Author Topic: what's saddening you right now?  (Read 347333 times)

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3360 on: April 13, 2012, 01:31 »
Wow this thread sure makes me feel good about myself working in a  ~dead end job~

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3361 on: April 13, 2012, 02:09 »
Nah, it's worse than Burger King for work apparently =P

as someone who actually worked in burger king for a while i do not believe this one bit
it differs from place to place and if you are lucky you get a manager and supervisor team and fellow staff who aren't (various list of bad words) and working there is bearable but like
no i wasn't so lucky when i was in burger king i ended up with this awful woman and yes lets just leave it at the fact that she was the type of manager who was like YES WE'LL SELL ALL THE ONION RINGS to her line manager and then make it our fault if people literally did not want onion rings omg

fast food is a lot harder than you'd think if anyone here has ever had to work in it you will know EXACTLY what i am on about
you kind of never look at being on the other side of the counter again and whoop you are suddenly understanding when your order gets messed up instead of demanding free meals like everyone else does haha not kidding when i think everyone should have worked fast food or retail at least once in their life so whoop they'd learn some humility for once and know that its not just "a place for wasters" or "har har you made fun out of me in high school"

and omg don't think the childish crap you find in school stops in any manner when you go into the world of work oooooooooooooooooooh no
childish petty grudges can end up getting fairly innocuous people fired i've legit heard stories of people being fired all cos they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and the actual person to blame is still working there and is being promoted and the managers know it was him but they don't really care

Maybe not, but I doubt the longer-term career prospects in fast food are as good as those in other tracks.

There does come a point where most people want to do something more than flippin' burgers. While a job is a job, it's those stuck there for the rest of their lives that are more likely to lose out.
haha ok i've rewritten and deleted and rewritten my reply to this about 10000 times and like
all it boils down to is like

(i mean like i think ive got the point of this post wrong anyway but like eh i need to vent off about this re: work anyhow)

even with a degree like unless you have a standout skill or know the right people or made a different choice 5 years prior then a "dead end job" with no escape is going to be a lot harder to get out of especially if you are a graduate and they fed you with all that bull about a degree making you instantly employable with no effort on your behalf

you've got a chance if you're a pre-uni person working a dead end job
if you're a graduate working a dead end job then its a liiiiiiiiiittlle harder if not a lot harder

like some graudates i know are like "i sent my CV off to three places and none replied harrumph" and its like did they not teach you how to look for a job in uni or something like 3 CVs is a laughable amount like did you write a cover letter did you tailor your CV to that job and they end up going back home and living with their parents for the rest of their lives

jobsearching is a horribly uphill struggle ngl i've been there literally its like if you're an ugly puppy in a petshop like literally no-one will want you unless you have a "cute bark" or w/e

Wow this thread sure makes me feel good about myself working in a  ~dead end job~

haha uh as someone who
i assume
is/was doing the same as i did (working full time and trying to get into uni or equivalent) i have nothing but the utmost respect cos unless you're like under a certain teenager age (so you can get all the under 19 discounts) or have rich parents it is difficult as hell and i offer the most sincere fistbump of compassion to anyone in a dead end job trying to get out omg

literally sometimes the job kills your ability to care about trying to get out any more but like
keep fighting! im rooting for ya.

it legit took me 3-4 years to get to uni all because of certain setbacks and a long story haha but i got there in the end

Like i said earlier thanks guys !

@sylar: i have nothing against people working at mac donalds i just used it to motivate myself to stop being mopey. K

the most sage advice i can give you right now is
you will come out the other end like just try to ignore the crap they give you
if you're a bit unlucky you'll be a bit dented but you get a lot more experience of Life undenting yourself than otherwise and you'll be a lot better functioning then the people who weren't depressed and unhappy in the first place let me tell you that it was a bit rubbish being bullied but i dont think i'd be half the person i am today unless i was bullied a bit in school and had to learn to get on with it

for now just focus on getting through it and DO NOT GIVE UP AT ALL
and make sure you get as much advice and info and plan as MUCH as you possibly can to make sure you are able to do better than the people who annoy you
of course watch out you don't fall into the trap of arrogance too it's a hard thing to get the balance of

like legit if i could tell 17 year old me to watch out for certain things and that other things weren't the way they seemed omg haha and that no don't do all humanities a levels do a science a level
but then i might not have met the people i did this year and haha idk i
don't think i'd be as happy as i am now with the people i know purely by being in the right place at the right time omg

like legit start looking into at least outlining career plans now and researching up about it cos believe me it is never too early to start haha like legit find out the truth not just what leaflets claim

like i was almost going to go into pharmacy before i got told some very good advice and i ended up going into chemistry instead
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 02:17 by xhanatos »

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3362 on: April 13, 2012, 08:31 »

haha ok i've rewritten and deleted and rewritten my reply to this about 10000 times and like
all it boils down to is like

(i mean like i think ive got the point of this post wrong anyway but like eh i need to vent off about this re: work anyhow)

even with a degree like unless you have a standout skill or know the right people or made a different choice 5 years prior then a "dead end job" with no escape is going to be a lot harder to get out of especially if you are a graduate and they fed you with all that bull about a degree making you instantly employable with no effort on your behalf

you've got a chance if you're a pre-uni person working a dead end job
if you're a graduate working a dead end job then its a liiiiiiiiiittlle harder if not a lot harder

like some graudates i know are like "i sent my CV off to three places and none replied harrumph" and its like did they not teach you how to look for a job in uni or something like 3 CVs is a laughable amount like did you write a cover letter did you tailor your CV to that job and they end up going back home and living with their parents for the rest of their lives

jobsearching is a horribly uphill struggle ngl i've been there literally its like if you're an ugly puppy in a petshop like literally no-one will want you unless you have a "cute bark" or w/e

I hope you're aware that my posting has been directed at Pokefin to try and provide encouragement. At that age this was the sort of motivation needed to help stay strong and persevere in spite of the poor treatment from others. While the world of work is more complicated than the idiom may make out - success and whether you're happy at work depend on a lot more than merely grades - it's of little help to someone when they're still faced with about 8 years of the education system to tell them "Hey, it's not that easy even if you do hang tough, but McDonald's isn't bad".

So while I do agree with you,  I'd think the others here have also tailored their posts to the situation, telling people what they need to hear. There can be nothing more demotivating than the bitter truth of poor job markets and employment prospects down certain tracks, but then again that's likely to change completely in 8 years time.

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3363 on: April 13, 2012, 18:22 »
haha most of that post was under the influence of martini

tbh i think i just hella have feels about "dead end jobs" and peopel going AHAHAHA MCDONALDS like sure we're cheering up pokefin by slagging off people who work in mcdonalds but like to people who are like reading this who have "dead end jobs" like its a little depressing to read everyone going AHAHR NERDS and stuff idk
and also to uni students who still have the "mcdonalds is for losers" mindset like this is a sort of "watch out" kind of thing as well

like theres legit nothing wrong with working in mcdonalds like i just am hoping no-one's getting the idea that they're too good for working "dead end jobs" cos thats a dangerous mindset to have tbh

i mean like i did say i needed to vent off about the world of work anyhow but like me wittering on about the graduate world wasn't to pokefin at all tbh literally i thoguht we'd derailed from that a long time ago
like at one point in your life you might have to work a poopy job and like thats ok

maybe i have feels just cos so often i heard some stuck up guardian reading organic food buying SUV driving jerk turn to his son and be all "be careful son and work hard otherwise you'll end up working in this place!!!" pointing to the part-chinese spotty student on tills who worked in our place

and whoop it turned out said part-chinese spotty student actually said "er im doing a dissertation in advanced maths i just work nights to help pay bills" and the customer just made the most hilariously embarassed looking face ever and kind of kept quiet after that kind of thing

like who cares if you end up in retail it might happen for a while until your job opening happens but like it just seemed like the consensus was shaming people in those jobs and that kinda doesn't sit well with me for some reason its like saying slut shaming is ok at a tender age or s/t
you're free to tell me that i'm being a bit too social justice about it haha
and to be honest i probably am and like everyones like "wow xhanatos the conversation moved on like 59 posts ago" but idk i just get a bit ticked off when people start laughing at mcdonalds and burger king
also i'm just worried about collateral like we're all sort of saying "no no pokefin its ok!!! you wont end up i nfast food your bullies will cos they're chumps" but like there are other people like clairefable who like reading all this is like just a little depressing for them lkike sure we're helping pokefin but its just kind of a little at the expense of other people kind of thing and i dont entirely brook that tbh
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 18:54 by xhanatos »

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3364 on: April 13, 2012, 19:12 »
More doubt about what i want to do. My friend says i can still apply for an access to nursing course at college but i've got an unconditional for the art folio one. He says its easy to change though.
I can't decide. With art i'll be doing something i love but do i have talent and will i even get a job if i get into art college?
Then nursing will be new and exciting. I'll be more likely to get a job at the end of it (probably not idk) but it'll be much more rewarding.
Sick of changing my mind, its so hard to settle on one thing ugh the whole 'head vs heart' :| I know i can't get anyone to decide for me i hate this.

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3365 on: April 13, 2012, 23:13 »
Its ok guys im fine now, ive moved on. Tbh i wasnt aming the mac donalds thing at anyone but those jerks who were bullying me, because nearley everyone in my year dont like them so i was just using mac donalds as a -20 years down the line karma thing. I really wasnt aming tgat at any one else so im sorry if i offened you.

Anyway back on topic-tbh nothing is really upsetting me because all of your support <3
  ^-^ Yay im a flying pink thing =-)

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3366 on: April 14, 2012, 01:24 »
My uncle of 9 months, who I have grown quite close to has just passed away from cancer, his doctor gave him a year, he didn't get half of that, and to make it worse he didnt get to go to Rome for the big overdue honeymoon they had planned.

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3367 on: April 16, 2012, 18:19 »
i don't feel like socialising this month
might just be the hormones

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3368 on: April 18, 2012, 20:24 »
I just got two teeth taken out over Easter break, which means that brings the total teeth taken up to...

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3369 on: April 20, 2012, 19:36 »
hatched two chickens on the wednesday (out of four eggs) 
one has splayed feet, so it can't walk properly. it doesn't appear to have a bend at its ankles, and bends at the knee instead 
we're trying to fix it but it doesn't seem to be working due to being unable to get its feet bent flat without it sitting down instead 
it's pretty stressed and we may have to euthanise it 
poor thing 
also i feel quite guilty because it could be incubation problems.. the other chick is fine, but the other two eggs that didn't hatch didn't develop properly 
could be genetics.. they're eggs we bought, not bred ourselves, and the previous ones we've hatched have been okay   
but i don't know 
bless it >: 
EDIT: ending up breaking its neck 
i guess that's that   
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 22:51 by Sebastian Moran »

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3370 on: April 20, 2012, 20:05 »
managed to irritate my best friends in one week, one of whom I actually had a chance with but now don't

distinct lack of attractive homosexuals who also find me attractive in my school and general area


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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3371 on: April 20, 2012, 20:34 »
i dunno really i just i do wan't a girlfriend now.

the past year or so i've really enjoyed my time and now things have changed and i don't like it.

i really do want a girlfriend but just the past two girls who have liked me i just didn't connect with them in that way. i felt bad as well cos they were my friends but i can't force myself to like them can i? i just find it hard to connect with someone in that way enough to like them and i really wish i could now :/

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3372 on: April 23, 2012, 15:29 »
drews gone for the whole vacation week, todays the last day i got with him till next monday :c

on top of that, there's the ever-present fear that he's gonna have to move to lowell.

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3373 on: April 24, 2012, 00:34 »
The dog's arthritis is starting to get worse, fortunately she can still walk but it's just knowing that it doesn't get better. A selfish part of me almost hopes this if she has to die it will be before September so I'll be at home with her for it rather than at uni.

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Re: what's saddening you right now?
« Reply #3374 on: April 26, 2012, 08:59 »
I'm at home in pain, feeling miserable, missing my boyfriend like crazy.
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