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Topics - shiny kyurem

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General Pokémon Discussion / best out of all types
« on: August 12, 2013, 22:38 »
hey every body this is the first one i've done so hope ya'll like it :)

this it from worst to best.

right first we have rock i mean really? this type has QUITE a few disadvantages
and the best move that rock has is explosion! but i gotta say not as good as i thought.

second we got one of the newer types fairy!... i mean who want's say a zekrom to get completely destroyed by a fairy like jiggeleypuff it would be such and embarrassment u would be pretty annoyed if that happened to u.

next we got steel yes it may have a few EPIC pokemon such as Aggron, steelix and many other's that i can't really think of but think about the disadvantages there's ground fire water u would get destroyed in minutes

now there's bug not much i can say except that it's not that good tbh and there's many.MANY other types that would make u wish u had never picked a bug type in the first place

now there's normal... what else can i say i mean REALLY??? no advantages and many disadvantages not to mention ghost's immunity

fighting, i guess it's ok but not entirely the best it's got a few advantages and a lot of disadvantages but all in all it's alright

next there's electric got one major disadvantage but quite a few other advantages fairly good type if u ask me

now water good type few disadvantages good advantages hopefully in gen six they'll make a FEW more good water types

now psychic good type got quite a few good pokemon in this type and can't wait to see what gen six has to offer

grass next this type has got some MEGA powerhouses in it and gen six i'm sure has a lot more to offer so i really can not wait to see what's coming!!!

next fire and my friend would be glad to see that fire has rated quite high in my list i mean look at them all i'd tell u them but i wouldn't know where to start so i'm gonna leave that one to u

ghost... the pokemon that are in this type there's just LOAD'S and MANY of them are just AWESOME!!!

dark this type has a lot of AMAZING pokemon in it Zoroark, Bisharp, Sharpedo do i need say more? Oh and u can't forget darkrai now can u???

ground just this is an awesome type with groudon rhyperior and there's a LOT more that i just can't think of right now but i'm sure u will know

now flying there's just absolutely LOADS of flying type pokemon and all are just powerful hard to train (if u have the pokemon games) and at there final evolution? well i'll let u figure it out!

ice well one major weakness many strengths this type is home to my favourite pokemon,kyurem and if u look at all three of it's form's u will understand why it is so high in my list!!!

now my top favorite type of them all.... DRAGON!!! this is probably the best of the types it's home to MANY legendary's and to the persuado dragon's which base stats are higher than legendary's my favorite dragon out of all is haxorus it's stats are amazing and it's just a powerhouse!

anyway folk's that's all i got time for today i guess i'll see u next week!


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