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Messages - Sunnii

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Random Randomness / Help! College Work - TV Adverts.
« on: September 18, 2013, 19:57 »
Hey, I have just started college and straight away I have had to make a survey for research. It is going towards a huge project in December, which if I flop in, I fail my whole course.

I need a wide range of results, so if you can spare five minutes I would really love it if you could just fill it out!

If you want to add anything, please comment below and tell me! But I am sure you know how hard its going to be for me to get people to actually do the survey!   <  Its the only one there!

Role Play / Re: [DISC] Been a While Since I've Done This Here
« on: September 18, 2013, 19:51 »
I am interest, I have been wanting to role play again for a while now. Its sad to see how quiet this site has gone! I might be able to get some others back if the role playing actually picks up and doesn't die!

But yes, I like the sound of this role play! And as long as people actually post and reply in it, I would be posting as much as possible!

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: September 18, 2013, 19:45 »
College life is great for me at this point and time too. This time next year it'll all be over and I'll be uni-ing why is everything going so fast?! :'''(

It's scary. Everyone I used to go to school with has disappear off to Uni now. Except for my closest friends. It's weird not seeing them about now!

Random Randomness / Re: What could you never live without?
« on: September 18, 2013, 19:43 »
My phone. I hate saying it, but seriously I am talking to people 24/7 on it. When I lose it or break it, I lose all connection with everyone. Mainly cause I don't go on my laptop as much many more, thanks to the phone.

And now my car. With it, I can finally go out to friends whenever, I can go see the boy I like! It means I can have a relationship at last with ease. Seeing as I have no other transport except for my dear Ma, and none of my friends drive yet. If I lived in a city, I am sure I could get rid of it!

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: September 18, 2013, 19:36 »
^ Happy birthday (:

Well I have started college this week! Yes at last for me. But straight away I have made some great new friends, were we are planning days out. Its nice to get a good social life at last!

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: April 15, 2013, 01:11 »
Cheap!? Sorry to put a downer on things but once you put your electric, water, council tax, broadband and TV license on you'll quickly realise that it's not as 'cheap' as you first think. If my fiancee wasn't getting disability benefits then we'd have trouble running this place as I'm still a student.

Yes, compared to most prices in my area, I am saving around £200+ a month. I think that is a much better saving point. I have already found out about prices for all those and the rent put together in a month and it still comes to a good price. Something I can earn in a weeks work... Yes there is food on top of that, but once again I have a few weeks before that, and I have been saving up for this for a while now. So rent is taken care off for a while. Also I have a car to sell... I know there is a lot more to it, but prices are looking good so far...

Plus if you're renting, you won't be able to decorate or 'do up' the place unless you've got the landlord's expressed permission. Even if you're just putting a couple of nails in the walls for putting a picture frame up. For instance, we're not allowed to put blu-tac on the walls or change the carpet tiles in the kitchen, because it's someone else' property that we're renting.

Yes I know that part of the problem with renting. Before evening agreeing to move in, we'd make sure we are allowed to do somethings to it. Make sure everything is in working perfectly and yes filling in the crack and bumbs. The rest would be hanging things maybe, with the landlord permission of course. But I am sure with the right barginning it will be allowed.

As for you finding it stressful, I can understand that. I know I will be at times. But right now I am so excited. I dont have to move out, but I have been waiting for the last two years too. This is huge for me, and knowing I have my mums support in the best thing ever!

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: April 14, 2013, 21:36 »
I am flat hunting.

Do you know how exciting it is to know your looking for a place that you can call your own? Well I am rooming with my best mate, but still! It will be my home, I will have my own address... I will live over an hour away from my home now... But I will be classed as an adult at last! I know the flat will be cheap and rubbish to start with, but my mum and step dad who is a builder and decorater said they would do it up until it looked perfect. I also get to have my mums old stuff as she buys new ones. I am happy with that! Woo.

Role Play / Re: [J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
« on: April 14, 2013, 21:25 »
Kylar chuckled and leaned forward for a moment, resting his hand gently on Bliss' head. It was something he had done often while he was her angel, but naturally she'd be unaware of that, barring the fact her hair would suddenly become a mess. "Don't be sorry. Honestly, it's sweet that you're offering...thank you."

As he finished speaking there was a gentle tap on the door. The nurse popped her head in and smiled at the two before looking at Kylar. "I'll be in shortly to check your dressings and to go over a few guidelines on what not to do while you recover and then you'll be free to leave. Do you live nearby, or would you like me to call for a taxi?"

Bliss let a blush form over her cheeks as she avoided eye contact with the nurse and Kylar. "By any chance is there a bus station near by? I don't exactly have enough money on me for a taxi." Bliss asked sheepishly whilst biting her lip, her eyes now dating to the door and then to the bed again, trying to not be too embarrassed.

((Sorry it's lame. Sorry I haven't posted in ages. I have had a crazy few weeks. Seems like I finally have the time and energy to post!))

Role Play / Re: [J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
« on: April 04, 2013, 00:06 »
The small girl winced at the sight of the injures but let out the breath she was holding. "At lest they are not as bad as they could had been." She mumbled quietly, whilst tucking a stray piece of her hair behind her ear. "Your also lucky I am good with all the nursing back to health melarkly. My klutzy ways have given me a few tips on how to look after bumbs, bruises and cuts. Plus I sort my dad out to, when it comes to this stuff..." Bliss rambled on before blushing when she realised she rambled on a bit. "Sorry!" She squeak before looking down at her lap. Why can't you act around him like you do with Brandon? Bliss thought, frustrated with herself.

Role Play / Re: [J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
« on: April 03, 2013, 23:30 »
"That's true. If you died I don't know what I would have done." Bliss thought out loud and her mind wandered off to imagine how horrible it would have been to think someone died to save her. The small girl shrived slightly before blinking and returning her gaze to Kai. "What injures did you get?" She asked lightly, as she let her eyes run over what she could see of his body.

Role Play / Re: [J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
« on: March 30, 2013, 22:47 »
"So where did you come from? I heard a lady on the street you appeared out of nowhere."

Now how was he to answer this? He could tell Bliss he'd been following her all her life, but that would make him seem like...what was the word? A stalker? Something like that. No, he had to come up with something again.
"I just happened to be headed across the road myself. I saw you take a step forward and just reacted. Nothing special. The lady probably didn't see me initially just because I keep to myself most of the time. I don't really interact with other people, and just go through life doing what needs to be done. Truth be told, I've never really gotten attention for anything excepting today." His reply was surprisingly elaborate even by his standards, and was actually not too far from the truth at all. "I have to say though, that car was travelling awfully fast..."

Bliss stared at the boy lying in the bed for a few seconds, before blinking and letting out a long sigh. Running a hand though her hair she tried not to the let the guilt eat her up. It should have been me. I should be more careful. The petite girl thought repeatedly as her eye darted back to the boy and a small smile appeared on her lips. Something about Kylar just made her smile, she wasn't sure what and to be honest she didn't care. She liked it. "The city always get mad drivers wanting to get places fast." Bliss murmered with a shrug.

Role Play / Re: [J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
« on: March 24, 2013, 23:43 »
Bliss grinned as Kylar agreed to staying with her. "Yep I am stubborn. Once I make my mind up I don't change it." The petite girl confirmed with a nod of her head. Then she started to pick at her nail vanish, just as she got into her awkward ways again. Pursing her lips, to a point were she looked like a duck, Bliss looked around the room to see what she could at least try and make conversation about. "So where did you come from? I heard a lady on the street you appeared out of nowhere."

Role Play / Re: [J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
« on: March 24, 2013, 22:52 »
"No counting on me being safe. I am a complete klutz!" Bliss chuckled in amausement. Anyone who knows her well enough would know that Bliss could easily trip over her two feet if getting too distracted. Only the small smile that was on her face, disappeared and turned into a frown at what the lad said next. "Don't you have anywhere to stay?" Bliss asked shocked before smiling brightly. "Simple, you can come stay at mine. Repaying favour done!"

Role Play / Re: [J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
« on: March 22, 2013, 00:17 »
"People don't notice me. So why save me?" Bliss questioned but Kylars cheeky remark broke the girls awkwardness slightly as a smile broke onto her face. "Bliss Carter. Now I just have to make it up to you." The girl said as her face lit up with amusement. Kicking off her shoes, the girl crossed her legs on the bed, it sit like a school child again. "So what do I have to do to repay you, Kai?"

Role Play / Re: [J]They All Fall Down...again[Re/F][R]
« on: March 21, 2013, 22:25 »
Bliss glanced to the end of to his bed before glancing back to Kaylars face. She shuffled awkwardly until she was close enough to hop on got the end of the bed and sit there quietly. "Why couldn't you let me get hurt. You don't know me." Bliss states whilst staring at the lad.

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