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Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: July 17, 2013, 03:16 »
60. (Isn't it so interesting when another member plays the enemy? +RolePlay action)

I make it farther along the mountain. "Isn't a shame that the magic had to die right when I became a ghost? The entire history of the Memberland means nothing to them... Back when it was all tanks, helicopters, and explosions. Back when there was no spriting. Spriting is like communism," I say with disappointment.

"It's quite a shame," Wolstenholme tends to the conversation.
"But, your sprites are amazing," I say. "After the Modmins are destroyed and so are the two Memberlanders, we'll start a new world of magic and enchantment, and you can sprite all you want."

PKMN.NET / Re: Real quick announcement about IRC
« on: July 17, 2013, 03:07 »
Muhed, is IRC audio or text? I hate my accent.

In 2010 it was text, and that is what I prefer.

This is a sign that we belong together. :-*

Famous for behaving like a classic wife.

Forum Games / Re: Rate The Sig Above You v.4
« on: July 17, 2013, 03:03 »
Tell me where you live. I'll position four snipers around your house. One will be across from your parents' room, another will be trailing into your room. The other two will be accompanying them to help with blood cleanup, escapees, survivors, missed shots, hiding the bodies, backup, etc. I'll hunt down your cat and have it for dinner then I'll seek out your relatives and friends and end it there.

Trying to prove something, are you? On second thought, your sig is -1000000/10.

I was here since 2010. This is just my third registered account.

Ho ho ho! You're famous for being a woman.

Famous for... wait, who are you again?

Forum Games / Re: Rate The Sig Above You v.4
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:39 »
I was expecting Captain Obvious to come by. False alarm *drops shotgun*

Your sig is awful! 0/10! *Picks up shotgun and shoots Bradleykat's ugly sig to pieces*

Thank Arceus... I was about to throw up.

Forum Games / Re: Rate The Sig Above You v.4
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:32 »
0/10. Because anything that belongs to you is awful. >:D >:D >:D

My Sig is the best, riiiiiiiiight? ::)

*Gun click*
*Prepares to shoot Captain Obvious if he appears*

Forum Games / Re: Introducing... The 'Shut up' game.
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:28 »
You're a crappy spriter. Shut up.

Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:25 »
(First of all, I don't know where that came from, but I had not been trying to capture you and it makes no sense since I'd been good before and you just recently came to this topic. It makes no sense)


I let the two Memberlanders take a few more steps.

I teleport and appear in front of them again.
"Bsomethingh, please. You think it's that easy to kill me? Do you know who the hell I am? I created the Memberland. How could your own President have been trying to capture you? I haven't been trying to capture you at all, and I don't know where that came from. I'm just interested in killing you two now. I told you, I'm not easy to kill, in fact, my power far exceeds yours," I say.

I hadn't been hurt at all from the earlier bout. I knew Hitmonchu was simply a new Memberland recruit. Yet he doesn't know the selfishness of his companion, Blazicario. His extreme hunger for power. He has yet to learn the ancient history of what I've started. I simply need to kill these two blind fools. Everyone else holds high honor in my eyes. Wolstenholme, SS, RubyRobin, Poison2007. They are the only decent warriors alive.

I sink my fangs into the throat of Hitmonchu, holding on to it to tear the throat open completely. I pluck a strand with my bloody teeth and throw the mauled Hitmonchu into a dark rift I had drawn with my claws. As for Blazicario, I'd wait for him to recover from my earlier blast of dark energy. I appear inside Hitmonchu's mind, trudging over to him while he is at his last breath. I tell him, "Your sprites are a hideous disgrace to my world."

Random Randomness / Re: SHIPPING
« on: July 17, 2013, 00:52 »

Two cute little fourteen year olds belong together.


Two girls who come to me for advice belong together.


Father and son. What did Joeno give Psythor for father's day, I wonder?

Richard and BlazikenxSpriterSRXL

SpriterSRXL seems like Richard's competitive battling apprentice.


They both talk nonsense which makes me think, "Holy crap I didn't know the site serves alcohol."

MexThe PKMN.NET Book of Site Records

Because I think I'm about to break the record for the most shipping in one post.

The Name RaterxGurren Lagann


Forum Games / Re: Who is Big Brother?
« on: July 17, 2013, 00:43 »
Big Brother is the walrus.
I am Big Brother.
Therefore I am the walrus.

Forum Games / Re: Introducing... The 'Shut up' game.
« on: July 17, 2013, 00:41 »
Не смей говорить моим коллегам вот эти гадости! Закрой свой хаволник!



Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: July 17, 2013, 00:05 »

While Blazicario and Hitmonchu are continuing up the mountain, I appear to stand in their way...

"Hello, Memberlanders," I say with a sarcastic sigh.

"Oh, Crowned Salamence! So nice of you to join us. With another force added, we'll stomp through Modmin forces!" Hitmonchu says with relief.

"Oh, no, I will not fight be fighting beside you tonight..." I say with a wry, evil smile. I open my mouth and an alien scream carrying a ball of evil aura builds up in my throat. I spit it hard and straight into ShinyBlaziken2000's stomach, and the small ball of energy shoves him far out as if it were a solid windshield and ShinyBlaziken2000 were just a fly caught on it. I quickly "glance" to Hitmonchu, and within that quick glance two solid laser beams flew into his two arms.

"What in the world are you doing...?!" Blazicario screams.

Forum Games / Re: Make a Wish. Have it horribly corrupted.
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:55 »
Granted, but it's 2:00 in the morning.

I wish I'd get promoted to webmaster so I can go on a huge banning spree against all my enemies here. >:D

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