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Offline Inferna

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Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« on: January 25, 2014, 19:51 »
She stared up at the sky, admiring the stars. She was dreaming again. No chance of seeing stars where she lived, the sprawling tower blocks obscured them. Oddly she knew she was dreaming, it was what you might call a lucid dream.
Her dreams had always been a place where she had sought out peace from her hectic life. Sighing, she wriggled her hands on the tufts of grass and plucked a blade out. This place she dreamed of every night was vast. She’d always be in the same place, atop a small grassy hill where she could see in every direction. Occasionally she saw strange animals; they looked like nothing she had ever seen before.
Folding the grass along her small nails she put it to her mouth and began to buzz a tune. This was going to be a good dream, she could tell. No worries or anything.
Cassie could hear a strange yet familiar noise in the distance. She listened carefully. A loud drum beat echoed and then a guitar riff started playing. It was her alarm. She began to panic; usually she could wake up when she heard it but not this time. Screaming she willed herself to wake up. She couldn’t.
Cassie was trapped.
“Maybe it’s just a dream within another dream or something,” she reasoned. She could hear her parents shouting at her to get up. Waiting she heard the panicked screams of her mother, “She’s not waking up, call an ambulance!”
“I-I must’ve slipped into a coma somehow.” Cassie was usually very calm but she began to cry.
Getting up she walked around. She spotted a small egg nestled in the bushes. It was red with purple stripes on it. Tentatively she walked over to it and picked it up. It began to crack open. Out came a small animal with large rabbit like ears, huge brown eyes and wispy fur. “What are you?”
It opened its eyes. “My name is Puffmon. You’re my partner!”
“Yes! I’ve been waiting for you to get here, c’mon lets go meet the others.” Puffmon smiled.
It is sort of cute, maybe I can wake up if I go with him.”

"We're here! Puffmon shouted. Puffmon had lead her to a dense forest. She could hear footsteps. There were others here.

I've been on a Digimon fix lately so yeah, here is a Digimon RP!

For a long while now you've been having the same dream, just appearing in a vast land. It's always in one specific place it never changes. One night though you don't wake up. Frantic you have no idea what is going on, are you in a coma or worse, dead?
Nope. You are trapped in the Digital World.
You find a small egg and it hatches, revealing an odd animal of some sort. It declares that it is your partner. Unsure where to go you follow it and end up in a forest. There are other people there.
Obviously you are here for a reason.

So as this is a Digimon rp obviously you need a Digimon!
(I'm assuming you've heard of the series at some point and know the basics, if not feel free to join anyway.)

I've used this site to choose what Digimon I want: There's lots of Digimon wikis so you won't be stuck for information.

I'm pretty lax about what Digimon you pick but anything past Rookie needs to be able to Digivolve normally rather than through dna digivolving etc. The good thing is you can go as canon or uncanon as you want! You could just have plain old Gatomon into Angewomon or Gatomon into LadyDevimon, as long as the Digimon are on the lists of each other. So you can't have Palmon evolving into Seadramon!

Fresh - Mega will be needed.

Pick which one bests suits your characters positive trait:

Reliability me

put the crest in colour to show you've read this far!

Code: [Select]

[b]Name[/b] Nothing too Japanese :u
[b]Age[/b] 10 - 20
[b]Personality[/b] No marysues etc 4 lines+
[b]Appearance[/b] 4 lines + you may use an image but only if you've drawn it yourself.
[b]Digivice colour[/b] These will be D3's (used in the second series).
[b]Other[/b] Anything else?

[b]Fresh[/b] *link to image if you wish*
[b]In Training[/b]

[b]Other[/b] Anything special, slight appearance changes etc?

- All PKMN.NET rules apply.
- No godmodding, limelighting etc
- No one line posts
- Use ((for ooc))
- You can put your Digimon's speech in a colour if you wish.
- You can't Digivolve at will! I will introduce it gradually as the RP progresses.
- If you need to leave then drop me a PM.
- Have fun!

I think I've covered everything.
I've not rp'd in ages so I'm really looking forwards to this c:
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 19:53 by Inferna »

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2014, 22:07 »
I'm reserving a spot now. Might be a bit before my form's done, since i'm mobile atm

Offline SaRo|Rapidash

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 22:47 »
This looks pretty cool - haven't played digimon in ages, but I remember it always had a certain charm to it ^^ I'd like to save a spot, if that's okay? I'll edit the following form with more details as soon as I think of them xD


Name: Sebastian Anderson
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Sebastian is sarcastic, arrogant & a narcissist, he knocks peoples every move and is cynical of every idea except his own. This said, you would assume he would not make many friends, however this is not the case, for whatever reason Sebastian usually finds himself with more friends than most. He is incredibly courageous, and as long as it won't mess up his hair he will at least try almost anything.
Appearance: Sebastian stands at around 6' 2" in height, and has short-ish dark brown (almost black) hair that is styled in a way that has the sides shaven and the top lifted up. He's fairly thin, but not so much that it makes him look weak. He has deep brown eyes, that darken towards the edges. He wears black skinny jeans along with a green polo shirt and a maroon puffed gilet, and usually wears large framed glasses. He doesn't need these glasses, he just likes the look of them.
Crest: Courage (was that post in any colour or a specific colour?)
Digivice colour: Pink
Other Nothing of note


Fresh: Botamon
In Training: Koromon
Rookie: Falcomon
Champion: Peckmon
Ultimate: Mammothmon
Mega: SkullMammothmon

Personality: Kory is the exact opposite of Sebastian - she's kind, helpful and willing to risk her life to help anyone, even those she met. She's willing to go with anything anyone says, as long as it makes them happy. She's very much an optimist, and can easily be let down by others.
Other: This digimon likes to be known by the name Kory.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 22:57 by RubyRobin »
...╚⊙ ⊙╝...

Offline The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 23:02 »
((I've never really watched Digimon, though I have a general idea of the basic mechanics. Also, I did some research into some Digimon evolution lines and, with your permission of course, I think I have a good line to work with.))


Name: Jason McIntosh

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: A computer geek and video game lover, Jason spends most of his life studying for classes or fighting the forces of evil. He isn't a social recluse, but he prefers his books and computer games over shopping at a mall (unless it's for techy stuff) or going to a party (unless it's a LAN party). He's a smart cookie, which shows in his apparently vast knowledge of seemingly random subjects. Most of what he knows is limited to either the material he is studying or to an assortment of random facts, so he isn't a super genius by any measure. He tends to be relaxed, but angers quickly. The issue here is that it takes longer for him to act on his anger than it does for him to become angry, so when he lashes out he's already hit his breaking point. Jason prefers a more logical approach in life; stepping back to consider the situation and plan ahead rather than rush forward recklessly. He'll bide his time and calculate (figuratively) his options before striking.

Appearance: Jason is tall, about six feet. He is thin, but not scrawny. He has lightly tanned skin. His dark gray hair reaches down to about the middle of his neck and is messily combed. He wears a pair of thick framed glasses that he has a lot of trouble seeing without. He has no facial hair, but he does have a small horizontal scar on his left cheekbone from an accident in a lab while setting up equipment. It unfortunately doesn't make him look like a bada**, just a guy with a scar. He wears a pair of dark jeans, some white sneakers, and a black t-shirt with a short equation in white. Over his shirt he has a black cotton jacket with rolled up sleeves.

Crest: Intelligence

Digivice colour: Green

Other: ((Might think of something to put here.))

((I'm going off the chain of evolution from the DigimonWiki, with some specific choices based on the personality I'm choosing for it. Notably, it's Attribute jumps around between Vaccine and Virus, which I'm not entirely sure is okay.))
Fresh: Metal Koromon
In Training: Kapurimon
Rookie: Hagurumon
Champion: Guardromon
Ultimate: Andromon
Mega: HiAndromon

Personality: Though most of the forms require programming, it performs it's duties with such enthusiasm and joy that one would think it was born for the sole purpose of performing the simple actions. Aside from these simple tasks it enjoys performing so much, it has dreams and aspirations to become a great warrior and combatant. Though some of it's forms are of Virus attribute, it isn't evil in the strictest sense. It seeks to achieve it's final programming stage and desires fighting only to prove it's worth to itself and it's partner. Unconventional methods of combat aren't above it: stealth will be utilized in more agile forms and the environment will be used to gain the upper hand, only resorting to brutality when the odds are severely not in it's favor. It has trouble processing emotion and speaks in a proper manner with a masculine voice. Unaware of how to act with others, it will try to emulate those it sees as allies and will act in ways it thinks will encourage friendship, including strangely phrased complements and the occasional prank.

Other Speaks in teletype and in a direct manner (Initiating combat mode. Recovery mode initiated. Activating "Tactical Retreat" mode., etc.) ((I really should be doing homework. Maybe I'll think of ways to customize my Digimon. An insignia, a color scheme, something.))
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 18:48 by The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA »

Offline OpalRhea

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 17:41 »

Name Christina (Call her that at your own risk) 'Chris' Barrens
Age 19
Gender Female
Personality Chris is a laid back and mellow person, on the surface. She takes a lot onto her shoulders, usually without meaning to. Easily stressed out, Chris becomes stoney when she's overwhelmed. For the sake of her sanity, she forces herself to believe that things will always get better, no matter how bad they look.
 She always tries to comfort others, burying her own doubts to try and appear strong. If it comes down to it, she'll do whatever is required to spare her friends harm of any kind.
Appearance Chris has short (by short I mean it's just starting to grow out of a buzz cut) dark red hair, and dark grey eyes (which are slightly overshadowed by the bags under them). She's about 5 foot eight, and is... stocky (broad through the shoulders and... well a little bit overweight).
 Usually, she wears loose-ish tee shirts (either fandom related or plain blue/black), and jeans, over a pair of very worn out sneakers (So worn out that she'll probably just be barefoot after a certain point).
She has a rose quartz pendant around her neck.
Crest Hope
Digivice colour Blue (TARDIS Blue to be specific. just because)
Other Not that I can think of

Fresh Dodomon
In TrainingWanyamon
Rookie Gaomon
Champion Gaogamon
Ultimate MachGaogamon
Mega MirageGaogamon

Personality Her personality varies between forms. As Dodomon, she is silent, and rather aggressive, using her teeth to get her point across. As Wanyamon, she is friendly and playful, but sulks when ignored (she also really loves a scratch behind the ears). As Gaomon, she is quiet again, but also a little bit of a scrapper, but very protective of Chris. As Gagaomon, she uses her size and strength to defend those who need it, and to help keep her allies safe (and especially to keep Chris safe). As MachGagaomon, she is more likely to be an assaulter in fights, in the front and dealing as much damage as she can, usually with hit and run (more accurately, hit from one direction, go another, hit from there). As MirageGagaomon, she protects her allies and friends with all the speed and strength at her disposal.
Throughout all forms (except for Dodomon), she is honest, loyal and trustworthy. She doesn't like bullies, and will make the effort to stand up to them. She always tries to protect those that she can, but understands that she has her limits (but she still will fight if she believes there's no other option).
Under most circumstances, she is obedient to Chris' wishes, unless they will directly involve Chris being hurt.
She doesn't like to fight opponents weaker than herself, unless it's to help them grow stronger. 
Other Is female ((from what i can tell, Gaomon is usually male)), and from Gaomon up, has black fur on her chest instead of the normal white.

Will finish later. I need to go to bed
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 15:59 by OpalRhea »

Offline Inferna

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2014, 15:59 »
All accepted guys c: i'll see if we can a few more joiners then we'll start.

Offline OpalRhea

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2014, 16:10 »
Depending on the number of joiners, would I be able to have a second character?

Offline The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2014, 03:17 »
I suggest we start soon: a party of 4 sounds like it'll be pretty easy to manage. If others wish to join, they could make a form and include their character in some way (perhaps the villains encountered them and persuaded them to join up? Or they were lost/just entered the Digital World/etc.)

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2014, 15:03 »
-New challenger approaches-

Name Kyra Evans
Pronounced 'Kai-raa' and nothing annoys her more than people getting it wrong and calling her by the more common 'Key-ruh'. Equally annoying is people mistaking her name for 'Kara' or 'Kira'.
Age 18
Gender Female
Personality Kyra spent her childhood dealing with a family illness, and though her early years were spent living half on hospital wards and half at home, many were surprised to find the little ill girl grow up to be cheerful and outgoing.
Her sunny attitude lasted until high school, where after finding a close group of friends and starting a loving relationship, things began to fall apart as her condition required monitoring once again. Though nowhere near serious in its nature, her friends and partner began treating her differently, more so when she began having to skip lessons every so-often for treatments. As time went by, Kyra found herself being slowly forgotten and driven away from her close-knit group, eventually ending her high-school experience alone with the excuse that she had simply 'missed too much' during the periods she was gone.
These days, Kyra is still a loving girl though has shut herself away from most nearly everyone bar her family rather than risk feeling abandoned once more.
She instead finds solstice in vast libraries of books and far-away fantasies that would find no reason to forsake her.
Kyra runs on high emotions and guides her life from her feelings rather than logic, though with little engagement in the world, has had very little chance to apply herself to much of anything anymore. Though kind and generally pleasant, her social skills are a bit rusty given the circumstances. Her temper isn't easy to set off, as she will generally remove herself from a tense situation altogether rather than try and challenge it, though due to her emotion fueled outlook, can reach startling levels of aggression when provoked, though afterwards her outburst will usually leave her burned out.
Appearance Relatively pale skinned from a childhood spent indoors, she wears her warm brown hair messy over her fringe and down to the middle of her back, alternating between letting it free and tying it back when the situation requires. Her eyes are dark blue, and her personal favorite feature.
Kyra is somewhat short for her age, standing only around 5 foot 2. Combined with her somewhat lanky proportions and slender build, at times it's easy to mistake the girl for being younger than her age would suggest. Her favorite items of clothing to wear are ones that allow her to move and offer comfort and she can usually be seen parading around in a pale undershirt with sleeves that reach to just above her elbow, covered by a very dark grey sleeveless over-shirt. Dark denim shorts that reach to just above the knee are her favorite, combined with thigh-high socks to keep her legs warm and a pair of comfy white branded trainers. A lilac vest-jacket and white bandage-like cuff on her left wrist finish her usual look.
Crest Love
Digivice colour Lilac
Other Kyra suffered from an illness in the past and though near fully recovered, her prior condition has made her somewhat fragile in terms of health and build. She has no trouble exerting herself, though if she injures herself of falls sick, it often takes her just a little bit longer to recover than most other people.

((I'm aware that this line is a bit wacky and I'm hoping it's alright, since I wanted to go for a sort of dark sorcery feel here without passing right into straight-up evil, which a lot of this lines digivolutions unfortunately seem to be. The mega itself is a bit left-field, but I'm hoping it'll slide since it's listed as 'canon' and the only other two options didn't fit with the theme I was trying to establish.))
Fresh  YukiBotamon
In Training Nyaromon
Rookie Salamon
Champion Witchmon
Ultimate Wisemon
Mega ChaosGallantmon

Personality Her initial forms as a Data type (Fresh through Rookie) leave her personality generally rather even tempered and reasonable. By no means a pushover, she instead chooses to follow a more relaxed flow of life and act as a rock of reassurance to those who may need her. She can be understanding, though not without a teasing temperament and a somewhat short fuse. When as Salamon in particular, she demonstrates an unfaltering loyalty and willingness to protect others at the expense of her own well-being.
After digivolving to Witchmon and gaining her Virus attribute, her personality turns far more rash and extroverted. Rather than being a gentle loving presence to Kyra, she instead takes a far more active role in encouraging her partner and showing off her skills, demonstrating a renewed playfulness and loud attitude. She enjoys playing an active role in any skirmishes while in this form, relishing being able to fight to her full power and make full use of her magical attacks.
As Wisemon, this attitude is curbed somewhat and she is far more sarcastic in nature than outright loud and exuberant, leading to her battle style taking a more back-seated approach and instead whittling down the enemy from further afield, pacing itself slowly before unleashing a decisive hit.
In her final form, though somewhat aloof by nature, shows the return of her good-hearted core attitude and a willingness to get the task at hand done, whatever the odds.
In all forms, she has shown a particular flaw to not consider others or the consequences of her actions when Kyra's well-being is involved, instead focusing only on her partner alone.
Other A female digimon, or at least acts like one. Owing to her Data attribute, her Salamon form has reddish brown eyes rather than the usual Blue, which is associated with the more common Vaccine type. Her Wisemon and ChaosGallantmon forms are also a little more femininely shaped in general, in terms of the robes and armor.

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2014, 22:42 »
/casually slips into the role play to even up the numbers 
Ok it's mostly because i wanted an excuse to write a form thing involving digimon. 
So even if this doesn't kick off for whatever reason, I'm happy because beeeeees. 


Name: Rudi Hess
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: His default facial expression is "unimpressed", which is an accurate feedback of his attitude towards most things. Rudi doesn't think that highly of himself, either, but neither does he care much about that. He'd rather be disparaging of other people, especially if he's decided that they're trying too hard. Not particularly intelligent or charming, he will readily argue or fight with people for the sake of bringing them down rather than to big himself up, and has a group of people he hangs around with who wouldn't quite be considered his friends. Overall, though, he's used to people giving him something of a wide berth, which isn't entirely undeserved and at least partly intentional.
Appearance: Like trouble, apparently. Of the sulky-teenager kind. He's built like a rugby player, stocky, and with his hair shaved close to his skull. Were he to grow it out it would be black, matching his dark eyes with heavy brows and dark skin. Clotheswise he found his dream self wearing what he'd been in the day before the coma: a tshirt for some deliberately obscure band, undone boots, a few simple piercings in his ear, brow and septum, and a pair of black trousers which have seen better days (and probably used to actually fit properly).
Crest: Sincerity
Digivice colour: Yellow
Other: Now picture this guy looking dour and holding a cutesy bee digimon in his arms.

Fresh: Pupumon
In Training: Puroromon
Rookie: Fanbeemon
Champion: Waspmon
Ultimate: CannonBeemon
Mega: TigerVespamon

Personality: Less grouchy than Rudi, although that isn't exactly difficult. Despite being a virus type, and not as friendly as his appearance might suggest, he's hard working and determined to actually get things done. So in the event that his partner would rather throw his weight around than cooperate, he will get him to snap out of it. Probably with a sharp sting.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 22:48 by Sebastian Moran »

be humble,
for you are
made of earth.

be noble,
for you are
made of stars.

Offline Inferna

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2014, 15:02 »
Yay more joiners! That's kinda why I've left it for a while aha. I'll edit the op tonight and get my form sorted and we can start c:

Offline OpalRhea

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2014, 10:45 »
Gonna be making a second form. Crest of Light. Yes, i'm partially posting to remind inferna about this so we can start soon

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Re: Digital Dreams|[J][LP][An][Ad]
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2014, 16:55 »
Not sure if it's worth me posting a form on this seeing as it seems dead, but here goes:


Name Jay Trusedale
Age 18
Gender Male
Personality Jay was always the cool kid at school, attracting allot of attention from boy and girls a like he always seemed very popular surronded by lots of people wherever he went. Even the teachers seemed to like they were never one for disciplining him if he did something wrong or they were always chatting about how Jay was going to achieve "big things." The truth of the matter is while on the outside Jay seems like a popular, outgoing individual he's actually rather lonely, he doesn't have what one would call a "friend" and he spends most of his out of school life by him self stuck in his room, alone with his thoughts despite this even his family believe him to be as some heart throb popular school kid. He comes across as rather confident in himself and his abilities, always one to take charge and not seem bothered by the consequences or the opinions of others, when in actual fact he questions his own abilities and puts himself down on a daily basis, he is constantly worried about what people might think of him and of course is scared of growing old constantly being alone.

Appearance Jay is around average height at 5 ft 7 and has olive coloured skin, he has short black spikey hair which is normaly, spiked to one side and he he has brown eyes. His usual attire consists of dark brown mud covered boots, with black skinny jeans, he also normaly wears a light coloured top (white, grey, blue etc) with a brown leather jacket with lighter brown stripes around the arms over the top.

Crest Friendship
Digivice colour Black
Other Where he comes across as confident signs can be seen of where he shows lack of it, someone could maybe pick up on those and perhaps make for a good story between the two?

Fresh Petitmon
In Training Babydmon
Rookie Dracomon
Champion Coredramon
Ultimate Wingdramon
Mega Slayerdramon

Personality Quite loud and overly confident which sometimes makes Jay questions his own abilities further, he easily picks up on Jays insecurities and tries to help him through it by backing up any ideas Jay might have as well as constantly reassuring him. He also helps to distract other people by making a fool out of himself when others notices the insecurities or lack of confidence Jay has in himself.
Other none
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