth tells them that if they want the food, they will have to take it from them. Ash decides that is what he will do, and orders Pikachu to attack, but the Trio run off. Dr. Anna tells them to come back, warning them not to run down the hall. Thinking it may be a shortcut to the exit, they ignore her. She and Brock give chase. As the Trio run along, the floor suddenly drops down, becoming a slope. Brock and Dr. Anna accidentally fall down it too, with their Zubat following. As Ash and Misty prepare to go after them, a brick wall slides into place, blocking their progress.

After falling down the sloping corridor, Dr. Anna checks that Brock is alright. Team Rocket are a little upset, saying that they have the patent on pitfalls. Brock notice that their Zubat followed them down, and Mimi leads the Doctor to a light switch. They notice that there is no way they can climb back up as the tunnel has sealed itself off. Team Rocket prepare to leave. Dr. Anna tries to stop them, but they ignore her again. Doing so, they walk straight into a brick wall. The Doctor tells them that there is no telling what will pop up in the maze they are in. Brock asks her how they will escape, so she pulls out a laptop to help. She orders Mimi to use Supersonic, giving them a rough floor plan of the maze they are in. She points out that Mimi's Supersonic didn't give them a full picture, so Brock orders his Zubat to use Supersonic too, giving them a much more detailed picture of what they are in. She begins to lead them out of the maze.

Back in the castle, Dr. Anna's assistant shows Ash and Misty a map, pointing out the maze exit in the middle of the woods.

Making their way through the maze, they stop in a room with two exits. Dr. Anna looks at her computer, pointing out that both routes look to be dangerous. James begins to think that they will never escape.

Dr. Anna's assistant leads Ash and Misty to the location of the maze exit. They find it covered over with a large stone. Ash decides that they should try to dig it out.

Back in the maze, Dr. Anna is still unable to determine which route to take. Tired with waiting, Jessie decides to try one out for herself. As she attempts to make her way down one route, it blocks itself off with a brick wall. As it does so, Dr. Anna's computer registers that the other tunnel is now safe to use.

Outside, everyone is trying to clear the maze exit.

As they walk down the tunnel, Dr. Anna's computer notices another obstacle ahead of them. Impatient, Jessie and Wobbuffet decide to make their way along anyway. As they near the supposed obstacle, Jessie pushes her Pokémon ahead in an attempt to use it to trigger any traps. When she notices it stop, unharmed, she continues towards it, only to have two brick walls fall down on her.

Still digging outside, Ash and Misty finally find part of the doorway marking the maze exit.

Making their way through the tunnels, Dr. Anna stops, unable to see where they should go next. Brock notices the Zubat still flying along, pointing out that they seem to know where they're going. He then begins fantasising about marrying the Doctor. As he is off in his own little world, Team Rocket walk past him. James points out how talented the Zubat are, and Jessie tells him that is the reason they are going to steal them. After walking a little further, Dr. Anna notices the exit right in front of them.

Outside, the exit to the maze has finally been dug out, but the doors are stuck shut. Ash and Misty begin trying to open them.

Inside the tunnel, Team Rocket grab the Zubat in a bag and try to make their escape, only to slam right into the still stuck doors.

Outside, Ash and Misty are unable to open the door. As they think what to do next, Brock's Pineco, who had been following Brock, but didn't fall down the tunnel with him, uses Selfdestruct, blasting the doors open.

Inside the tunnel, Brock checks that Dr. Anna is alright as Mimi and Brock's Zubat escape from the bag Team Rocket had trapped them in. They exit the maze to find Ash and Misty. Brock thanks Pineco for opening the door. Looking inside, Misty begins to wonder where Team Rocket are as they were in the tunnel too, when a rope appears and, coiling around Pikachu, drags it inside. The Trio reappear with Pikachu trapped inside a glass cage. As Wobbuffet jumps out, surprising Ash & Co. the Trio take the opportunity and make a run for it. James sends out Weezing, ordering it to use Smokescreen to cover their exit. Brock and Dr. Anna order their Zubat to blow the Smokescreen away. Jessie sends out Arbok, ordering it to use Poison Sting. Brock orders Zubat to use Supersonic, confusing Arbok and making it attack it's own team. Brock's Zubat then begins glowing; it's evolving! After it's come to it's senses, Jessie orders Arbok to use Poison Sting, but Brock orders his newly evolved Golbat to use Wing Attack, batting the Poison Sting away. He then orders it to use Supersonic, confusing both Arbok and Weezing. Dr. Anna checks Golbat's Supersonic on her computer. The attack is so powerful, it overloads it. The Trio drop Pikachu, smashing the glass cage it was in. Ash orders it to use Thundershock, sending Team Rocket blasting off again.

Later, back in the castle, Brock assumes that he and Golbat will be staying so it can use it's Supersonic to help Dr. Anna with her patients. Anna tells him that she is impressed with how strong his Golbat is, stating that she had never seen a Supersonic so powerful, but tells him that the attack is too strong. She tells him about the attack overloading her computer. She again tells him how impressed she is as some Pokémon don't have attacks that strong so soon after evolving, saying that he must have raised Golbat very well and that she is sure he will make a great Pokémon Breeder some day. He thanks her for the complement.

And later that day, Dr. Anna and her assistant wave Ash and Misty off as they drag a tearful Brock along on their journey through Johto.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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