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Topics - TheDesertPro

Pages: [1]
Say Hello! / Hello, I'm TheDesertPro
« on: December 03, 2015, 06:10 »
I found this website while I was lookin for a good name for my groudon( which took me several hours looking at websites) and found a perfect nickname for it on this site. I mainly used this website to find nicknames for my Pokemon and I wanted to submit my nickname for Pokemon and I thought " I wonder how I could sign up"? So I looked a little and saw the registration. My nickname came to me while I was finding a good YouTube channel name and I did some thinking and thought "well I'm kinda a pro at the desert and its facts. I was more interested about what mysteries surround the deserts and its glorious sands. And I love gaming." So TheDesertPro was born. I really have no clue on most things but I did read the rules so I have a slight grasps on the do's and don'ts.

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