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Topics - pokemonruben10

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My dream is to work in the Pokemon company to make some Much needed changes because the people om charge of everything Pokemon really disappointed me gen 6. For example Pokemon fans: the people running ( Pokémon) didn't even bother to fill the whole gen 6 pokedex ..only like 60 new Pokémon. Im guessing the people running (Pokemon) probably think they the new mega evolutions count as the other 100 Pokemon remaining.. Cause clearly Im missing something. Even worse, Mega Evolutions were introduced gen 6 and none of the Pokemon in its generation even got  an evolution.
So yeah Me and brothers love Pokémon , mostly me though but my brother loves Pokemon too, also my other brother, ..Anyways I love Pokemon but me and my brothers always talk about some new Pokemon changes should be changed or added. Like I Mentioned earlier, I think the whole temporary mega evolution is just not good and pointless to me.
-Me and my brothers are always talking about how some Pokemon really need a New Evolution like the famously forgotten dunsparce. I don't use dunsparce but it would be cool if he evolved right. Many Pokemon really need an evolution and I want to hear many other peoples dream evolutions of which Pokémon should evolve or Really need to Evolve. I personally want Seviper to evolve,Not Mega Evolve.
-I Don't like How Pokémon only released one New Type, FAIRY.  I Honestly don't like this new type mainly because i actually preferred it to be called LIGHT type instead. Also, I wished they could've thought of more types rather than 1. And I think moonblast should have been a dark type move instead of fairy. I wanna know know what fanmade types would have been cool if they were real and should be added.
- Pokemon Moves. Even this topic isn't safe from me. I want cool moves but I Don't want cheater moves either.
I love poison types and I think the (pokemon people) should really give poison type pokemonn some cool Pokemon moves and a cool poison type legendary' for god sakes. Some Pokemon cards have pretty cool sounding attacks like, I heard Empoleon have a move called Ice Blade and I just like the ring to it. Why not, there's leaf blade already. I'm not asking for a poison type move that takes like 500 special attack. Even some Pokemon types need some better moves like bug and ghost. Better moves must be made and they might as well sound cool. What do you guys think?
-I have many theories to why A Wii u Pokemon game hasn't came out. #1) The Pokemon people are just too genuinely lazy to create such a masterpiece. They haven't made Pokemon home console game since 2007, so times have changed and people expect a lot. And it must be a very daunting task like I said to create a very detailed game. #2 the Pokemon people just want it on DS because it sell better or its just somehow meant to be portable so that other Pokemon owners carry theirs DS's and trade and done. #3 I takes several several years , maybe they haven't begone the secret development or they want to but they have few ideas or its become an even bigger problem than they believed. #4 I just don't know #5 maybe they'll will make a Pokémon game but for the console after Wii u.#6 they just don't want to #7 Nintendo Creator fears this game because its just so good people will die of its sheer awesomeness.
I talk about anything Pokemon 24/7 and I want to know every bodies opinions!! I want to know your Pokemon teams and I really wanna know what you guys think
My name is Ruben and hope you guys voice your opinions

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