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Messages - JºèýJ³dý

Pages: [1]
When you ask for a Porygon for breakfast (Like me yesterday) :-[

Jets are made from Aluminium. Titanium would be WAY too heavy. Tanks are made from Titanium

When it takes a second to change from day to night.

When ,at every bin you see, you look inside for treasure

when your chemistry teacher asked you what happens when a metal reacts with an acid and you say 'it doesn't affect it'

Hey I'm going as Ash for halloween this year. But it's mostly for shock value.

When a mere Pokemon battle scares away a whole massive team of theives and stops them from what they're doing.

When you can store a bike in a PC

You know you've played too much Pokemon when you start to try and teach your dog how to use attacks.  :-[

You know you've played too much Pokemon when you go to the zoo on a school trip and shout 'look a rhyhorn!' and  embariss yourself infront of your whole class

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