Author Topic: Rhea's GenLocke Series (Gen 1 [R,B,Y])  (Read 999 times)

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Offline OpalRhea

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Rhea's GenLocke Series (Gen 1 [R,B,Y])
« on: February 19, 2014, 13:19 »
Hi, I'm Rhea. Most of you have prolly seen me around.

I'm gonna be doing GenLocke (play each gen as a Nuzlocke). Not only GenLocke, but I'm going to be attempting to do each game of each gen (excluding VI because I do not have it yet) (Gens that have 3 installments [except gen one], I'll be using each starter for each game. Eg Cyndaquil for Gold, Totodile for Silver, and Chikorita for Crystal).

Now, things to note. All of these are on emulators, so I won't be trading between games all. No complete pokedex. Oh well.
Events between versions occur either simultaneously, or in rapid succession (eg Niall[ Red ] has to wait for Zane [ blue ] to beat Brock before he can go in. Or Chris [HG] gets told that someone already collected the medicine for Amphy, and goes back empty handed)
In reference to that above point, Gym battles may be told from the perspective of a character from another version.
R,B,Y is the first set I'm doing. G,S,C are coming later.

The rules I'm using;

Any Pokemon that faints is considered dead, and must be either released, or put in a box specifically labelled R.I.P.
I may only catch the first Pokemon encountered in each area (Duplicates, and pokemon encountered before I obtain PokeBalls are exceptions to this)
I have to nickname all Pokemon I catch.
If I black/white out, it's Game Over.
In game (NPC) trades, are allowed, although they count as a capture for that area.
I am not to use Ctrl+R (Reset function on the emulator) if things go wrong)
No fleeing from battle (this is prolly gonna end at least one challenge, but oh well)
Starter must be used throughout the whole game.
If starter faints, it's an automatic Game Over, even if rest of team is alive.
Healing items may not be used outside of battle.
Each Pokemon Center can be used three times (eg, upon entering the town, part way through the Gym Challenge, and right before leaving the town)
Gym Leaders or major battles mark end of chapter.
Each section may be done in different color (corresponding to which game I'm playing through)

Part one of R,B, and Y coming soon.

EDIT 1- Took out the pokemon center rule, as it made this too obnoxious.


Chapter 1- The Road We Walk…

A story of three strangers, a trio of brothers who always seem to be in the way, a mysterious girl, and a challenge that will change everything.

20th of February, 8 am
Pallet Town

 Mom was about to call me. I knew she was. It was the day I was supposed to get my first Pokemon, so it was no wonder she wanted me there on time. We’d all heard about the kid a few years ago who didn’t wake up until an hour late and got the silly electric mouse.
 “Ni—“Before she even got the first syllable of my name out, I had already slid down the banister to the ground floor. “Niall, someday you’re gonna crack your head open doing that.” She chastised.
 “…Sorry Ma.” And I was. I was just… excited as well. It was a rite of passage that every kid got a Pokemon and went on a journey. Apparently it helped build character…
 I was older than was the average, but I hadn’t felt ready to leave home and be stuck in almost my own company until just recently. I’d gotten wanderlust now though, and I had it badly. I wanted to see new places, triumph over obstacles, and in general see more than this quiet little town.
 Mom had taken it really well. She’d spent the last two days making preparations for me. My backpack was slung over the chair, still open so I could see the contents.  There were clothes (both for cold weather and general use), some books, and a small tub of washing powder*. A bag of food was sitting on the counter, and a tent was rolled up in a sleeping bag for if I got stranded outdoors. She handed me a PokéCard**.
 “I’ve preloaded it with 3000 Poké, to get you started. I know it’s not much but…”
 “It’s fine Mum. I’ll get more as I journey anyway. “I smiled at her, and she kissed my forehead. It was uncomfortable, but I wasn’t going to complain, especially since I wasn’t sure when I would next see her.
 She finished getting everything together, and handed me the backpack and the tent. I slung both over my shoulder, and then kissed my mother on the cheek. “I’ll be back. And when I am, I’ll be the Kanto champion.”
 She simply smiled. And maybe I was imagining it, but it seemed like there was a touch of sadness in that smile?
 But I forgot it as I walked outside. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and I could hear the Pidgeys on Route 1 singing.
 I went to the Lab, and scowled slightly as I saw Caleb through the window. We’d been rivals since we were kids, and we didn’t really get along. He was a jerk most of the time.
 But still I walked in. I talked briefly to Professor Oak’s Aide, and was promptly shooed towards the Professor and his grandson. As far as I knew, Caleb had two brothers, one older, and one slightly younger. I’d met the younger brother briefly. He was a nice enough kid. From what I’d heard, the eldest was a right terror. I was just glad that he wasn’t here.
 The Professor thanked me for showing up, and offered me a Pokémon. Looking at the three that were on the table, I instantly grabbed the Squirtle. There would be plenty of time to catch Pokémon of the other two types.
Caleb then promptly grabbed Bulbasaur, and challenged me to a battle…

20th February, 8.30 am
A small house in Viridian City.
 I stepped to the side, just as my father threw one of Mom’s vases at me. She stood there, her hands over her ears, and her eyes scrunched shut. 
 I regretted this fight for a moment, seeing my mother cowering like that. But then my heart hardened. My father would rather I acted like a wandering vagabond than actually complete my studies. Well if that’s what he wanted, FINE. I’d go and get a stupid pokemon, and journey around the stupid region, and beat the stupid league. Then see if I was so stupidly useless.
 “Yeah, yeah. Get out. I’m going. Have a nice life.” I said darkly, turning my back and storming out the door. I almost flipped my father the finger before I slammed the door, but I decided to hold back that instinct. No use making things worse for Mom.

 Things weren’t always this bad. I remember when my parents would smile a lot, when Dad would pick me up and spin me around, instead of screaming abuse at me. I don’t know what changed. Maybe I don’t want to know.

 I stormed out of Viridian. We’d lived here for the past six years. But… It’s never felt like home. For a moment, nostalgia darted icy fingers into my heart. A single tear welled up. I caught it with a finger, and marvelled at it for a moment. I hadn’t cried in a long time. Then I gritted my teeth and flicked the tear away. No use taking emotional baggage. It’d only make my life harder.

 “Hey Mister! Is that the gate to Viridian City? I’ve gotta pick up a package for my Grampa.” I looked up and saw a kid, standing in the grass, looking at me oddly.
 For a moment, I couldn’t respond. “Mister, just yes or no. Is that the way to Viridian?” I nodded, and the kid grinned, revealing that he was missing his top right incisor. He had a dusting of freckles, and I couldn’t help but think of when Mom used to put cinnamon on my ice-cream when I was a kid. Nostalgia gripped me with icy fingers again.
 “…Hey kid. Isn’t it dangerous to be walking through long grass alone? Don’t you have a Pokémon?”
 “’Course I do. I’ve got two actually. Do you have one?”
 I considered lying for a moment, but then decided against it. The kid looked so honest and open, it would’ve been wrong to lie to him. “No. I’m actually going to go get one now.”
  “Don’t worry ‘bout it. Grampa just gave the last ones he had to some girl. Said it was some kind of a favour. Here.” He walked right up, and handed me a PokéBall. “I’m not sure which one that is so…”
 “What’re the choices?” I asked wryly, raising an eyebrow.
 “Charmander named Festus, and a Bulbasaur named Briar.”
 “…Festus? You named your Charmander ‘Happy’?”
 “Yup. Sounds cooler in Latin though.” He grinned again, and I couldn’t help the small smile on my own lips.
 “Anyway, you wanna see which one it is? We can have a battle? If you want I mean?” He looked at me seriously, and I smiled again.
 “Sure. Why the hell not?”

The Yellow portion of introductions and receiving mons coming soon. As are the results of the first rival battles, up until we meet the mysterious girl I mentioned earlier (If it helps, think of her as Green)

Now for some additional info-
*=The way I'm writing this, PokéCenters are not only healing places for 'mons, but also places where Trainers can rest for a night or more. It has fairly basic facilities (shared kitchen and laundry room), basically like a YHA.
**=...Basically, a card that stores your money. It has a sensor that calculates how much you win or lose from battles, and how much you spend at a mart. It makes a whole lot more sense than carrying around the ridiculous amount you usually have by the e4. Because I'm sorry, that's just asking to be mugged.

FTR, non of the chars are 10 (because I can't write ten year olds).
Age order is;
Niall-15 (Red protagonist)
Caleb-15 (Red rival)
Zane-19 (Blue antagonist)
David- 13 (Blue rival)
Lucien – 14 (Yellow protagonist)
Sean-18 (Yellow rival/antagonist)

Caleb will prolly stay true to the way Gary is in game, David is the kid in Zane's part (the bit in blue) so you can see how he acts, and Sean is... more like Silver, except even more of a bully.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 11:29 by OpalRhea »

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Re: Rhea's GenLocke Series (Gen 1 [R,B,Y])
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 22:02 »
Alright, can't wait to see how this play out.
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Offline OpalRhea

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Re: Rhea's GenLocke Series (Gen 1 [R,B,Y])
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2014, 04:50 »
Note. When i hit the gba, i might generate at alternate starter via game shark (for fr and lg). Chapter one coming tonight

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Rhea's GenLocke Series (Gen 1 [R,B,Y])
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2014, 20:48 »
Well well, an abusive father. That's one way to be forced out of the house. =P

I like the red one a lot so far.
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