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Topics - Hazmatfox

Pages: [1]
Games General / Community Name Rating.
« on: July 02, 2015, 16:58 »
So lurking about a month on the site, it seems that the NameRater isn't returning any time soon. Plus one person's opinion (Or a few others in the case of this site) does leave some biased, and yet still humorously critique. I'd thought it be fun we band together and critique our own nicknames for our favorites. Keep in mind, I do see this not working out... mainly the same reason why the NameRater isn't responding, too many nick names posted, and not enough time or critiques.

With that out of the way, let's get started. ^-^

To throw my hat in the ring, there is my Sandslash, Amarillo. I am from the Midwest in the United States, and adore wild west fiction. The name is based off a town in Texas, and there a plenty of armadillos running amok. 

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