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Messages - Silverwing Bloodsplash

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 ... 15
Your Sprite Art / Re: Mis recolors
« on: June 19, 2013, 00:33 »
Oah hoah, damn son! Have I got a mass amount of art for you!

1. Kirby-colored Joltik.

2. Lugia-colored Kirby

3. Aron and Skitty-colored Zorua; Aron's gray for the main body, and Skitty's pink and purple for the tufts of fur and eyes.

4. Mudkip-colored Yoshi

5. Skitty-colored Lugia

6. Joltik-colored Jolteon. Now, since Joltik had very few colors, I switched the yellow and the blue.

7. Togetic-colored Skitty

8. Umbreon-colored Togetic

9. Zorua-colored Aron

10. Yoshi-colored Umbreon

Now, these two are special.

11. This Magikarp's colors I created from scratch.

12. A Mudkip with Lugia's wings, Aron's face armor, and the colors of Aron.

I MIGHT do requests pretty soon, but not now, please. I need to work on this more, especially replicating patterns instead of just colors. But soon, k bros? Won't be long now...

Please tell me what you think of my work. This will help me improve it. ^_^

Your Sprite Art / Re: Pokemon Sprite Contest
« on: June 08, 2013, 21:38 »
Is the contest held here? If so, here's my entry.

Might not be that good, but I don't see anyone else submitting sprites here.

Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: June 06, 2013, 19:18 »

We were SABOTAGED. Gaspies!

Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: May 29, 2013, 19:37 »
867. Thanks, bro. :/

Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: May 29, 2013, 00:21 »
865. My last message sounds so wrong... Sorry, bros... ._.'

Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: May 28, 2013, 20:23 »
863. I came too.

Your Sprite Art / Mis recolors
« on: May 25, 2013, 20:12 »
Yep. In my spare time, I made some recolors. Here are two I've made so far.

The first one is a Lugia with the colors of Jolteon and Umbreon. I originally wanted it to be only Jolteon, but the lack of colors made me throw in some Umbreon in there too.

This one is a Mudkip with the colors of Kirby. As we all know, Kirby ain't a Pokémon. So mmm yea.

I might be takin' requests once I'm more confident of my abilities, but not now. I will not be takin' requests at the moment 'til I feel like I'm able to do 'em. Sorry 'bout that.

I have a question. How do you get rid of that white shiz 'round the sprite? I saved these sprites as Bitmaps. Is that why?

EDIT: I've made 'nother recolor. Here it is.

It is a Kirby with the colors of a Jolteon. This time, I have saved it as a PNG. Does it look better?

Make sure your bodies are ready when E3 comes 'round.

Forum Games / Re: The Un-Dictonary
« on: May 24, 2013, 03:32 »
Magic. Yes it is.


301. Play a game of baseball in the electronics section with the ball as a baby.
302. Play a game of baseball in the electronics section with the bat as a baby.
303. Play a game of baseball in the electronics section with the ball and bat as babies.
304. Shove a baby into a television.
305. Shove a television into a baby.
306. Shove a baby into a baby.

Forum Games / Re: How far in before the admins show up?
« on: May 24, 2013, 03:27 »

I'm bringin' sexy back. o3o

Oaaahhhhhh Name Raterrrrrrrrrr......

Whyyy won't you rate my naaaaaaames?

Whyyy are you such a Bidoooooooffff?

I'm juuuuust too sexy for thiiiiiiiiiissssss....

295. Hit babies with frying pans.
296. Hit people with babies.
297. Hit babies with babies.

Forum Games / Re: The Un-Dictonary
« on: May 20, 2013, 23:53 »
An object designed to kill people. Excelent for chopping salads.


293. Steal babies. Then eat them.

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