Author Topic: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]  (Read 23458 times)

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #120 on: January 01, 2015, 21:25 »
Fleur looked around, there was a fire going. However, it was on the other side of the cave. She was starting to feel a little chilly at well. Luckily, there were some fallen sticks nearby, she grabbed them and gathered them into a small pile, then she took another stick and went to the other fire, caught the end of said stick on fire and used that to light the other pile, where she, the charizard and Keira were nearby. The buizel settled down again and then said, "Sorry, just thought that a fire would help warm our friend up." Fleur motioned to Keira, who slept nearby. Fleur then said, "If you would, please tell me your story. You don't have to tell me everything, I just want to get a sense of how you two met and who you are."

Meanwhile, the fire started to warm Keira's body, speeding her recovery up. Her breathing steadied.

((Sorry that's it's mainly filler. Just needed something to float it along a little))
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #121 on: January 02, 2015, 06:54 »
Reiru took the Potion gratefully, and waited as Fleur grabbed a stick to light the fire. When she explained that it would help Keira, Reiru nodded. "More than you probably know. How warm she is... well... This is just speculation, since she never told us outright. That flower she has, I think it's an indicator of how healthy she is. When I first met her, it was black, not quite shriveled, then, after a while with her in a fire, it became white again. It never went that dark again, but while we were travelling, especially through the wintery regions of Sinnoh, it did go ashy grey a few times. And when she was hurt, it would darken as well. Heat helps her recover strength. It's a bit different to the way Flash Fire normally works, but..." Reiru shrugged, and then seemed to process Fleur's question.
"I... Well... Back in Kalos there is... I mean was, a 'camp' of survivors of the Doomsday Virus, run by a Gengar. He took in all of us, taught us how to take the Doomsday Pokemon down, and made sure that if we found survivors, we'd bring them back, and give them what care we could. That's how I met Keira. Innis..." Reiru paused, remembering Innis holding off the Doomsday horde in Johto, yanking fetid water from the ground, pummeling everything that came at him with water and fae energy. Him yelling for them to run, get as far away as they could. His screams as they overwhelmed him. The explosion of water, in his final moments, as he pulled all of the water within a mile to him, attempting to wash away the disease. Fleeing. Pouring rain. Kalea returning to the site, bringing a scoured white stone from the river bed. Painstaking care to carve words into the stone, words in the language Innis had such fascination with.
"An nì a thig leis a’ghaoith, falbhaidh e leis an uisge*. What comes with the wind, goes with the water." She hadn't even realized she'd said it out loud, as sorrow crashed on her like a wave. She hoped Kalea still had the stone, although she couldn't remember seeing it after that night in Johto.
She also hoped that there wasn't enough left of Innis to become Doomsday, because Reiru doubted that she could bring herself to fight the brave Azumarill.
Mei... Luis... Innis... Tanith... Probably Sunny... Arceus knows how many Doomsday... I've got blood on my claws, and no matter what I do, I won't be able to wash it away. If I fail to save Keira this time... I won't deserve this life. There is no making it right, no repentance. If there is a hell beyond this world, then surely the deaths I have caused will send me there.

((*Do me a favor, and don't ask for pronunciation. I can not pronounce Gaelic. Maybe ask Shaymin.))
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 08:50 by OpalRhea »

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #122 on: January 02, 2015, 17:26 »
"So that's what the flower does, likely. Interesting. That should be something to note. What i'm wondering is why she doesn't tell anyone about this. Maybe she doesn't want anyone worrying about her." Fleur says, trying to think. Then the charizard started talking about the survivors, and then some strange saying. The mood instantly grew somber around the fire that the buizel was at. Avoiding that touchy topic of Innis she said, "I'll be right back." She stood up and went to the middle of the cave, where a potion was ready. Fleur swapped it with an oran berry and the used potion then went back towards the charizard and Keira. On the way back, she tripped over something, a bag, Keira's bag of medical stuff and some of her personal belongings. A small book fell out of it, it was written in unown characters, something that Fleur had a small understanding of. She brought it and the new potion over to Reiru. "Hey, maybe this will give us a little information. I don't like doing it, but it could give us a little info" she said, taking one of her knives and began picking the lock that was on it.

She soon finished picking the lock. It wasn't damaged or anything, just close the book and the lock is back in play. The buizel started reading it, looking over each page a few times in order to translate it. After the first page, she started telling Reiru, in a hushed voice so no one else could hear, "It seems as if her parents wrote this. They must've been really smart to write in unown characters." She continued reading, "It also says that lucario was her friend, didn't seem like it. She kept reading, the d-day advancing.... Then finally, something that had no name. It explained something important, what they were looking for. She reads it over and over and then translates, "We have part of it. Here it says that the flower seemed to go dark and start to die as her life force wanes. Plus heat, fire and warmth does help the process out." she reads on then says, "However, keeping a fire stone nearby also seems to help out. There's more, she can tap into her life force or a fire stone to increase her firepower, but doing so will drain her completely and render her unconscious. If too much is used... bad things. So it seems that it's flash fire, but overly complicated. So basically she's frail, but powerful, and there's ways to speed her recovery." Fleur explains. "If you have something to write it down on or in, we may want to do that so we have something to refer to. Maybe keep it in that bag you have?" She points out the bag that the charizard had with her. "You know.... I never got your name. I'm Fleur. Sorry if I seem all over the map, but I just don't want anyone else listening in. So.... what's your name, and do you have anything to write this down on or in?" said Fleur.
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #123 on: January 03, 2015, 02:38 »
"To be entirely honest with you, I don't actually know what's in here." Reiru murmured, slipping the satchel off of her shoulder.  "Before I went to follow you guys... Kalea, the Blaziken you probably saw when Keira was kicking Ryu's teeth in for him... she made me take it. Knowing her, it's probably a general survival kit. ...I hope they're still okay." Reiru mused, pulling the bag open. Her snout scrunched as she recognized the bitter herbal smell that she couldn't help but associate with Kalea's tough love method of healing.  You don't have to like it, but it does the job.
"Hm. Rope, Arceus knows where she got that. Needle and thread,  probably for stitching wounds, you'll need someone significantly more nimble with their hands than I am for that to be any good. Pouch that reeks of bitter herbs, probably medicinal... a roll of bandage, my megastone... good to know where it got to... Why the devil did she give me a Fire Stone? I can't use it. A journal of some kind and..." Reiru froze as she saw the painfully white stone, the size of her closed fist, nestled in the bottom.  "So that's where that went..." she muttered,  and pulled out the journal, to give it to Fleur.  "Will that do for noting down what we know about Keira? My name's Reiru by the way. I did tell you earlier, but it was a bit chaotic, so I don't mind that you forgot."

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #124 on: January 03, 2015, 02:57 »
 "Yeah, seriously..." Nova said to Sixx, opening her jaws in a loud dog-like yawn, finished my a high pitch whine. "It doesn't look like there's too much time left to sleep though. Hopefully since the boss is out cold, nobody will be around to make us wake up early in the morning." She rested her head on her paws, and hear her stomach rumble. She hasn't eaten since the morning that they got to the lab, and despite filling herself up as much as she could, she was undeniably incredibly hungry. She eyed an oran berry on the other side of the room. I'll take it if it's still there in the morning, she thought. She hated the taste of berries, but she wasn't prepared to make a journey on an empty stomach in the morning.

 She had gone days at time without eating or drinking though, so Nova knew she could make it through the night without any meat in her system.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #125 on: January 03, 2015, 03:33 »
"Oh, so you're Reiru...." Fleur said. She thought of all the stuff that Keira had said, some positive, some negative. However, the biggest one was how Reiru had nursed her back to health right before the first journey began. "I've heard a lot about you. Anyways, yeah, that'll work." The buizel took the journal and started writing the information about Keira down in it, and in a hurry, so Keira didn't notice. She finished and put the original copy back in Keira's bag. The fox slept soundly, so it was easy to slip back in. On her way back, her ankle twisted and she fell over, swearing under her breath and aggravating her leg injury. Fleur stood back up and hobbled over to her little camp and handed the other journal to Reiru, also taking the sewing needle and sterile thread, then she went back to where she was and tried not to cry out in pain, she was still injured from the ambush. "I think we should sleep, it's getting late." she said, going to check on her friend.

Meanwhile, Keira had just woken up enough to be partially alert, but not fully. Fleur went down and muttered somethings under her breath, then handed something to Reiru. The ninetales quietly used pain split to help heal her friend's leg a little bit and quickly hushed up as soon as Fleur went back towards her.

Fleur suddenly felt as if she could walk a bit better, she walked over to her friend, checking her over and deciding that she would be fine soon. The buizel  then laid down next to her friend, quickly starting to fall asleep. Keira wrapped her tails loosely around the buizel to cover her, a bit like a blanket and she too started to fall back asleep.

((Hey guys, mind if we timeskip to the morning? If you don't next post can be the skip if that person wants. And remember, dead d-day pokemon are food too!  :yeswink:))
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #126 on: January 04, 2015, 05:11 »
((I've no problem with a time warp. Lemme just post once more for a good bit of characterization. I had typed out a lot more, but then I got logged out. Haha.))

Since the others would require rest, SCRAP decided to return to his duties as guard.
"[Elaboration] While you all rest, I will gua-guard. If a threat is detected, I can *fzzt*."
"Initiating Recovery Mode. Recovery in: TWO *crackle*" SCRAP began humming quietly and a soft blue light eminated from his body, though it wasn't bright enough to hinder rest. Recovery Mode, when used in a non-intensive situation, could be run in the background allowing for other programs to be run while healing. In this case, SCRAP chose to send a message to his creators. His voice was quiet now.
"Space Center Research and Analysis Porygon to Mother, do you copy? Please respond."
Several minutes go by.
"Please respond."
"Awaiting reponse."
"Repond if you are there."

"Awaiting response."

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #127 on: January 06, 2015, 22:05 »
 The sun was rising in the distance, and Nova set out into the forest. She knew that it was dangerous to be out -- she had whispered to Sixx that she was going to get something to eat, but she wasn't sure if he was awake. Probably not. All that Nova new was her stomach felt like it was eating itself, and her mouth was bone dry with dehydration. She listened for sounds of movement, while also keeping watch for anyone that may attempt to attack her from behind.

 The birds were so silent. That was one thing that Nova missed dearly from her childhood. Bird pokemon calling out to eachother in a constant superiority contest. She used to imitate a Fearow's call just to scare them all into silence. However, while Nova once regarded silence as golden, it was more difficult to think that way when the silence was due to massive death.

 She piqued her head up towards the sound of a twig snapping. A small noise, the pokemon wasn't that heavy. Her heart beat with anticipation. She began to slowly trot towards the distant noise, avoiding any stray object on the ground that could cause noise. As she got closer, she could pinpoint the scent. While she couldn't quite identify the pokemon, it definitely had that disgusting, rotting Doomsday smell to it. Nova crept closer, putting her head down lower to ensure that she wouldn't be sighted by her prey.

 It came into sight, and it was a Doomsday Delcatty. Not her normal fare, but Nova was starving. And anyways, a Delcatty was a decent size. Everyone could have some. Nova tried to stop herself from salivating, but the prospect of eating was just too exciting. Nova readied her jaws, because it wasn't going to be an easy pokemon to take down.

 She leaped forward, and landed on top of the Delcatty. It let out a shriek as Nova's weight and jaws slammed onto its body, and eventually it fell over under Nova's heavier weight. Within seconds, Nova had overpowered it, and it was time to bring her prize back to the camp. She grabbed the Delcatty by the scruff, and attempted to carry it, keeping her head up as high as possible. It was rather difficult, but luckily she had remained fairly close to the camp in case an emergency had occurred on her hunting trip.

 Nova arrived at the entrance of the cave, and dropped the Delcatty close to the fire she had fallen asleep at. A bit too hungry to share, Nova got to work eating the Delcatty. They could eat when they woke up.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #128 on: January 09, 2015, 21:33 »
Morning came. It was more midday when Fleur woke up covered by some sort of fur. She soon realized that it was Keira's tails, because she saw the flower, which was only a light shade of gray. The buizel sighed in relief as she pulled herself out. The leg was stiff, but usable. Nova was gone from the cave. Hunting i'd guess. Fleur took her knives and walked out, scouting ahead. It seemed as if there was a river nearby, but there was a bridge to cross, then the boat to get to Johto wasn't too terribly far from that.

Fleur started back when a small flock of about 5-10 d-day tailow were eating near the cave. Looks like we're going to have a feast. Feathers flied, agonizing squawks were silenced and the buizel slashed with her knives and ran with quick attack in a blinding rush. A few got away, but about 6 were dead. She tugged them back to the cave and set them in the middle. Nova was digging into the delcatty that she seemed to have snagged. "Well, looks like we have a small feast." she said, putting the bodies of the tailow down on the cave floor. "We'll get moving once everyone's up and moving." she said flicking a knife to tear open the belly of a pidgey.

((This is gonna go a bit back for Keira, so it may be a bit confusing))

Keira woke up when she heard squawking, more like jumped up. She regretted that, because her body was stiff still. Wait, Fleur left. Knowing that her friend would be back soon, she started looking into her medicine bag. The cure, a shiny purple liquid in a vial was still safe. She had taken the utmost care taking every precaution to protect it. There was another vial, it was a dark blue and marked Chesto Berry Juice, she opened it and took a few drops, and it energized her. As Keira finished reorganizing, Fleur came back into the cave with half a dozen pidgey. She stretched out and went over, Nova had bagged a delcatty. Keira yawned a bit.

"Nice to see you up sleepyhead." Fleur teased. "Next time you want to kill yourself, ask me first." Keira playfully hit her with one of her paws. "Duly noted." she went to the other side of the delcatty and took some of the blood into an empty vial. "Why are you doing that?" Fleur asked, confused. The fox answered her friend: "I saw Abraham in a dream add the blood of a d-day pokemon into the cure, so i'm getting some for later. Plus I want to know if there's anything else useful of it." Fleur was skeptical but left her friend to do so. Keira but the vial aside and starts to eat a bit of the delcatty.
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #129 on: January 11, 2015, 07:30 »
Sixx yawned, rolling over and cracking open his eyes. There was movement in the cave now, and in a few moments he deduced that it was indeed morning. Vaguely, he recalled Nova moving past him earlier and possibly mentioning something about going out, but that had been when he was still in a state of twilight sleep, and he'd almost assumed he'd just dreamed it. But no, he could see the Houndoom was here, gnawing away at some meat that appeared to have once been a Delcatty. He snuffed, pushing himself up onto his hindquarters and shaking out his massive head fluff.

He glanced over at Patrick, and smiled a little as he saw the Sylveon still curled up, snoozing away. Sixx then looked around the rest of the cave, and almost audibly sighed with relief as he spied Keira up and moving, looking much less battered than the day before. He slowly pushed himself up, heading over to where she and Nova were indulging in the fallen Delcatty.

"Ah...Keira," he said as he approached, waving a bit. He licked his lips, his mangled ear twitching a little, "It''s good to see you up. How are you feeling?" Feeling his nerves prickling up again, he reached over to snap up one of the Taillow Fleur had brought in, quietly ducking his snout and tearing into the tender bird meat. He cut his eyes up and watched Keira, hoping for a positive response from the Ninetales.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #130 on: January 16, 2015, 19:03 »
Fleur started eating the meat from the pidgey, and after a few days without meat for her, it tasted like it was of the finest quality. Obviously it wasn't but it was the first she had eaten in a while, so she didn't really care. It took a lot of willpower to maintain composure while she ate instead of eating like a savage. Keira was just about to start on the delcatty when Sixx started talking to her, she spoke, "Good enough." she started eating at last.

((Mainly to keep it going, everyone needs to wake up before we start to travel))
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #131 on: January 19, 2015, 01:55 »
"If you receive this message, please respond." SCRAP continued. For most of the night, while the others slept, he continued sending his messages to the Mossdeep Space Center. He also Recover-ed himself, taking the long hours of nothing eventful to repair his damage slowly as to limit the use of his energy.
"Respond if you are there."
He, unlike the living being around him, didn't draw from biological matter to remain functional. He could use berries, fruit, and other energy-storing foods to refill Potions and the like though. As long as he didn't run at full power for excessive periods, his systems could remain functional for a long time with small periods of rest.
"This is SCRAP calling Mossdeep Space Center, do you copy?"
The others were waking up and some had begun eating Pokémon they hunted down. SCRAP found it strange that they would so readily consume the meat of Pokémon who were tainted with a disease that caused rabies-like symptoms, but he deduced that they had feed before on the meat and found no ill effects.
"Awaiting response…"
A thought popped into his head: he would need a decontamination shower upon arriving at MSC. A space virus on Earth. At the Mossdeep Space Center no less. How illogical.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #132 on: January 25, 2015, 19:14 »
((Let's give this a kick in the pants))

As the rest of the travelers started waking and eating their fill, save SCRAP, who doesn't "eat" in the nonrobotical sense of the word, Fleur started thinking. "Hey, i'll be back in a minute." she says, starting to gather the remains of what was eaten already and taking them into the woods to bury. The smell of the kills might attract unwanted guests, and after last night, that wasn't a good idea. She quickly finished and looked up, about to turn back when she heard a rustling, then woooooosh.

A knife zooms inches from her head and into a tree behind her.

A blue flash emitted from in front of her, the color was an intense blue, but the flash itself was light. The buizel swore under her breath. "Great, him.... Fleur took the knife out, the handle came out, but the blade was stuck in the tree. She groaned and then just chucked the handle back, starting to run off quickly, back to the cave. The buizel barely reached the mouth before saying, in between panting breaths. "Blue flash, knife user, likely wants cure. We need to go, now. empathizing now. Keira groans, "Him again....." she stands, going over to her bag and moving the strap over her shoulder. "Wait a second...." she says, Fleur looks a bit worried. "It almost feels as if it was tampered with. Fleur's heart skips a beat. "What am I saying? I don't have time for this!" Fleur breathes an almost audible sigh of relief, glad that Keira didn't think more in depth about it. She was right, they didn't have time to think about it.
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #133 on: January 25, 2015, 19:41 »
"What's going on?" Nova asked, taking her jaws off of a bone that she had been gnawing on. She assumed this was that Lucario that Keira disliked, and the one who wanted to take the cure from them. I wish he would just back off... we got there first, so it's ours... she thought, getting up on all fours and walking over to Keira.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #134 on: January 29, 2015, 22:20 »
"A certain lucario that's against us, that's what." Keira growled, "Probably wants the cure or me, possibly both." Fleur was standing around, thinking about what to do. Suddenly, her eyes light up. "I've got it! Gimme that." She swipes the scarf tied around Keira's head like a bandanna from her head. "Ey! What are you doing?" Fleur shushes her and ties it around her own head quickly. "A diversion. A small party of you and a couple others stay here while the rest of us run for what's left of the woods. He'll see the scarf and think we killed you, or something like that. He'll pursue, then the small party will head for the bridge and cross and hide along the rocks there until the rest of us get there." Keira seems confused and asks, "How do you know there is a bridge and rocks ahead?" Fleur hastily replies, "It's the way we came and I scouted ahead, now get back and lay low! Whoever's staying stay, the rest follow me!" She bolts out of the and past the lucario, who obviously seemed confused. Keira was about to object, but stayed quiet and ducked towards the back.
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