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Music / Re: Which songs are you currently obsessed with?
« on: August 04, 2013, 16:25 »
Decade - Brainfreeze.

Big tune, after the EP they dropped last year, and this song, I'm stoked for their album later this year.

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: August 02, 2013, 16:20 »
The International 3 starts in like 4 hours and 40ish minutes. I'm so hype to watch the highest level of Dota for the next week or so. I'm stoked.

Random Randomness / Re: Pokémon for Water Aid!
« on: June 14, 2013, 14:34 »
Pretty cool stream, they've moved onto Stadium now, and they'll be doing Emerald next. Definitely check it out.

You're doing a cool thing Kay.

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: June 10, 2013, 13:09 »
E3 in like 4 hours.


Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: May 15, 2013, 00:07 »
today i learned the Museum is free to visit. never knew that. I know what I'm gonna do this summer sometime.

Gaming / Re: Dragon Age 2 or Borderlands GOTY?
« on: April 18, 2013, 18:54 »
I've heard a lot of bad things about Dragon Age 2, and Borderlands was pretty fun, so go for Borderlands for sure.

Music / Re: fall out boys new album april 16th
« on: April 08, 2013, 16:43 »
The official stream went up like an hour ago, check it out here.

Dunno how I feel, it's not the old Pop-Punky Fall Out Boy I grew up with, but they're still good. Can't help but feel there's something missing. Enjoy the Foxes feature. Didn't like the last two tracks. Sure that'll be an unpopular opinion.

i dunno i think it's probably an 8/10 for me, was pretty good but i still wish it was old FOB.

Random Randomness / Re: What's making you happy right now?
« on: March 22, 2013, 08:47 »
School's closed because of the snow /fistpump
man i wish we got snow down here in Bristol

GSTL is on in like half hour, I'm mad hype to see LG-IM beat FXO.

Music / What albums are you looking forward to?
« on: March 21, 2013, 12:22 »
Pretty self explanatory, but what new albums/EPs are you guys looking forward to?

Personally, I'm looking forward to;

The Story So Far - What You Don't See
Senses Fail - Renancer
Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal [even though it leaked ages ago]

I'm sure there are some more albums I'm not thinking of right now, but those are the main ones for me.

Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:32 »
I find the idea of Skype terrifying. Like, I have to SPEAK? Using my voice? D:
You can use it like you would MSN, the voip element is just more of a feature than it was on MSN. The messaging system works perfectly fine though.

Music / Re: Which songs are you currently obsessed with?
« on: March 18, 2013, 22:00 »
Been really enjoying "La La" by "The Cab" and "Destroyer" by "Stolas" today. Stolas are such a good band man, and The Cab make hella catchy pop.

Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« on: March 17, 2013, 16:32 »*/

There's sooo much stuff in the archives, everyone seriously needs to look at this.

holy wow, the forum used to look so unappealing back in 06. So many topics and people I recognise though. It's making me feel old again.

just going through the snapshots of the main forum page is great, seeing who's online at the time is hella nostalgic.

Random Randomness / Re: Photo Topic 1.3
« on: March 16, 2013, 11:24 »
I still had a picture of me with a photoshopped Santa hat on my Facebook/Twitter/Skype so I though I'd better take a new one. Only two months late as well, I'm pretty happy with that.

I should probably shave.

Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« on: March 13, 2013, 03:06 »
I've never been massively involved with the community here but I've enjoyed lurking it for the last, I dunno, 8 or so years? Used to hang out in the IRC a bit but that was a looooong time ago.

Shout out to Sappy, he's my home boy (and I gave him that damn name).

Random Randomness / Re: Photo Topic 1.3
« on: September 08, 2010, 00:56 »
Been a while since I posted here, so here's me as of Friday night, wearing a hat for the first time in yeeeeeeeeeeeears! :D

And no, I wasn't posing on purpose, that was an accident xD

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