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Messages - Clairefable

Pages: 1 ... 61 [62] 63
General Pokémon Discussion / Re: worst pokemon ever!
« on: August 14, 2011, 02:33 »
having to deal with it would imply that I care what other people think about a particular bunch of pixels :V

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: worst pokemon ever!
« on: August 13, 2011, 18:51 »

yeh I think they're ugly deal with it  O0

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: worst pokemon ever!
« on: August 13, 2011, 17:16 »
But they're ugly freaky veiny clown things. Yuk. D:

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: worst pokemon ever!
« on: August 13, 2011, 16:21 »
I agree with the Gurdurr line hate. OH GOD SO UGLY WHY IS IT JUST WHY D:

Also, Jolteon. I hate Eevee and all it's evolutions, but I save a particular kind of venom for Jolteon.

how can anyone hate the ice creams I mean they're ICE CREAM everyone likes ice cream!

I know this is TMI territory I'm entering here but seriously why is underwear shopping such a drama I just want a strapless bra why is such a thing hard to find I know I am generously endowed but if I can find ones smaller and ones bigger why can't I find any in *my* size am I really just that much of a weirdo circus freak aaaaaaaaaaaaargh

^it knows you're trying to get rid of it!

Ugh, no electricity in the meter and I really can't be bothered to go and get any before I start work.
I'd just ride it out but frankly I don't trust my housemate to get out of bed at any point to go to the shop either.

Random Randomness / Re: What's confusing you right now?
« on: August 06, 2011, 04:17 »
So I'm out earlier with the guy I'm seeing before we go our separate ways to different nights out
En route to the pub for my friend's birthday I encounter the scumbag I was (unfortunately) involved with a few months ago who starts acting all weird
Then at the pub my ex boyfriend who I haven't heard from since the 80s suddenly decides to start texting me for no apparent reason
What a strange evening

My cousin had a baby today, and for some reason I feel slightly indignant about the fact that she decided to use my mum's name as one of the baby's middle names. So, in the unlikely event that either my sister or I should decide to procreate, that name's been taken out of the equation D<

...not that I'd want to use my mum's old lady name for a child but that's besides the point

Random Randomness / Re: What's confusing you right now?
« on: August 05, 2011, 12:22 »
So I anonymously posted a (crap) sketch of something aaaaaaaaaages ago on a chan-esque site
Someone has taken it and coloured it (badly) and posted it on dA

This wasn't a big deal until I noticed that it's been favourited NINETY SIX TIMES

WTH so I can spend hours over something and not even get near that amount, but someone adding awful colours to a half assed sketch that no one was ever supposed to realise was by me will?! OH U DEVIANT ART

Random Randomness / Re: Random Fact About Yourself
« on: July 31, 2011, 03:20 »
My life tends to sway like a drunk tramp between yawn tedium and OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY IS THIS mayhem with alarming regularity. Maybe I ought to write a book about my wacky adventures or something.

So I'm ~sort of~ on the cusp of getting with this guy I've known for years now, and tonight I got a wake up call about howw absolutely nuts his ex girlfriend and her friends are. We're out for a night with a mutual friend who's leaving the country in a few weeks and one of them felt the need to introduce herself to me- no one else we were with, *just* me. I'm not stupid and I know a warning of "I'm his ex's friend and I'm watching you" when one comes my way. These are women in their thirties and it's quite sad and pathetic that this is what I'm maybe going to have to put up with.

Ah well. I'd like to think I was a pretty chill person but if they want to pick a fight with me it'll be the sorriest thing any of them have ever done /gangsta

Forum Games / Re: Whaddya Listening To Version 1.3
« on: July 26, 2011, 18:13 »
Ludacris vs R-Type- Roll Out '91

im back in ur music threads
spammin with mash ups

Random Randomness / Re: Random Fact About Yourself
« on: July 26, 2011, 18:08 »
i bite the inside of my lip, but i dont tell anyone i really know cause they'll think its gross :s

Sister I do that all the time without even realising it D: I'm actually doing it right now and have to keep stopping myself DX

I have a ridiculous number of scars on my hands from where I keep cutting/burning myself. Yeh I'm clumsy like that. :/

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: July 26, 2011, 17:57 »
Sitting out the back with my trusty laptop and a couple of cans of Strongbow, can't buy class like it n_nb

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