What's in the quote ain't in the post.
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I still come on this site to find nicknames for my pokemon, but I've found that not only is the Name Rater seemingly disappeared, but activity at a whole seems to be at a standstill. I hope one day we can get something like him back, since it was always a neat idea to critique others nicknames. But with 401 pending nicks and seemingly no ratings in sight its safe to say that we won't be rated anytime soon. But hey ya never know maybe things'll pick up...hopefully.CL4P-TP (spaz)
Forums for small websites were bludgeoned to death by large social media platforms. I'm just here to see if the name rater finally got around to rating my Pokemon nicknames from 2006.
forums just kinda old and slow paced, no one really uses them anymore, especially on sites with as small an active userbase as here.you've already stumbled into the Discord though, which is where most of us are!
I mean that is kinda true, but like then again, no one is active on that server and I've trying to find one person active there for so long.
Not gonna lie, I don't really talk that much on discord, I like the layouts of forums and it is just more appealing to me I guess.
i prefer forums too. always have. sucks theyre going out of style. i get why but it doesnt make me feel better about it lol.