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Topics - TheHeracrossOfLegend

Pages: [1]
Alright, now that I've checked "overly dramatic and silly forum post title" off my list, I should probably get right to who I am and why I'm here. My name is Sean--you aren't getting any more of my real name than that. I went on a Pokemon hiatus for a while a little before Black and White 2 were released, thinking I had outgrown Pokemon seeing as my interest in it was diminishing. Then, about two months ago, lo' and behold, my love for Pokemon returns, stronger than ever, and hasn't diminished since! But're probably wondering how I found this site...or maybe you aren't. I'm not going to act like I'm important. I don't nickname my Pokemon very often, and I wanted a change, so I looked up nicknames for a certain Pokemon, and this site pops up. I check it out, see all the nicknames and think, "Hey, why shouldn't I try that?" So I go ahead and join up.
Not too complicated, right?
I didn't think so.
Now, onto my nickname...Well, I recently realized while I was browsing Bulbapedia articles about Pokemon that I really liked Heracross. It eventually occurred to me that I really loved Heracross, and that he was my favorite Pokemon. The "legend" part of my name is just because it sounds cool and comical to me. Sue me. Anyway, I think that's all you need to know, unless I forgot something, which I probably did. Meh...whatever.

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