Author Topic: what's saddening you right now?  (Read 486545 times)

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Offline Kerou 犠牲

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3840 on: January 10, 2014, 20:51 »
Tonight's gonna be one of those nights, already feel like I've had enough =[

Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3841 on: January 10, 2014, 23:03 »
 Just ate a funny looking mince pie and now I feel ill. It's nothing compared to what's happening to you guys though.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3842 on: January 11, 2014, 10:47 »
saddening? more like depressing.

my guinea pig of six years, waffle, had been really sick recently. i've been trying my damndest to make her eat and exercise, but i found her lying on her side this morning about twenty minutes ago. not a good position for a pig.

i took her out and tried to feed and keep her warm but... she died not five minutes ago.

/curls up to die

Offline Inferna

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3843 on: January 11, 2014, 16:55 »
saddening? more like depressing.

my guinea pig of six years, waffle, had been really sick recently. i've been trying my damndest to make her eat and exercise, but i found her lying on her side this morning about twenty minutes ago. not a good position for a pig.

i took her out and tried to feed and keep her warm but... she died not five minutes ago.

/curls up to die

Aww no loz :( *hugs again*  6 years is good for a guinea pig though. They were all cuties <3 I am going to be devestated when my dogs die ugh

Offline RocketMember002

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3844 on: January 12, 2014, 02:01 »
saddening? more like depressing.

my guinea pig of six years, waffle, had been really sick recently. i've been trying my damndest to make her eat and exercise, but i found her lying on her side this morning about twenty minutes ago. not a good position for a pig.

i took her out and tried to feed and keep her warm but... she died not five minutes ago.

/curls up to die
Oh no. :( You were with her at the time at least, that's something to take comfort in. I'm scared crapless my dog is going to die when I'm at uni, which I worry is going to happen this term going by how she's struggling to walk. :/

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3845 on: January 12, 2014, 20:25 »
^My ginger rex rabbit died a few months ago, totally out of the blue. He had a fit at 5am (and a rabbit's scream is a dreadful sound) but by the time I got to him he was all floppy and unconscious. I held him until his heart stopped beating but I was so shocked that I just put him back and went straight back to bed. Buried him the next morning, still shocked. Cried when I later emailed the vet to ask why.

Iuno, I think I prefer it when I expect it to happen. Especially if I can try and do something about it first. Makes me feel more like I've done something to comfort them. *shrug*

Never is easy though. I'd rather be with them as well, I'd hate to have to be away at uni when a pet died :/

Offline Shaymin

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3846 on: January 12, 2014, 22:07 »
Thing is I was at university when Biscuit died. I cried like a baby and didn't have anyone to hug me and tell me it's ok or whatever. I still have four guinea pigs but... now I'm just super worried about Cookie cause now she's the only one of my first piggies I have left. She's healthy enough and still chirpy but when she dies Twinkie will be on her own because she and Philly and Crackers don't get on and ugh

i started sobbing hysterically when we buried Waffle and I just stood there and wailed in the middle of the day in my back garden and i couldn't lift her up off the towel I put her in because her limbs had gone into that rigor mortis thing or whatever it is and I couldn't do it i just broke down and cried i'm 20 years old i'm not supposed to cry like i'm 5

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3847 on: January 12, 2014, 22:27 »
Cry all you want, no one should make you feel bad. Losing pets is terrible. My Chubby is only a year old but when he goes I know I'll be a wreck haha.

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3848 on: January 13, 2014, 07:21 »
Ugh. So, I basically read this post earlier this morning saying how she loves him and such...and it's been downing me. I need to stop it. I can't let it get me down. But I can't do much to not feel bad...I had so many chances but I never took 'em. And because of that, I've been sitting here for the last 7 months feeling like crap about myself because he decided it was a good idea to just jump in all of a sudden and steal her.

There's a phrase I've heard recently. "Nice guys finish last."

Well, why?!? What is that supposed to mean, that being nasty and treating people like crap is the best idea? Or that people just don't like being treated nice? That's how I've ever treated her, and just LOOK where I am now. Sitting on my backside hoping things change (which they won't).

Why am I burdened with all this crap? There's this mess, and that's definitely not all. I look at myself everyday and think "jeez I don't look good" or "ugh barely have any muscles". So yeah, I'm burdened with a big mess, not-so-good looks and a muscle-wasting disease. Not good. Especially when people can take the p out of me for being weak.

It's not only that. People just don't understand what it's like to be me at all. Well, it freaking sucks.

Offline Inferna

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3849 on: January 14, 2014, 01:24 »
Just finished the final professor layton game ugh it was so good I forgot how soul destroying most of the endings are ;____; spoilers/ramblings in little text
his brother is descole, honestly never expected that. Idk i thought it would be Randall?? He gave him his name before he was adopted ;__; then his mum died omg I almost lost it then. Ugh
Also Emmy is his cousin???

Ngl it's just below lost future in terms of heart wrenching-Ness
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 01:26 by Inferna »


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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3850 on: January 15, 2014, 16:24 »
I can't believe I've been so STUPID.

I've had 1 week to make improvements on my Twelfth Night Essay but I've gone and left it to the night before it's due because of previous engagements etc. and I have only just realised that I have LEFT THE TEACHER'S MARKING/AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT AT SIXTH FORM. Furthermore, I can't remember a single thing that was on that sheet but I have to improve it TONIGHT. I can't go back to sixth form without wasting a whole hour and by the time I get there it will be closed any way.

Currently bawling my eyes out because I just feel like I'm not good enough at anything that I'm doing at the moment.

I can't do my 2nd and 3rd pieces of Media Coursework and I risk losing my place on the course.
I'm gonna fail English Lit if I don't improve this/get another chance to improve this.
My grades on the History mock were really low even though it's supposed to be my best subject
English Language is just generally hard and not really all that enjoyable.

Crying/mental breakdown time.

I can't do A-levels. I can't do this anymore.

Offline Inferna

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3851 on: January 15, 2014, 18:21 »
I can't believe I've been so STUPID.

I've had 1 week to make improvements on my Twelfth Night Essay but I've gone and left it to the night before it's due because of previous engagements etc. and I have only just realised that I have LEFT THE TEACHER'S MARKING/AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT AT SIXTH FORM. Furthermore, I can't remember a single thing that was on that sheet but I have to improve it TONIGHT. I can't go back to sixth form without wasting a whole hour and by the time I get there it will be closed any way.

Currently bawling my eyes out because I just feel like I'm not good enough at anything that I'm doing at the moment.

I can't do my 2nd and 3rd pieces of Media Coursework and I risk losing my place on the course.
I'm gonna fail English Lit if I don't improve this/get another chance to improve this.
My grades on the History mock were really low even though it's supposed to be my best subject
English Language is just generally hard and not really all that enjoyable.

Crying/mental breakdown time.

I can't do A-levels. I can't do this anymore.

Can you not get it when you go in tomorrow morning? Work on it at break/study.

I know it seems like the end of the world but a levels/highers whatever aren't the be all and end all. I did find the jump from standard grade (gcse) to higher to be a big one, it took me probably until this sort of time in 5th year to adapt in some of the subjects and the workload so don't worry!
If you're really struggling talk to your guidance teacher/subject teacher. It's not as bad as it seems honestly!

Good luck though, I know how horrible and stressful the year after standard grades were, you'll make it through c:

(I'm Scottish so I obv didn't do Alevels etc but I know the feeling :') )


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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3852 on: January 15, 2014, 18:47 »
My mum rang up 6th form to ask them what time students are allowed in in the morning so slightly less stressed because she's gonna drive me there for half seven to finish it before the lesson starts. I'll get 50 minutes before lesson to work on it.

Slightly less stressed now but I'm still paranoid that I won't get it done.

I know it seems like the end of the world but a levels/highers whatever aren't the be all and end all. I did find the jump from standard grade (gcse) to higher to be a big one, it took me probably until this sort of time in 5th year to adapt in some of the subjects and the workload so don't worry!
If you're really struggling talk to your guidance teacher/subject teacher. It's not as bad as it seems honestly!
It's an astronomical jump but all the coursework etc. seems to have all come around at the same time which is really annoying! I have a progress evening tomorrow so I'll probably bring it up then and ask my teachers for a bit of help.

Good luck though, I know how horrible and stressful the year after standard grades were, you'll make it through c:
Thank you :)

anyway, I got myself into quite a state earlier so my Mum said take a break for the rest of the evening which means I'll be watching Jurassic Park.

Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3853 on: January 16, 2014, 02:06 »
 ^ Like, if you ever want to talk about media work or anything I'm here and I've done two years in it so I know how crappy it can be  :)

 I find it quite sad that my A levels class is more up for going down the pub than my old media class... My old media class was only boys and they would all be saying how much they were drinking the other night and none of them would want to go out for a drink down the pub :mellow: it's bad since we had all been friends for two years and the pub was still a no go.

Offline sylar

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3854 on: January 16, 2014, 04:07 »
ive been having a lot of nightmares recently mostly about my old school ha ha.....

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there
