Author Topic: Pokemon Diamond Sololocke  (Read 1217 times)

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Offline Meowstic Royalty

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Pokemon Diamond Sololocke
« on: April 28, 2014, 14:33 »
Hello, and welcome to a Sololocke. Because I couldnt think of a better name. This is a new challenge I thought of, but dont give me full credit because I'm sure someone thought of this before me. But I'm doing it anyway.


- I may only use ONE Pokemon, and that is my starter. So I need to choose wisely.
- I may use my starter as much as I want, if it faints, I lose the battle, but unlike a Nuzlocke, the challenge doesnt just end there.
- Any caught Pokemon must be put in the PC as soon as possible.
- As usual, PP and HP restoring items are permitted.
- Shinies can be caught, but like a normal Pokemon, boxed as soon as possible, no matter how much I may want to use it.
- Revives can be used, but obviously not during a battle.


So the game begins with Professor Rowan introducing me to a world I've already lived in for my entire life. I simply mash the A button to skip the unneeded explanation. I've played this game for years, but he still wants to introduce me like I just came out of the womb and magically skipped ten years of my life.

Finally, his stupid introduction ends. I see a news report on the Red Gyarados, which has remained undiscovered. You know, despite the fact that 90% of every Pokemon player has one. Remember this is still back in the generation where finding a shiny had a chance of 1/8192. So I gave up trying to find it this time before I had even started.

After more boring introductions and prantic A button mashing, I end up at my friend's (promptly named "Fart", I might add) house. I reach for the door handle and my dear friend Fart apparently gets something in his eye because he's blind and can't see where he's fricking going.


Okay, we've got our first Pokemon battle! I chose Chimchar, considering we're still in the generation where Infernape is actually useful. Sorry Fire Monkey haters.

Our first Pokemon battle ever, my journey starts here, this will be the best battle ever, the one that begins everything!

Turn 1
- Chimchar used Leer!
- Starly used Growl!

Well that was pointless.

And the "best battle ever" is ended by me simply spamming Scratch a few times. The ten year old girl who looks as if she's in her teens runs back, talks to herself like she's crazy, then runs away as if me and Fart mean trouble. I know Fart has flatulence issues, but thats no reason to run away from me.

So I run, oh wait, WALK back home because apparently I can't run if I dont have specific types of SHOES. I end up back in my house, upstairs being my room, downstairs being the kitchen. Mom sleeps in the kitchen.

More boring dialogue. LO AND BEHOLD, I receive a pair of running shoes which come with INSTRUCTIONS.

Yeah, that would be helpful if I were six months old.


Alright, apparently I have to go to the lab of a man that should've retired years ago.

[More A button mashing because I dont CAAAAAAAARE]

Alright, so I get to keep my Chimchar. How convenient because I wouldn't be able to get back home if I didn't have it.

You know, there's a thought. If there's long grass with wild Pokemon hiding in it connecting every town together, how do people travel if they dont have a Pokemon? Its not like cars exist in this universe anyway.

I get a chance to rename my Chimchar. I really feel like giving it a stupid name, but I decide to give it someone good considering its my only Pokemon I'll ever have, and it'll hate me if I call him Asswipe.

Havoc the Chimchar, welcome to the team.

I check the summary. Quirky nature. Kill me please.

We've got a few more battles going, which just involve me spamming Scratch as usual. I can't wait to get a half decent move.

Alright, a few minutes and one level later, I have my first Pokemon battle. Not like it'll be any good considering, one again, I'll be using nothing but Scratch. Let's see what Pokemon this guy has got.

"Our eyes met, so battle we must!"

Our eyes didn't meet, you were just staring in a straight line for hours waiting for someone to pass by. I was facing the other direction before your dumb ass interfered.

Alright, he has a Starly. Not bad.

Quick Attack gets a critical hit, one more attack and Chimchar goes down.

My heart starts pumping.

Will my journey end before its even started?

Nope, the ever-so-clever trainer spams Growl for the rest of the battle so its poor Pokemon can just die slower.

Battle ends, Bird is dead, Havoc levels up and learns Ember. We finally have a good move, what a miracle!

Anyways, I'll update this thing whenever, I'll show my Pokemon's current status, everything like that, and whatever.

Sololocke Pokemon status:

Havoc the Chimchar (Male)
Level 7
HP - 5/23
Nature - Quirky, somewhat of a clown.
Moves - Scratch (25/35), Leer (30/30), Ember (25/25)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 14:37 by Shiny Mega Gengar »

Needs more Gengar

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Pokemon Diamond Sololocke
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2014, 23:16 »
Wow, this seems like an interesting thing to do. I'll follow this.
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