PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
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Who Gets to Keep Togepi?

< So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd | Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden >
Indigo League
Japanese Title
Who Gets to Keep Togepi!?
English Title
Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
Spanish Title
¿Quién conseguirá quedarse con Togepi?
French Title
Oeuf surprise
Italian Title
L'uovo della discordia
German Title
Kampf um Togepi
Who's that Pokémon?
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This episode is essential viewing because:
The Pokémon Egg hatches into a Togepi, who becomes attached to Misty believing her to be it's mother.

Ash gets his Pokédex upgraded.

Ash, Brock, Misty and Pikachu are in a Pokémon Center. Joy says there is a message for Ash. She hands him some weird talking message paper, with Prof. Oak on it saying that Ash should call him. Misty says he should. Ash dials his number on a videophone. Prof. Oak asks how everyone is doing. He says that Pikachu looks well! Ash says they've been busy and that's why they haven't called. Prof. Oak is being bothered by something purple and slimey. Ash says it looks like Muk is doing okay! Muk is climbing over Prof. Oak. He says he hopes the next Pokémon Ask sends is easier to care for. Ash says he hasn't caught any new ones. Muk completely covers Prof. Oak. He jumps up. He tells Ash that he can get his Pokédex upgraded if he puts it into a thing on the phone. It will have new info and maybe a new voice. Ash has it updated. Prof. Oak tells Ash to get more Pokémon and badges.

Ash wonders where they should go next. Misty says they could go to Cinnabar Island. Brock gets out the weird egg and starts polishing it. Ash wonders when it will hatch. Brock says he's been keeping it warm by keeping it with him all the time, even when he sleeps! Ash asks what kind of Pokémon it might be. Misty says she hopes it's a Tentacruel. She would love to have one of those! Ash worries that it might be an Aerodactyl. Brock hopes it's a Golem. Misty says it might be a Lapras.

Team Rocket is nearby and has overheard about the egg. James says it might be a Dragonite! Jessie says itll be an Aerodactyl. Jessie says they should get that egg. James points out that they haven't even caught Pikachu and have a long tradition of failure to keep! Jessie hits him. Jessie whispers something to Meowth.

Ash says they're going to Cinnabar Island. Suddenly, Jessie and James come in weird disguises, holding baskets of eggs. Ash says he can't believe it. Jessie and James ask if they want to buy some eggs. Misty asks what kind of Pokémon eggs they are and Jessie says they'd find out when they hatch. They asks again if they want to buy some and Ash says they already have one. Brock shows them the egg. Team Rocket suddenly throws their eggs at them and Brock drops the egg! Which one is theirs? Team Rocket starts saying their lines, but stop when they realize no one is paying any attention to them and are looking for the egg! Meowth has the real egg. He and Jessie and James run away.

We see a house in a forest. Inside, Team Rocket has the egg. James wants to cook it and Meowth hits him. Meowth says he's going to hatch it. When Jessie asks him how, he says he'll keep it warm with his body. We then see Meowth holding the egg and eating rice, and then Meowth and the egg in a bath together. James says he must be boiling it, but Meowth gets angry and splashes water on Jessie and James. We then see Meowth going to bed with the egg. Jessie and James says that they never thought Meowth could be so revolting!

Ash, Brock and Misty are following a trail of eggs Team Rocket left. Pikachu finds the house. They look through a window to see Jessie eating, James cooking and Meowth polishing the egg! James gives Meowth some scrambled eggs and he again hits him.

Ash sends Pidgeotto, Brock sends Geodude and Misty tries to send Staryu, but Psyduck comes out of course. She puts it back. They all break through the window. Pidgeotto grabs the egg from Meowth and gives it to Ash. Jessie and James send Arbok and Weezing, and Weezing fills the room with its Poison Gas attack and no one can see. Meowth gets the egg from Ash, then Geodude tackles him and Jessie catches it before Misty can, then Staryu tackles her, Ash catches it, then James, then Brock! Pidgeotto uses its Gust to blow the gas away and Meowth has the egg! Then he trips and it goes flying. Ash tries to catch it, but misses. Luckily, Pikachu catches it. Ash takes it, and says there's something moving inside. Weird waves start coming from it and it starts cracking. Suddenly Misty grabs it, saying she wants to see! It hatches.

It's Togepi! We see Misty from Togepi's eyes as she lifts it up. Togepi looks pretty happy, too. Jessie and James say they still have a battle to finish, so Pikachu shocks them and they run away. Meowth says he wants his egg back.

We see Ash and the others by a lake. Togepi is on Misty's lap and Misty is covering her face, then uncovering it, which Togepi thinks is great. Dexter says it is called Togepi, but there is no specific information. Pikachu likes Togepi. Misty says even its name sounds cute and Ash says that all newborns are cute. Brock picks it up and makes a face at it, but it doesn't seem to happy. Ash wonders who should keep it. They argue. Brock says he should because he incubated it and Ash says he should because he found it. Misty says she should because it likes her the best! It does seem to. Meowth comes and says he should because he took care of it the most. Jessie and James agree.

Ash says the only way to solve this is with a Pokémon battle. The winner gets Togepi. They go to some weird stadium. Brock says it will be a six way battle, but Meowth points out that Jessie and James didn't help Togepi at all, so they can't battle. They both get mad. Ash says they'll each use one Pokémon. Meowth realizes he doesn't have any and Jessie and James won't lend them theirs. Meowth then remembers he is a Pokémon.

The first battle is Meowth vs. Brock, with Brock using Onix. Meowth is pretending to be his own trainer, so it's kind of weird. Onix hits Meowth and Meowth tries using Scratch, but it isn't very effective. Onix uses Rock Throw, which Meowth dodges. He then spots two buckets of water and remembers Onix is weak against water! He throws it at Onix and uses Fury Swipes. Onix is knocked out! Brock says that was cheating and Meowth says he is a parent fighting for his child.

Next is Ash vs. Misty. Ash sends Bulbasaur. Misty tries to send Staryu, but, as usual, comes out instead. She can't bring it back! She tells Bulbasaur to hit it on the head and Ash says he isn't that dense. He tells Bulbasaur to lick Psyduck on the head. Psyduck laughs. Ash tells Bulbasaur to use the tickle attack and Psyduck laughs so hard it can't fight, so Ash wins! Togepi looks happy.

Next is Ash vs. Meowth! Ash chooses Pikachu. Meowth looks at Togepi and remembers when it was an egg. Meowth is very determined to win Togepi back. But before he can attack, Pikachu puts his tail on Meowth's charm and shocks him. Meowth loses. Team Rocket drags Meowth away and Meowth is crying.

Ash is thrilled that Togepi is now his, but Togepi doesn't seem to agree. It just sits there when Brock and Ash try to talk to it. It just loves Misty! Dexter says that Togepi imprints on the first thing it sees, and thinks that it's its mother! Brock says that Misty was the first thing Togepi saw when it hatched, so now it thinks Misty is its mother! Misty puts Togepi down and it follows her around. She asks Pikachu if it will help take care of Togepi and it says it will. Togepi looks happy. Brock and Ash don't, though!

This episode guide has been written by flik.

Who Gets to Keep Togepi? Trivia:

 Togepi becomes the 2nd Gen II Pokémon to appear in the anime.
 Brock's eyes open in this episode when he is hit by Arbok.
 This is one of the few episodes in which the episode title remains the same in the Japanese and English versions.
 Meowth is shown in battle in this episode.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd | Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden >

KHFan90 op za 20 nov 2010 03:34:10 UTC.
Another trivia could be that Ash tells Bulbasaur to use the Tickle attack against Psyduck as a joke before that was an official attack.

< So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd | Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden >