PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Beauty and the Breeder
Episode Guides |
Beauty and the Breeder

< Hook, Line and Stinker | A Better Pill To Swallow >
Johto League Champions
English Title
Beauty and the Breeder
French Title
Le concours de beaut�
This episode is essential viewing because:
Brock returns Susie's Vulpix.

Today, Ash & Co. are found taking a break in the local Pokémon Center. As Ash and Misty enjoy an ice cream, Brock goes to check his e-mail, finding that he has a message from Suzy; the Pokémon Breeder who gave him Vulpix. Ash and Misty ask what the e-mail says. He tells them that she is entering a Pokémon Contest in a place called Bonitaville and is looking for a Pokémon she can enter. Though it's a little bit out of their way, Brock really wants to see Suzy.

They arrive in Bonitaville. As he grooms Vulpix, Misty asks Brock what kind of contest it is. Ash assumes it's another Pokémon Catching Contest and begins to wonder which Pokémon he should use, but Brock tells him that it isn't. It's a Pokémon Beauty Contest. Misty assumes that's the reason he's grooming Vulpix; he plans on entering the contest with her. He tells Misty that he isn't entering the contest, but Vulpix is.

Team Rocket are also in town. They plan on entering the Pokémon Beauty Contest, hoping that by winning they may become famous. They tell Meowth that to win, they will have to give him a makeover. Thinking of the money, he agrees.

Elsewhere in town, Ash & Co. are waiting at a spot where Suzy promised to meet them. Misty wanders off somewhere, when suddenly Vulpix jumps from Brock's arms and runs off. They follow it and watch as it jumps into Suzy's arms. Ash and Brock go to greet her, Brock shyly handing her a bunch of flowers. She thanks him, but he then thanks her for allowing him to keep Vulpix for so long, hoping that he's raised it as well as she wanted. She tells him that he's done a better job with Vulpix than she could have done herself. Ash asks if he's really giving Vulpix back, but Brock explains that it was never his to begin with, and that he knew he would have to return it some day. When he found out that Suzy would be in Bonitaville, he thought now would be the perfect time. Suzy explains that Brock thought she should enter Vulpix in the Contest instead of looking for a new Pokémon. Brock suggests they leave her and Vulpix to get reacquainted while he and Ash go and buy tickets, but Suzy suggests he enter Vulpix in the contest with her, as partners. He happily agrees before turning bright red and fainting. Ash tells Misty they need some water for him, but when he looks around, he realises she isn't there.

She isn't too far away though. She's admiring another contestant's Ninetales as he grooms it. She begins asking him numerous question, which seem to irritate him greatly. He asks if he can ask her a question; will she please leave him alone. Shocked by his outburst, she apologises. Suzy then comes along, telling him that he could be a little more polite. She tells him that he should be happy that Misty thinks his Ninetales is beautiful. Realising she's right, he apologises, telling them that he is just focused on winning the beauty contest.

As they all eat together, Suzy tells Ash & Co. that she and the Ninetales' trainer; Zane, have known each other since they were children. Even back then they both knew they wanted to be Pokémon Breeders. They even started out with the same Pokémon; Vulpix. They both vowed that they would be the top Vulpix Breeder. Brock assumes that means they're rivals. Ash looks Ninetales up in his PokéDex, commenting on how cool it looks. Zane explains that since Suzy and Vulpix will be hard to beat, he and his Vulpix decided it should evolve into Ninetales. Misty comments that he and Suzy seem to have a lot in common. Suzy confirms this, but says that they disagree about some things too. She explains that Zane thinks what makes a Pokémon beautiful is what is on the outside, but she believes that beauty comes from within. Zane tells her that way of thinking is "old school", saying that if Vulpix belonged to him, he'd cut and curl it's fur to make it look beautiful, asking it if it wants to do that. In reply, it runs back into Suzy's arms as she says that it looks beautiful just the way it is. Zane comments that she hasn't changed a bit, then excuses himself, telling them that he has to get Ninetales ready and walks off. As he walks away, she comments that he really is sweet, before turning back to Brock and, having forgotten he was sat there, telling him that she thinks he is sweet too. Brock tells her that Zane isn't sweet; he's their No. 1 competition and they have to defeat him totally.

Elsewhere, Team Rocket have finished giving Meowth his makeover. Surprisingly, he likes what they've done.

The contest starts. Ash asks what number Brock and Suzy are, so Misty looks at the program and tells him. He asks what number Zane is, so Misty tells him that he is after Suzy. Ash comments that Brock seems to be too.

Backstage, Brock and Suzy are giving Vulpix one final groom before the competition. Brock tells her how honoured he is to be entering the contest with her, saying that he thinks they have a good shot at winning now that they are a team. The contest announcer calls entry No. 1 to the stage. As he makes his way out, he is abducted by someone. The announcer calls again, but still nothing. Suddenly the lights come on and Team Rocket. disguised, appear onstage reciting a motto. The crowd applauds. The other contestants arrive onstage. Zane goes over, saying that he has never seen anything like them. Brock thinks there is something funny about them and suggests they go backstage again and wait their turn. Zane says that he had to see them up close, telling them that they are unique. He asks Suzy what she thinks, and she agrees with him. Suddenly Officer Jenny arrives onstage announcing that they are frauds and that they locked the real contestant No. 1 up in a closet. Brock asks them if it's true. Jessie tells James to talk them out of it, but he says that they wouldn't have done it if they'd thought they would get caught. Jessie buts in, saying that their original number was 259, asking how they could have let the judges wait that long to see them. It looks like this is the last straw as an extremely angry Officer Jenny proceeds to throw them out. After being left outside, Jessie and James begin to argue, but Meowth attacks them, telling them to be quiet; he has a plan of his own.

As the contest begins again, Ash and Misty go backstage to see if Brock and Suzy are alright when the doors burst open and a pair of "Pokémon Doctors" enter. They claim that they are there to perform examinations on every Pokémon being entered in the contest. Brock doesn't think it sounds right, but one of the "Doctors" tells him that anyone who doesn't comply will be disqualified. As they take the Pokémon away, Zane tries to go with his Ninetales, but is stopped from doing so. The "Doctors" tell the contestants that there is no reason to worry as they close the door behind them. Outside, they lock all of the Pokémon up in a large container. Inside, the contestants begin to worry as the next entrant is called to the stage.

Backstage, the contestants are getting restless and begin demanding to see their Pokémon. Zane goes over to the door, but it's locked. Brock tells everyone to stand back as he calls out Geodude, ordering it to break the door down. Everyone rushes outside, but there is no sign of the "Doctors" or the Pokémon. They hear a laugh and look up to see the "Doctors" in a hot air balloon. They remove their disguises, revealing themselves to be Team Rocket. As they float away, Ash takes charge, calling out Noctowl to pop the balloon. As they crash back down to earth, he orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, breaking the lock on the container full of Pokémon. As the Pokémon return to their owners, Ash walks over to the balloon. Angered, the Trio send out their Pokémon. James orders Victreebell to use Razor Leaf, but two Flamethrowers from Vulpix and Ninetales burn the attack to a crisp before it can do anything. Suzy and Zane come over, intent on teaching the Trio a lesson. Jessie orders Arbok to attack, but Suzy and Zane order their Pokémon to use Fire Spin, sending the Trio and their Pokémon blasting off again.

With Team Rocket dealt with, to contest continues. As Ash & Co. talk, Zane comes over, saying that, as bad as they were, there is one thing he has learnt from the Trio; the importance of working together. He suggests that if he and Suzy work together they could make a great team, breeding and grooming the most beautiful Pokémon ever. She asks him if he is suggesting opening a Pokémon Beauty Salon together, then asks Brock what he thinks. He tells her that he thinks the two will make a great team. Hearing this, she agrees to Zane's idea. The announcer calls for the next contestant; Brock and Suzy with Vulpix. And as they go out on stage, they are greeted by a huge round of applause from the crowd.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Hook, Line and Stinker | A Better Pill To Swallow >


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< Hook, Line and Stinker | A Better Pill To Swallow >